Thursday, September 24, 2015

To the victor, Israel goes the spoils, Jewish liberated land - The concessions must come from the defeated Arabs who initiated the war - YJ Draiman

To the victor, Israel goes the spoils, Jewish liberated land - The concessions must come from the defeated Arabs who initiated the war

Oh! if only the Israeli leaders would listen to your voice, the voice of reason and common sense! But NO! They still consider making concessions to their enemies. They still seem to think that they must make efforts to get them to the so-called "negotiations" table, when there is nothing to negotiate. For the Arabs have only one main idea in their heads, namely, "How quickly can we destroy the "Zionist entity" Israel, and thus be able to sla
ughter the Jews and take over their property!"

There can be no negotiations with such people, especially when they make it quite clear that a so-called "2 State Solution" is only the first step towards a "One State Solution", a state that will be run under Islamic Sharia Law, with not a living Jew inside its borders. For they will be either slaughtered or "driven into the sea".

But NO! Israel's leaders are still deluding themselves, stuck with "negotiations"; and the Israeli Army commanders are still mind-fixed that we must not harm their civilians — those civilians (are educated and promoted to commit terror and violence against the Israeli people) who are only too bloodthirsty to spill the blood of as many Jews as they can. "We must not harm their civilians even if it endangers our own soldiers' lives" is their clarion call!

The world would not come to Israel's aid, had Israel been defeated by the Arabs. (Just like the Holocaust 6 million Jews exterminated or the million Jewish families terrorized and expelled from Arab countries and all their assets confiscated including over 120,000 sq. km. of land and most of those million expelled Jews from Arab countries were resettled in Israel and consist over half the population today).

They should learn from Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt that Total War means Total War for both sides!. Those two great men had no qualms about bombing German cities, even Dresden (which was turned into rubble), and Winston Churchill (who reneged on the promise, obligation and duty under international law and treaties to the Jewish people), probably the greatest man of the 20th century (by American standards) is reported as having said during the War "The only good German is a dead one". And only after the War was won and the Nazi menace was destroyed did he talk of "Magnanimity in Victory." And that was after the two Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan, leveling the cities and killing innumerable civilians.
YJ Draiman.


  1. No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel - David Ben Gurion

    No Jew has the right to yield the rights of
    the Jewish People in Israel -
    David Ben Gurion
    (David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as
    the State's main founder).
    "No Jew has the right to yield the rights
    of the Jewish People in Israel.
    No Jew has the authority to do so.
    No Jewish body has the authority to do so.
    Not even the entire Jewish People alive today
    has the right to yield any part of Israel.
    It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under
    no conditions can be cancelled.
    Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim
    they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the
    authority to deny it to future generations.
    No concession of this type is binding or
    obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country - the entire country -
    exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until
    its full and complete redemption is realized."
    (David Ben Gurion, Zionist Congress, Basel,
    Switzerland, 1937.)
    "No country in the world exists today by
    virtue of its 'right'.
    All countries exist today by virtue of their
    ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction."
    “Man can live about forty days without food,
    about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for
    one second without hope”

  2. Who gave the right to Muslims to invade the holy-land and occupy it? International treaties and agreements gave the right of return to the Jews including the Palestine Mandate laid out in the San Remo Conference in 1922 which incorporated the 1917 Balfour Declaration and confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, Plus the 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement, Signed by 52 Nations under binding international law that is still binding today, recognizing the fact of over 3500 years of continuous historic Jewish connection with the land and even so the British government illegally partitioned and took away almost 80% of the designated area and gave it to the Arab population as an additional Arab State to the existing 21 Arab States. Prior to this the Ottomans ruled and owned the land and it was taken from them during the 1st world war.
    The Arab connection goes back to about 690 AD and many other nations occupied Palestine-Israel over the centuries. Jews never opposed the presence of the Arabs but the Arabs attitude was not mutual and has never been.
    Also over a million Jewish families were terrorized, persecuted and kicked out of Arab countries with just the clothes they wore (If they were lucky), Many were murdered and all their assets confiscated, including 120,440 square km. of real estate property, which is more than 6 times the size of Israel and valued in the trillions of dollars.

    Jewish people never completely left Israel around 600 BC – that was the first diaspora when the first temple was destroyed. There wouldn’t have been anyone for the Romans to disperse if your statement were true. The Romans destroyed the second temple and also enslaved many Jewish people. The Romans named Israel Palestine.
    During the Diasporas, many Jews ended up in the surrounding Arab countries, living there over 2400 years, which precedes the creation of Islam by a thousand years. These Arab countries proceeded to terrorize and force out these million Jewish families during the time leading up to and immediately following Israel becoming a state. Many of these people lost their property, homes, etc…. there were actually twice as many Jewish refugees from the Arab countries than there were “Palestinian” refugees.
    As for the late 1800’s…. actually, very few people lived in the swamp-lands and sand dunes that comprised much of Israel during this time. In the early 1800’s Jewish people began purchasing a portion of the lands, improved them with modern agricultural techniques and established settlements. This land was purchased for a hefty price that exceeded the amount they would typically be sold for. The improvements to the lands actually attracted ARABS from neighboring lands. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs moved into Palestine after WWI. After WWI the Arabs received over 5 million square miles of territory, while the Jews received about 75,000 square miles which is Palestine aka Israel. The British in violation of International law and treaties gave the Arabs about 80% of land (east of the Jordan River) originally allocated to the Jewish people and now they want to take some more land West of the Jordan River and give that to the Arabs.
    “Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought.”—Peel Commission Report, 1937.

  3. “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore”

    How many Jewish lives have to be lost before the Israeli government takes a decisive action, no holds barred and zero tolerance? Death to the terrorists and no restraint to terror and violence. A terrorist is a terrorist; the age of the terrorist does not mitigate an act of terrorism, or the consequences thereof. Israel must execute mandatory eviction and demolition of homes, confiscation of property to compensate for the damage and barring Arabs in those areas. Let the Arabs know that if this terror and violence continues, the price will be high and non-negotiable. Stop talking; let’s see some serious action on the ground. This situation is spiraling out of control and the government and its security forces are deliberating and hesitating to take forceful and uncompromising actions. The Israeli government must consider first and foremost the safety and security of its people and not the biased world nations, who throughout history stood idle while Jews were killed, tortured, terrorized and persecuted. Israeli people are trained soldiers; they know how to defend themselves. If the government is not able to stop this wave of terror, it is the Job of the Israelis to defend themselves. This is not Nazi Germany; this is Israel, our own historical land with our own government and a strong defense force, use it and stop the ghetto mentality. Death to the terrorists, nothing less will suffice. May the lord support you in defending yourselves, but G-d helps those who help themselves. Israel must take a strong initiative once and for all.
    YJ Draiman

    Israel should give a 90 day notice the UN and the world at large that it intends to exercise its historical and international rights under the international law and treaties post WWI which are still in effect and have not been superseded. Under those treaties all of Palestine is in effect belongs to Israel. Israel will no longer tolerate the deceptive term of occupation by Israel; it is internationally guaranteed Jewish land liberated by Israel. It is the Arabs who are the occupiers.
    YJ Draiman

  4. Israel has faced over 21,980 terror attacks since September 2000, when a wave of terror started against Israeli citizens right after Arafat was offered an independent Palestinian state.

    To date Israel's concessions and appeasement to the Arabs has decreased the safety and security of Israel's population. It is time to change direction and not worry about world opinion. Do not wait for the world at large to condemn these terrorist attacks, they did not care in the past when Jewish blood was spilled and they do not care now. The security and safety of the people of Israel must be first and foremost above any other consideration. That is the duty and obligation of a responsible government. Deliberating at time of National crisis without a previous set plan borders on dereliction of duty, based on Israel's experience with terror, they should know better. Meanwhile, Israelis are being killed and injured on a daily basis throughout Israel, the people in Israel feel unsafe and the economy is suffering. Get your act together, forcefully with no compromise, now it has to be Israel's way or the highway. Any delay will increase terror and violence and escalate the death and injury of Jewish lives in Israel. Israel must face the facts. The Arabs do not want peace, they want the destruction of Israel, act accordingly with no illusion and fantasy that the Arabs are partners for peace, it is perfectly clear that they are not.
    YJ Draiman
