Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Moral and ethical bankruptcy - YJ Draiman

Moral and ethical bankruptcy

Americans are finding a grotesque echo in the moral – ethical bankruptcy and worse of a substantial sector of American society.
The "moral depravity" of "the Arabs" who kill innocent civilians. It is more than moral depravity. It is a culture that teaches, educates and breeds hate toward other societies that are not like them as they say "infidels".
There is no way this situation should be handled with kid gloves – when a poison strikes your body, you remove it and destroy it completely, leaving no trace of such poison.
History has shown that these types of atrocities and acts of barbarism have increased in the past half a century and getting worse by the day.
With today's advancement in technology and telecommunications, the world has shrunk, events on the other side of the world affect everybody (like the Japanese Nuclear reactor fallout, ISIS barbaric acts, etc.) it affects our health our economy, brings fear and uncertainty to our lives.
The financial crisis we are facing today is the price we pay for years of neglect and government abuse of power.
Is today's society heading toward annihilation, you be the judge?
YJ Draiman
P.S. The Qur'an 17:104 - states the land belongs to the Jewish people

1 comment:

  1. The rights granted to the Jewish people in the Mandate for Palestine aka The Land of Israel was to be given affect in all of Palestine aka The Land of Israel. It thus follows that the legal rights of the claimants to sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem it derives from the decisions of the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers in 1920 San Remo (The Arabs received at that time over 12 million sq. km. of territory) and from the implementation of the terms of the Mandate for Palestine aka The Land of Israel implemented and approved by the Council of the League of Nations.
    In March 1921, in Cairo, Great Britain arbitrarily and without legal authority, decided to partition the mandated territory of Palestine, for international political reasons of its own. Article 25 of the Mandate gave the Mandatory Power permission to postpone or withhold (but not transfer any territory) most of the terms of the Mandate in the area of land east of the Jordan River (“Trans-Jordan”). Great Britain, as Mandatory Power, wrongfully exercised that right.
    For former UN Ambassador, Professor Yehuda Zvi Blum, the rights vested in the Arab people of Palestine aka The Land of Israel with respect to the principle of self-determination were fulfilled as a result of this initial partition of Palestine aka The Land of Israel implemented and approved by the Council of the League of Nations in 1922. According to Professor Blum: “The Arab-Palestinians; have long enjoyed the self-determination in their own state – the Arab-Palestinian State of Jordan”. (Worth mentioning here, in a letter written on 17 January 1921 to Churchill’s Private Secretary, Col. T.E. Lawrence (“of Arabia”) had reported that, in return for Arab sovereignty in Iraq, Trans-Jordan and Syria, King Hussein’s eldest son, Emir Feisal—a man said by Lawrence to be known for keeping his word—had “agreed to abandon all claims of his father to Palestine”. And there was also the January 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement).
