The picture above from our tour in 2008 is the view that tourists most often associate with Israel - the golden Dome of the Rock in the Old City as seen from the Mount of Olives. It is interesting that the most recognized landmark in the Jewish capital city is a Muslim structure. If you look in a "ten o'clock" direction from the golden dome, the large grey dome is the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the tall square tower to it's left is the tower of the Lutheran Church. This view is from the east. The modern city of Jerusalem is on the west side which you can see along the skyline.
Israel is a country of vast beauty, from barren desert to lush farmland, from the Old City of Jerusalem to the modern cosmopolitan city of Tel Aviv, and everything in between. On this page you will find links that will show you much of this beauty and some places and views that you would not normally see visiting as a tourist.
3D Israel Virtual Tours - A web site with 360-degree panoramic view of may locations.

A Walk Around Jerusalem - The Capital of Israel (6:03) - "Unbelievable Jerusalem photography! The people, the sites, amazing!"

Aerial Footage of Israel (2:20) - This is a film trailer but has some great aerial pictures. Check out some of their other videos while you are there. Here are some 3D footage by the same producer.
HD Aerial Footage of Israel (6:49) - This is a longer version and may contain similar footage. This one does not have an audio track.
Note - you need 3D glasses if you wish to watch these:
HD Aerial Footage of Israel (6:49) - This is a longer version and may contain similar footage. This one does not have an audio track.
Note - you need 3D glasses if you wish to watch these:
- Landscapes of Israel (5:48)
- Footage of Jerusalem and Old City (2:23)
- Dead Sea and Judean Desert (2:55)

Al Hamichya (3:38) - "A beautiful video showing the beauty of Israel in connection to our blessing on food!" And it has a nice song too!
All About Jerusalem - This web page has a variety of videos on various sites in Jerusalem. Looks very interesting.

Biblical Archaeology from the Air (4:04) - Some beautiful shots although unfortunately there is a logo that stays in the center of the picture throughout the video.. The video is supposed to be about the Jerusalem Archeological Park however it isn't always clear from the narration what you are seeing at the time.

Caesarea (2:23) - Been there but just the park with the ruins, didn't get to see the other parts of Caesarea

The Dead Sea As You’ve Never Seen it Before (4:13) - "A video has been released on Vimeo by Ori Aloni showcasing the beauty of the Dead Sea which borders the Jordan River in Israel. It’s famous for being the place where King David sought refuge and because it was used as a health resort by King Herod." Check out Ori's other videos at the top of the page. I don't know if there is a relation however here is a second video on the Dead Sea credited to Amir Aloni. Also check out Amir's other videos at the top of the page.

Depths Of The Past - the Archaeological Treasures Of Israel (4:10) - Aerial photography featuring archaeological sites.

Discover Israel - This is cool! It's an interactive short movie. Once you start, you have a number of points where you can select which way you want to go (if not, one is automatically selected.) At the end, click the button on the right to go again and make some different selections.

Driving Around Jerusalem (11:46) - Driving around Jerusalem on Passover, April 7, 2012 - various street scenes.

Ein Gedi Nature Reserve (14:58) - Located near the Dead Sea.

Flying around the Sea of Galilee (4:05) - "Flying a powered parachute around the Sea of Galilee"

The Garden Tomb (14:23) - "If we carefully examine what the Bible says regarding the tomb of Joseph of Aramathea, the tomb that matches all the clues given in the Gospels is just north of the old city. It is known as the Garden Tomb."

The Golan Heights, Winter 2013 (1:58) - Unusual scenes from the air over the Golan Heights covered in snow.

Haifa (5:02) - An Israel Tourism video showcasing Haifa.

HD Footage of Jerusalem (2:53) - Both aerial footage and filming on the ground. Filmed in high definition.
Holy Land Video Contest - Holy Land Pilgrimage web site held a video contest in 2014. Of the 25 entries on their web site in my opinion these two are the best (in no particular order). Video 1 (0:54) Video 2 (0:46)

Israel From Above (5:32) - Incredible aerial photography - you won't see these views as a tourist!

Israel - Sea Of Inspiration (4:09) - A Clip From Israel's Pavilion At Korea Expo 2012.

Israel - Small but Outstanding (6:00) - "Israel, a small country of outstanding beauty, is filled with so many beautiful landscapes. Ancient and new are interwoven into a beautiful mix of humanity and

Israel The Beautiful (27:19) - "Inspirational clips of Israel and her capital city Jerusalem during Israel's feasts and festivals."

Israel, The Holy Land (15:27) - Fantastic video showing many places in Israel. I've been to some but many I didn't even know existed. Here's another similar video (9:53) but focused on places that Jesus went. There are some of the same scenes but also some not in the previous video. Check out this photographer's other video (other Middle East and European countries) here.

Israel Travelogue (1:03:21) - This is an excellent series of videos starting with Jerusalem and then the
West Bank and Galilee areas. Many of these sites are not seen in the group tours. These were obviously posted to YouTube by a visitor from the USA.
West Bank and Galilee areas. Many of these sites are not seen in the group tours. These were obviously posted to YouTube by a visitor from the USA.

Israel Videos - These are a number of videos from the Spanish "Science Television History" YouTube site. If you ignore the fact that they are in Spanish, there is some interesting video here from a tourist perspective. It looks like these were shot during a Spanish tour in Israel in July 2012.
- Jerusalem (1:12:56) - The old city including much time in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Via Dolorosa
- Jerusalem - Israel Museum (6:57)
- Bethlehem (4:34) - Shepherd's Field
- Bethlehem (19:22) - Church of the Nativity
- Ein Kerem (8:53) - Church of San Juan Bautista
- Nazareth (27:04) - Basilica of the Annunciation, and Church of San Jose
- Mount Tabor and the Transfiguration (14:24)
- Capernaum (16:55)
- Tabgha (6:27) - Location of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes
- Mount of Beatitudes(7:27)
- Caesarea (24:37)
- Haifa (10:46)
- Acre (23:38)
- Masada (14:00)

Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem (3:11) - The most crowded gate in and out of the Old City of Jerusalem is Jaffa Gate. Towards the end of World War I, Gen. Allenby descended his horse at Jaffa
Gate and walked in to the Old City of Jerusalem declaring that he will walk into Jerusalem as a pilgrim and not as a conqueror.
Gate and walked in to the Old City of Jerusalem declaring that he will walk into Jerusalem as a pilgrim and not as a conqueror.
Jerusalem 360 - This web site has a very unique interactive tour of Jerusalem. (One of my favourite locations is here - this is Davidka Square on Jaffa Road. There's an interesting story about that mortar you see there. The building you see on the right is theAbraham Hostel where my wife and I stayed on our last visit to Jerusalem. Highly recommended if you're visiting Israel on a budget and don't want to pay the higher hotel rates. It's within reasonable walking distance to almost everything you will want to see. If you take HaNevi'im Street on the far side of the square [can't see in the picture] and walk to the right for 30 minutes, you will reach theGarden Tomb. If you scroll around 180 degrees, that's Jaffa Road with the light rail train. If you walk down Jaffa Road to the left for about 15 minutes, you arrive at Zion Square which is at the bottom of Ben Yehuda Street, a major tourist shopping area. Another 15 minutes farther along Jaffa Road brings you to the Jaffa Gate entrance to the Old City. If you take the train going to the right all the way to the last stop, you will be at Mount Hertzl cemetery and nearby Yad Vashem holocaust memorial. The tall building directly across the street (behind the train) is the Clal Building in which is located King of Kings Pentecostal Church, which we highly recommend. If you walk along Jaffa Road to the right a few blocks you will come to the Mahane Yehuda Market, the main outdoor market in Jerusalem and a place you should not miss. OK, that's a short tourist promotion - there's much more information on the "Visiting Israel" page.)

Jerusalem By Night (3:40) - A selection of still pictures of Jerusalem taken at night accompanied by a music soundtrack.
Jerusalem Experience - This web site explains itself this way: "This is where you can feast your eyes on and take video tours of Jerusalem’s holy sites as well as Christian events taking place here in the Holy City. The purpose of is to convey the excitement of touring Old Jerusalem and its holy sites to people all over the world who cannot afford the time or the cost of flying all the way to Jerusalem." Too many videos to post links here - you'll have to check out the site and see for yourself.

Jerusalem From Above (3:51) - A rooftop tour of Jerusalem provides new perspective on an
ancient city.
ancient city.

Jerusalem From the Mount of Olives (1:40) - A nice short panoramic view toward the Temple Mount (the old city is on the far side). [I've stood in this spot - it's the best view you can get!] Posted on YouTube by David Hutchinson of the UK from his Israel tour. Here are two videos from his trip on Daniel Carmel's boat on Galilee - Video 1, Video 2

Jerusalem Light Festival 2014, Damascus Gate (1:09) - This video is a computer graphic animation that is being shown as a part of the Festival of Light in Jerusalem in June 2014. I've included this short video as it is quite impressive animation. Once you've viewed this video, then go watch this one (6:02) which is the actual program at the Damascus Gate. This animation comes in the latter part of the program.
Jerusalem MP3 Tours - You can watch videos of the various walking tours in the small view screen. You can download to play in a larger screen but you have to register first (free.)

Jerusalem of Gold (5:39) - An interesting selection of still pictures by a Russian tourist set to the song Jerusalem of Gold.
Jerusalem Panorama - This is an interesting view of Jerusalem. Have your speakers on when it opens to hear the instructions. (The hill you see at the top right when it opens is the Mount of Olives.) You can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out (you can zoom in really close) but may have to wait a few moments for the picture to come into focus. The bar at the top left shows what you are viewing in relation to the whole picture - you can quickly drag left or right to reposition. Click on any of the "i" symbols for information on what you see there.
Jerusalem Shots - Jerusalem photo archive

Jerusalem The Movie (Trailer) (7:06) - This is just a sampler of the 3D IMAX movie released in 2013 and now playing in selected theaters. For more information go to and click on "Find a Theater" to see where it is currently playing and upcoming venues.
Jerusalem Virtual Tour (7:30) - "Enjoy the Virtual Tour of Jerusalem by Rabbi Shaanan Scherer"
Jerusalem Virtual Tours - Panoramic view of major Christian sites in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem's Gates (7:31) - "Galyn Wiemers uses maps, photos and video to introduce you to all eight gates in Jerusalem's Old City walls."

The Jerusalem Trail - City of David (3:44) - A portion of the Jerusalem Trail around the City of David in Jerusalem.
Karnei Shomron is one of the most desired places to live in all of Judea and Samaria. Some scenery of the town. (4:41) See herefor location on map.

The Magic of Jerusalem (4:26) - "Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, displays in a new video the magic of Jerusalem as a city that combines diversity with harmony, modernity with history, and as a sacred city that for the first time in history, under Israeli sovereignty, Jews, Christians, Muslims, secular, religious, young and old are living side by side."

Masada – Living History of Israel (9:34) - "Get a bird's eye-view of Masada, the ancient fortress used to fend off the Romans! No trip to Israel is complete without visiting Masada in the Judean Mountain Range."

The Negev - Israel's Desert (7:41) - "Biblical and scenic reasons for touring Israel's Negev desert."

Night Spectacular in Jerusalem (1:45) - This is a short sample of the sound and light show at the Tower of David. We saw this show during our visit in February 2011. Here is a longer video (6:42) with some background and more clips from the show.

Old City of Jerusalem - Video of the Holy Places [22:52] - A video by Zahi Shaked, a tour guide in Israel. Check out some of his other videos - he has lots of them - about 3,400!

Photos of Israel (9:33) - Beautiful photography of Israel by US photographer Michele D'Addario Moser set to music. This is American music but are still beautiful songs. The songs are "The Golden City" from Integrity Music's album "City of Gold" followed by "Jerusalem" by The Hoppers.
Postcard From Israel - "ISRAEL21c’s new ‘Postcard Series’ offers snapshots of Israel, including fun and beautiful places you may have never seen before." Watch the selection of short video clips on this page.

Ramparts Walk, Jerusalem (1:49) - "The Ramparts Walk is one of most popular places in the old city of Jerusalem." You can walk around the top of the walls on the north, west and south sides.

Safed, Israel’s Mystical Holy City (2:18) - "Take a walk with us through the ancient cobblestoned city that is infused with art, music and spirituality."

Samaria - Where History Meets Destiny (7:50) - "Join us on a journey through one of the most beautiful, and diverse areas in Israel. See how history has come full circle in the hills of modern Samaria!"

Scenes From The Holy Land - Photographs by Noam Chen (4:14) - "Scenes and Landscapes from the Holy Land of Israel. Travel/Tourism photos of Israel - from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, from the Galilee to Eilat."

The Secrets of Old Acre (8:35) - "Akko: The Secrets of the City Above and the City Below". A well made video for adults (and children) about the history and beauty of the northern Israel city of Acre (also known as Akko).
This is Israel (6:23) - "Israel is a country with so many stereotypes attached to its name. Our goal is to prove to the world that this is a truly special place in the most real, vulnerable and fresh way possible. This is not a 'tourist-y' video, but rather a look through the lens of young, authentic travelers, having the time of their lives. As young influencers, it’s our responsibility to shine a light on this amazing country, and document positive stories from both the locals’ and foreigners’ points of view." This is slightly different from the other videos on this page but I thought it should still fit here.

Time lapse of Jerusalem (4:09) - Travel video,

Tourist Video - These two YouTube videos were taken in December 2012 by visitors to Israel from Wilson Gospel Chapel in Australia. I thought they were interesting enough to post here. The first is scenery from the drive into Jerusalem which I believe looks like Highway 1 - these people were probably coming to Jerusalem from the direction of the Dead Sea and then through the Derech Har HaTsofim Tunnel before arriving at the Mount of Olives. The second is a walk through Jerusalem. Read the descriptions on YouTube. Part 1 (5:36) Part 2 (6:16)
Virtual Tours - 360-degree panoramic view of various sites.

Visit Hebron Tel Romeida Admot Yishai with Yehuda Glick (33:53) - Rabbi Yehuda Glick was in the news recently as he was shot during an attempted assassination by an Arab terrorist in October 2014. Fortunately he survived the attack.

Walking Tours - These videos were shot with high end equipment and camera stabilization so they are very smooth.
- Jerusalem (14:59) - A walk around the old city at various times of the day from early morning to after midnight - December 2010.

Walk Through the Old City of Jerusalem (28:32) - "Tour the Old City of Jerusalem with Dr. David Reagan on the television show Christ in Prophecy!"

Walking Tour Of Jerusalem with The United West (14:53) - Some interesting perspectives during this 2012 video by The United West organization

Yemin Moshe (1:45) - "Yemin Moshe is an old neighbourhood in Jerusalem that has become known for its magnificent landscape. Yemin Moshe was the first Jewish neighbourhood built outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem."
You'll Never Be The Same (4:34) - This is an Israeli Tourism video set to a powerful song sung by American tenor, Amick Byram.
Zahi Shaked's YouTube Channel - Zahi is a licensed tour guide in Israel and he has posted many videos of places in Israel. You could spend a lot of time here. Have a look.

I wasn't sure what to call this one but it seemed to be an interesting collection of well made videos of Israel posted on YouTube by Nurettin Yilmaz of the Netherlands. Read the YouTube descriptions for more information on each video.

- Part 1 - Tel Aviv, Yafo, Netanya (18:47)
- Part 2 - Haifa, Mount Carmel, Bahai Gardens, Yom Hazikarom, Yardinit (18:32)
- Part 3 - Golan Heights, Tiberias, Capernaum, Jericho (16:53)
- Part 4 - Jerusalem (17:25)
- Part 5 - Jerusalem (17:21)
- Part 6 - Jerusalem (18:26)
- Part 7 - Bethlehem (16:27)
The Music of Israel
Israel is rich with music. There are many styles of music to appeal to many tastes. However this is my site so these are my selections of music that appeal to me. I hope you will like them too. (Note: Some of these songs are sung by Jewish artists who are not Israeli.)

Let us begin with HaTikva ("The Hope"), Israel's National Anthem.
HaTikva (1:28) - This link is on the Knesset web site and has the words and some history. There is a player in the upper left corner but it may or may not work in all browsers.
HaTikva (1:52) - Words in Hebrew transliteration and English
HaTikva (6:44) - This is a long version repeated with words and many great pictures too.
HaTikva (1:28) - This link is on the Knesset web site and has the words and some history. There is a player in the upper left corner but it may or may not work in all browsers.
HaTikva (1:52) - Words in Hebrew transliteration and English
HaTikva (6:44) - This is a long version repeated with words and many great pictures too.

8th Day sings "Cheery Bim" (4:19) - 8th Day is a Jewish Rock group co-founded by brothers Shmuel and Bentzi Marcus. "The band got their start in Southern California where the Marcus brothers grew up in an ultra-orthodox, chassidic home. What started as a fun family project, has now become a global phenomenon as their fan base continues to grow all over the world. 8th Day's fresh and unique sound is complimented by their catchy lyrics (mostly English with some Hebrew and Yiddish mixed in) and their spirited vocal harmonies." Their web site

Band of the Corps of the IDF sings Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" (5:11) - They do a great cover of this song in Hebrew.

Boys Town Jerusalem Choir sings "Dayenu" (3:15) - Much of the video for this song was recorded in the Judean Hills. Actually, the location was Genesis Land, a tourist location not far from Jerusalem on the way to the Dead Sea. We have visited this location twice on tours to Israel. Had a nice chat with "Abraham" on the first trip!.

Shlomo Carlebach Erev Yom Kippur special concert in 1971 near the old city Jerusalem (8:41) - Shlomo Carlebach, known as Reb Shlomo to his followers, was a Jewish rabbi, religious teacher, composer, and singer who was known as "The Singing Rabbi" during his lifetime (1925-1994).

Daniel Carmel, "The Fisherman From Galilee - A great singer/songwriter in Tiberias, Israel. He has the only Christian-owned tour boat company on the Sea of Galilee. We sailed on his boat "Faith" during our Israel tour in 2008 and again in 2011 - one of the highlights of the tour! To sample his music, click here.(Click on the Demo(audio-cd1) link to sample his first CD. click on the CD picture to sample the second CD - then click the music symbol to select the song and again to play it.) Click here to listen to his song "Ruler of the World" (4:53) and watch a promotional video for his company, Sea of Galilee Worship Boats. Visit his web site - click his name above. (At the time this is written, the shopping cart is not yet active.)
Search for Daniel on YouTube - you can find a variety of his songs there.
Here is a 2010 interview (13:40) between Dan Stolebarger and Daniel Carmel for Young Lions. Daniel is telling his story.
Here are two more good videos of Daniel posted on YouTube by David Hutchinson of the UK from his Israel Tour - Daniel is singingAmazing Grace (6:08) and How Great Thou Art (5:24).
Search for Daniel on YouTube - you can find a variety of his songs there.
Here is a 2010 interview (13:40) between Dan Stolebarger and Daniel Carmel for Young Lions. Daniel is telling his story.
Here are two more good videos of Daniel posted on YouTube by David Hutchinson of the UK from his Israel Tour - Daniel is singingAmazing Grace (6:08) and How Great Thou Art (5:24).

Matti Caspi sings "Noah" (3:14) - This song is from Matti's first album in 1974 with backup singers the Chocolate-Mentha-Mastic Trio. The video is in black and white. Matti Caspi is an Israeli composer, musician, singer, and lyricist. Born in 1949, he is regarded as one of Israel’s top musicians. His music style is difficult to classify.

The Darom Duo sings "Sisu Et Yerushalayim" (3:32) - I could not find any information about this group except that their names appear to be Danny Gola and Zion Zadok. Based on the artwork, this was from a vinyl record album which means that they were a group from around the 1970's and probably made few recordings. There is another version available here that shows them in concert however the audio volume is much lower. I thought this was a nice song so included it here.

Udi Davidi sings "One Can Mend" (3:48) - Udi Davidi (born 1975) is considered one of the most prominent singers of Jewish music among creative artists. (No video.)

Gad Elbaz sings "Open Up" (5:35) - Gad Elbaz is an Israeli Jewish singer of Sephardi origin and son of Mizrahi singer, Beni Elbaz. More music available on his web site here.

Mei Feingold sings Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" (3:48) - Mei Feingold represented Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 (with another song) but didn't make it to the final.

Dudu Fisher sings "Yerushalayim" (1:50) - David "Dudu" Fisher (born 1951) is an Israeli cantor and stage performer. This is a short children's song from "Dudu Fisher's Kindergarten - Jerusalem", a 48-minute DVD in his children's series.

The Fountainheads are a group of young Israeli singers, dancers, and musicians, all graduates and students of the Ein Prat Academy for Leadership, who have joined forces to create new Jewish artistic content for today's Jewish world. They are most noted for their 2011 Rosh Hashanah song "Dip Your Apple", named by YouTube as the number one most viewed video in Israel in 2011. Visit their web site here. Many songs are written for Jewish holidays.
I Gotta Feeling (2:38) - 2010 for Hanukkah
Raise Your Mask (2:46) - March 2011 for Purim
Dayenu, Coming Home (2:56) - April 2011 for Passover
Dip Your Apple (3:13) - September 2011 for Rosh Hashanah
Light Up The Night (3:25) - December 2011 for Hanukkah
Breakin' Free (3:31) - March 2012 for Passover
Livin' in a Booth (3:06) - September 2012 for Sukkoth
Hope (2:35) - April 2013 for Yom Haatzmaut
Tonight (2:56) - September 2013 - Title song for the "Chipus Mitkadem" TV series on Israeli Channel 2
I Gotta Feeling (2:38) - 2010 for Hanukkah
Raise Your Mask (2:46) - March 2011 for Purim
Dayenu, Coming Home (2:56) - April 2011 for Passover
Dip Your Apple (3:13) - September 2011 for Rosh Hashanah
Light Up The Night (3:25) - December 2011 for Hanukkah
Breakin' Free (3:31) - March 2012 for Passover
Livin' in a Booth (3:06) - September 2012 for Sukkoth
Hope (2:35) - April 2013 for Yom Haatzmaut
Tonight (2:56) - September 2013 - Title song for the "Chipus Mitkadem" TV series on Israeli Channel 2

Choni Goldman Sings "Nisbia" (4:42) - "Choni Goldman, winner of the title Jewish Star of 2012, has released his first music video which was filmed in the oceanside Brooklyn neighborhood of Brighton Beach. Choni’s quick rise on the public stage comes on the heels of youthful endeavors, among them singing as an 11-year-old with Mordechai Ben David at a concert in his native city of Johannesburg, South Africa. A seasoned chazzan as well, fans say his honey golden voice, free flowing style and comfortable stage presence, produces a refreshing synergy that pulsates through his performances."

Ari Goldwag sings Chanukah Light (3:16) - Ari Golwag is from New York and had been a star-soloist with the Miami Boys Choir. See biography here. His website is here.

Sarit Hadad sings "I'm Wishing You" (4:14) - "Sarit Hadad is an acclaimed Israeli singer. In October 2009, the Israeli Music TV Channel (Channel 24) crowned Hadad 'best female singer of the 2000s'. She typically performs Mizrahi music." Here are a few more of her songs.
"Sh'ma Yisrael" (4:46) "Malahe Shamayim" (4:24) "Nizuz a'Haim" (5:17)
Many more on her YouTube channel here. (It's in Hebrew!)
"Sh'ma Yisrael" (4:46) "Malahe Shamayim" (4:24) "Nizuz a'Haim" (5:17)
Many more on her YouTube channel here. (It's in Hebrew!)
Hassidic Music Mix (7:28) - A mix of several Hassidic songs. The beat is fantastic. (No video.)
If you liked that one, here are three more long collections (audio only)
Volume 1 (43:50) Volume 2 (32:56) Volume 3 (34:02)
If you liked that one, here are three more long collections (audio only)
Volume 1 (43:50) Volume 2 (32:56) Volume 3 (34:02)
Israel in Songs - A collection of various Israeli music in themed selections. Read the descriptions on the YouTube videos.
Part 1 - Chassidic Songs (14:06)
Part 2 - Pioneer Songs (15:38)
Part 3 - War & Peace Songs (12:09)
Part 4 - Mediterranean Songs (5:06)
Part 5 - Israeli Folk Songs (22:32)
Part 1 - Chassidic Songs (14:06)
Part 2 - Pioneer Songs (15:38)
Part 3 - War & Peace Songs (12:09)
Part 4 - Mediterranean Songs (5:06)
Part 5 - Israeli Folk Songs (22:32)

Shlomo Katz sings "There Will Be Heard" (3:57) - "Shlomo Katz was born in New Jersey. His family moved to Israel when he was nine years old and he has subsequently moved back and forth between Los Angeles and Israel." He is a band leader and singer/songwriter.

Yehudah Katz sings "Midnight Escape" ("Bachatzi Halayla") (3:40) -"Words by Yehudah Katz and Roi Levy, music by Moshe Shur. This video depicts a cherubic messenger delivering freedom's light to those in need of her precious gift. Each one spontaneously runs to the source...Zion, which also brings them together and connects them. This contemporary take on our Passover liberation, 'in the middle of the night', renews the message that we are freed so that we may run to be our real selves; to love the Land; to cherish our peoplehood; and to get as close to our maker as we possibly can." Yehudah is the founder and leader of the popular Israeli Jewish rock and soul band Reva L’sheva.

Key Tov Orchestra with Elliot Dvorin performs a Hanukkah Song Mashup - Dance Spectacular (4:27). This is a Chicago band and Elliot Dvorin is the bandleader and musical arranger. Check out their web site and sample their music on the Music page (the first dozen pieces sound very similar but I love the beat) and then check out their Videos page - there are lot of them there.

Kol Berama Boys Choir - From their web site: "The Kol Berama Boys Choir was established in the year 2000. With an underlying theme of achdut, togetherness, the choir consists of over 20 boys from almost 10 schools in the Ramat Beit Shemesh and surrounding areas. Adir Bamarom, Kol Berama's first CD, was released in 2006. The choir practices weekly and performs during the year throughout Israel." (Beit Shemesh is not far from Jerusalem.) The link above will go to their web site where you can play some samples of their songs. There are two YouTube videos available here (singing "Yesh Tikva") and here (singing "Maaminim") however they are outdoor performances and the audio quality suffers a bit.

Liel Kolet singing "Elohim Sheli" (4:38) - This is a great song. Check out the other videos on her YouTube channel.
Listen also as Liel sings "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem City of Gold)" (4:04), the song written by Naomi Shemer and made famous by singer Shuly Nathan (see below).
Listen also as Liel sings "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem City of Gold)" (4:04), the song written by Naomi Shemer and made famous by singer Shuly Nathan (see below).

Daliah Lavi singing the popular poetic hebrew love song "Erev Shel Shoshanim" (Evening of roses) (3:15). This song was recorded in 1974 on her album "I'm Israeli, I'm a sabra". Now age 71, she has retired from singing and acting.

Simcha Leiner sings "Simcha L'Artzecha" (4:55) - His YouTube channel describes this song as "This music video artistically depicts the career of Simcha Leiner. After writing his mega hit song Kol Berama while in yeshiva - Simcha's music career took on a life of its own. Hundreds of weddings later, Simcha has become an accomplished artist." Check out his YouTube channel here. His web site is here.

Baruch Levine (5:24) - I don't know the name of this song that he's singing at this function but it's a nice song. Baruch is an American Jewish rabbi. Here is a link to a downloadable CD that can be purchased and has samples of the various songs.

Maxim Levinsky sings "Yerushalem" (3:47) - Young Israeli tenor singer. This is a very nice song.

The Maccabeats are an American Jewish all-male a cappella group based out of New York's Yeshiva University noted for their 2010 Hanukkah song "Candlelight" (3:42). Originally formed in 2007 as Yeshiva University’s student vocal group, the Maccabeats have recently emerged as both Jewish music and a cappella phenomena. Also check the following music videos"
"Purim Song" (4:16) - 2011
"Book of Good Life" (4:06) - 2011
"Miracle" (3:12) - 2011
"Les Misérable, A Passover Story" (5:41) - 2013
"Cups (D'ror Yikra)" (1:47) - 2013, This is a Shabbat song.
"Lecha Dodi" (3:25) - 2013, This is a beautiful Shabbat prayer - Here is some information about it on Wikipedia.
"At the invitation of the Jewglers (the Jewish group at Google) and the Talks At Google program, the Maccabeats performed at the Google NYC Chanukah Party on December 2, 2013, the sixth night of Chanukah." Here is the video from that performance (35:37)
"Purim Song" (4:16) - 2011
"Book of Good Life" (4:06) - 2011
"Miracle" (3:12) - 2011
"Les Misérable, A Passover Story" (5:41) - 2013
"Cups (D'ror Yikra)" (1:47) - 2013, This is a Shabbat song.
"Lecha Dodi" (3:25) - 2013, This is a beautiful Shabbat prayer - Here is some information about it on Wikipedia.
"At the invitation of the Jewglers (the Jewish group at Google) and the Talks At Google program, the Maccabeats performed at the Google NYC Chanukah Party on December 2, 2013, the sixth night of Chanukah." Here is the video from that performance (35:37)

Miami Boys Choir sing "Hinei" (5:43) - Yerachmiel Begun & Miami Boys Choir
Now that you've listened to that song, here's the Miami Alumni Choir singing the same song (5:04). These young men were all former members of the boys' choir, now singing together as adults.
Now that you've listened to that song, here's the Miami Alumni Choir singing the same song (5:04). These young men were all former members of the boys' choir, now singing together as adults.

Milk and Honey was an Israeli singing group consisting of Re'uven Gvitrz, Shmulik Bilu and Yehuda Tamir. The group performed with Gali Atari at the Eurovision Song Contest 1979, where they won with the song, "Hallelujah" (3:49). Here is an English version (3:25). They entered the contest again in 1981 with the song "Serenada" (3:04) with female vocalist Lea Lupitin and finished in 4th place. They entered once more in 1989 with the song, "Ani ma'amin" (3:34), again with Lea Lupitin (pictured here) but finished in 8th place this time.

Ohad Moskowitz sings "Kel Haodaot" (2:07) - Ohad is a Jewish singer originally from Belgium (don't know where he presently lives) and this site will play a long "playlist" beginning with the song indicated. You can find some more information at his web site here. You can check out the sample clips on his four albums (discography) and there are some videos also.

Shuly Nathan singing "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem City of Gold)" (5:16) - Shuly's fame came overnight, when songwriter and composer Naomi Shemer had listened to one of those radio programs she knew that Shuly's voice was the one to sing her new song about Jerusalem. Shemer demanded that Shuly sing at the 1967 Israeli annual Independence Day song contest held in Jerusalem. It was to be sung during the intermission as an out of contest song, to entertain the audience. The song was so well received, it cast a shadow over the whole contest, and Shuly was asked to sing it again while the whole audience stood and sang with her. The song's name was "Jerusalem of gold". Two weeks later the 6-Day War broke out and the song became the hymn and prayer of that war, especially the yearning for Jerusalem to be freed and reunited. "Jerusalem of Gold" being so beloved became an “unofficial hymn” of Israel, only second to the “ HaTikva”.

Nirkod LaShalom ("Dance for Peace") (2:28) - Sung by Aura Levin-Lipski (Melbourne, Australia). This video was performed in Melbourne. This folk dance was a finalist in the 2008 dance competition in Karmiel, Israel. Please go to the Nirkod LaShalom web site for more information and the lyrics.

"Oseh Shalom" (4:13) - To mark Israel’s 60th anniversary in 2008, the former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, Sir Jonathan Sacks, produced a double CD “Israel – Home of Hope” that used the power of words and music to tell the extraordinary and inspiring story of the modern State of Israel. This song is the finale. This was recorded in 2008 to celebrate Israel's 60 anniversary. For more information see these web sites -here, and here.

Pella Singers singing "8 Nights of Hanukkah A Capella Mashup" (4:04). The Pella Singers are Jewish a cappella singers in the US.

Moshe Peretz duet with Agam Buhbut (4:38) - "Agam Buhbut (her name means “lake”), 9 years old from Beer Sheva sings this beautiful song in duet with the composer, Moshe Peretz. Agam, is from the Israeli reality show 'music school' and Moshe is her coach on the program." This quote is from the Israel Video Network page where I found this video. I believe the song is titled "Little Girl". I have intentionally used a link that includes a playlist of many more Moshe Peretz videos - enjoy.

Jonathan (Yonatan) and Aaron (Aharon) Razel with the band "Ali Sheikh Special" sing "Serve the Lord With Joy!" (3:17) - Brothers, Yonatan and Aharon are Israeli singers/songwriters/musicians living in the Nachalot neighbourhood of Jerusalem. I could find no information on the band "Ali Sheikh Special".

Boris Savchuk plays "Hallelujah" (3:39) - Boris Savchuk is a Jewish violinist (couldn't find any background on him on the Internet) and this was recorded at a live concert. "Hallelujah" is an Israeli folk melody that was also made popular by the group Milk and Honey (see above). Here (3:27) is another link of him performing a Chassidic melody in Jerusalem.

Sheves Achim is the name of this dynamic group, from Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), comprised of two brothers, Shimon and Moshe Bell. They have both sung for a number of years, as star soloists in the Kol Berama choir of Bet Shemesh, as well as Shira Chadasha Boys Choir. This song is called "Modim" (6:15) from their album "Sheves Achim" released in 2008. They sound a little younger than they appear in this picture! Compare with the matured voices in the song "Beshui" (4:12) from their album "Sheves Achim 2" released in 2011.

Shira Chadasha Boys Choir (5:59) - This is the premier boys' choir in Israel. They're a fantastic group. Please visit their web site here to listen to more of their music.
"Yiboneh" (4:01)
"Yiboneh" (4:01)

Shira Choir - No, this is not the boy's choir above ... this is another group from Brooklyn, New York. Search for them on YouTube for a variety of videos of their music. Here are just a couple ...

ShoobyDoobShloimy (Mark Samowitz) sings the Chanukah Miracle (3:42) - OK, it's a really dorky sounding stage name but it's a great song. He specializes in educational Jewish kids songs.

Yaakov Shwekey sings Lo Yaavod (5:03) - Yaakov Shwekey is a Jewish American recording artist, and musical entertainer. Through his father, he is of Egyptian and Syrian Sephardic heritage, although his mother is Ashkenazi. He was born in Jerusalem but raised in the US. He began his career singing with the Miami Boys Choir.

Singers Ha'Mezamrim (3:28) - Don't know the name of the song or much about the group. But it's a catchy beat. A web posting in 2012 said "Singers Ha'Mezamrim Music Video - FDD productions introduce their latest addition to Jewish Music. A brand new group called “Singers” consisting of four singers Elior Itzkowitz, Chaim Shlomo Mayce, Itzik Tzinwirth and Moily Dahan."

Ben Snoof sings Im lo a'ale (If I Will Not Raise Jerusalem) (3:19)

Songs From The Book of Psalms - A collection of songs based on Psalms.
He Who Keeps Israel (Hine Lo Yanum) (3:32)
Let The Heavens Be Glad (Yismekhu Ha-Shamayim) (2:34)
I Will Lift Up My Eyes To The Mountains (Esa Eynay) (3:42)
He Who Keeps Israel (Hine Lo Yanum) (3:32)
Let The Heavens Be Glad (Yismekhu Ha-Shamayim) (2:34)
I Will Lift Up My Eyes To The Mountains (Esa Eynay) (3:42)

StandFour sings "Eight Nights - Hanukkah Mashup" (3:25) - StandFour is an American a capella group from New York City made up of four former members of Yeshiva University's all-male a capella group The Maccabeats. Formed in November 2012, the group is composed of four graduates of the university: David Block, Noey Jacobson, Nachum Joel, and Immanuel Shalev.
StandFour is largely popular among the American Jewish community. This song sounds very similar to the "8 Nights" by the Pella Singers but if you listen, it is different.
StandFour is largely popular among the American Jewish community. This song sounds very similar to the "8 Nights" by the Pella Singers but if you listen, it is different.

Shimi Tavori singing "Shabat Matana" (4:01) - Shimi Tavori is an Israeli singer of Yemenite Jewish origin. He performs in Hebrew and French mostly in the Mizrahi music tradition, considered one of its biggest stars. This song is from the album "Ma Cherie" released in 2005. (No video.)

YaChad (Yeshiva College Boys High Acapella Group) from South Africa sings "Dror Yikra" (1:59), cover of Maccabeats adaptation of 'When I'm gone' by A.P. Carter. See the Maccabeats listing above for their version "Cups".

Yeshiva Aish HaTorah students singing "Shana Tova 5773" (2:44) - Shana Tova is the Rosh Hashanah greeting meaning "have a good year" and 5773 is the Hebrew year beginning in September 2012.

Yeshiva Boys Choir singing "Amein" (4:06) - This is a Jewish choir in the United States and these guys are fantastic. On this song, there are no musical instruments - watch the video, all instrument sounds are vocal.
"Adon Olam" (3:09) which I believe is also sung here by the Yeshiva Boys Choir. The video doesn't identify the artist however if you compare it against this video (which has somewhat poorer quality audio) it sounds in my opinion like the same group. The title translates "Master of the Universe" and is a Hebrew prayer and can be sung to a variety of tunes.
Also try this song "Those Were the Nights (of Chanukah") (4:42)
"YI-HA-LI-LU" (5:04) - New in 2014!
"Adir" (5:23) - Also new in 2014
"Adon Olam" (3:09) which I believe is also sung here by the Yeshiva Boys Choir. The video doesn't identify the artist however if you compare it against this video (which has somewhat poorer quality audio) it sounds in my opinion like the same group. The title translates "Master of the Universe" and is a Hebrew prayer and can be sung to a variety of tunes.
Also try this song "Those Were the Nights (of Chanukah") (4:42)
"YI-HA-LI-LU" (5:04) - New in 2014!
"Adir" (5:23) - Also new in 2014
The following links are a mix of other good music, either by non-Israeli singers or I don't know the singer or the title.

Al Hamichya (3:39) - The singers are not identified but it might be the Kol Berama Boys Choir. Video contains various scenes of Israel. "Religious Jews say this blessing everyday on many food items. What a beautiful video showing the beauty of Israel in connection to our blessing on food."

Crazy Wedding Dance (5:09) - Yes, that's what it's titled on YouTube. This is a group of Israeli men performing at a wedding. There were no credits to the Jewish music so I don't know the song. There's even a bit of Irish "Lord of the Dance" tossed in near the end. These guys are good (well, maybe not so much on the Irish).

Incredible IDF Wedding Proposal (4:21) - I have no idea what this song is but the video appears to be taken from a television show. It's an excellent performance and wait for the surprise near the ending.

Israel Defence Forces - The Best in the World (3:33) - The video is a collection of quick clips however the music is great ... crank up your volume! But the song seems to end rather abruptly shortly before the end of the video.

Christy Espinosa sings "Yerushalayim (3:27) - OK, this is not a Jewish singer or a Jewish song. Christy Espinosa is a Christian singer/songwriter in the US. I have included this one because it's such a nice song about Jerusalem.
Visiting Israel
On this page I am going to include some general information on travel to Israel which I hope might be useful if you are interested in a visit. I also am going to include some information on our trips to Israel. After all it's my site and I can put here whatever I want! OK, enough with the attitude, but I do hope you might have some interest in what I've included here.
This picture is an aerial view of Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. No, I didn't take this one - I "borrowed" it from the Internet. It was much better than mine!
This picture is an aerial view of Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. No, I didn't take this one - I "borrowed" it from the Internet. It was much better than mine!
(Travel information last updated: November 22, 2014)
I am no travel expert but what I have presented here are some things we learned on our travels and some things researched from the Internet. My wife and I have been to Israel a number of times. Our first two trips were with Christian ministry tours, in 2008 with New Day Ministries and in 2011 with Bridges for Peace. Both were excellent trips. If you want to see pictures from these trips, I have PowerPoints from the 2008 trip and video's from the 2011 trip. Go to our Travel page and follow the links there. We recently went on our own this time for two weeks of vacation entirely in Jerusalem in September 2014. In addition My wife visited Israel in 2012 and again to Jerusalem for a month in 2013. So together we have accumulated a bit of knowledge on Israel travel.
So, would you like to visit Israel?
OK, that's the easy question. If you're interested in this web site the answer is probably "yes".
The next question is a little more complicated. Are you ready to seriously consider making the trip? That means that you have given the matter more thought and you have the time (usually the easier part) and are financially able (often the more difficult
part). If the answer is still "yes", then I hope you will find what follows here to be of some value to you in researching and planning your trip. For some it may be a chance in a lifetime trip. For others you may be fortunate enough to be able to return again. In either case, you will find it a trip you will always remember. (Even if the answer now is "no", I hope you will still find some of this page of interest.)
The next question is a little more complicated. Are you ready to seriously consider making the trip? That means that you have given the matter more thought and you have the time (usually the easier part) and are financially able (often the more difficult
part). If the answer is still "yes", then I hope you will find what follows here to be of some value to you in researching and planning your trip. For some it may be a chance in a lifetime trip. For others you may be fortunate enough to be able to return again. In either case, you will find it a trip you will always remember. (Even if the answer now is "no", I hope you will still find some of this page of interest.)
So assuming the answers are still a "yes", question number three then is to decide how you prefer to travel. Would you prefer to travel with a group on a tour where the itinerary is all prearranged for you? Or are you a seasoned traveler and are comfortable traveling on your own to a foreign country? We started out definitely in the "tour" category but now we are a little more confident on our own - at least traveling to Israel!
What follows is sort of a random mix of information which I hope will be a little helpful however I strongly recommend that you use the power of Google to do your own research. There is a vast wealth of information, pictures, etc. on the Internet.
* Some of this information based on the assumption that you are traveling from Canada.
What follows is sort of a random mix of information which I hope will be a little helpful however I strongly recommend that you use the power of Google to do your own research. There is a vast wealth of information, pictures, etc. on the Internet.
* Some of this information based on the assumption that you are traveling from Canada.
If you are thinking about visiting Israel, one question I'm sure you will ask is "Is it save to visit Israel?" We say a resounding "YES" to that question. There are incidents of Palestinian violence reported in the media but what you do not hear in the media is that these incidents are not happening in the areas where the tourists normally go. If you are with a tour group, you will not be taken to any unsafe areas. If you go on your own, the normal tourist areas are safe - we recommend you do not go into East Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank".) I recommend if you have any concerns, please read this article published in December.
Visit Israel With a Tour - Click this link for more information on this topic.
Visit Israel On Your Own - Click this link for more information on this topic.
Basic Israel Travel Information
Passports, Visas, Health, Medications, Safety and Security, Weather, Water, Time and Opening Hours and Public Holidays, Communications
Keshet - The Center for Educational Tourism in Israel - This is an organization in Israel that offers local tourism however this page on their site has some useful information on many of the topics mentioned above all conveniently located on one page. - This is the official web site of the Israel Ministry of Tourism. Select "USA/Canada" in the language box, then the "Before You Go" tab and there is much useful information on the left menu for potential travellers. Check out the other tabs also.
Keshet - The Center for Educational Tourism in Israel - This is an organization in Israel that offers local tourism however this page on their site has some useful information on many of the topics mentioned above all conveniently located on one page. - This is the official web site of the Israel Ministry of Tourism. Select "USA/Canada" in the language box, then the "Before You Go" tab and there is much useful information on the left menu for potential travellers. Check out the other tabs also.

The Israel App (2:22) - "Download Israel App for a fantastic resource on your iPad or iPhone before, during, and after your trip! You can plan your trip before you go—Israel App is the ultimate reference and trip planner. While you're in Israel, the app always knows what's around you, enriching your experience like nothing else on the market. When you come back it's the perfect multimedia memento for reliving your visit."
This app is completely free. I have downloaded this to my iPad and it's great even if you're not going to Israel. It includes many, many sites (a lot that I'm sure you've never heard of) and each has a few pictures, a text description, and an audio narration of the text ... sort of your own tour guide. It's great. However it seems to be difficult to find the app. While I did not use it extensively on our recent trip in September 2014 I did learn about some additional useful features in it. For instance, if your mobile device has GPS enabled, the Israel App's map will show you your exact location and it will also then indicate which sites are nearby.
If you have an Android phone or tablet, you can get that version from Google Play here.
When I searched for it on my iPad using the "App Store" I could not find it. The only way I found it was to go to this iTunes web pageon my PC and click the "View In iTunes" button. It opened in iTunes where you can then download to your computer and then sync it to your iPad or iPhone.
City Walk - Here is another useful app for your mobile device. This app has maps, information on things to see, shopping, restaurants, etc. There are versions available for over 470 cities so would be useful on all your travels. I have the app for Jerusalem on my iPad (Tel Aviv and Haifa also available for Israel.) The "Lite" versions are all free however the map that is included in the free version is somewhat limited in detail. I decided that I wanted a better map for Jerusalem so I spent the extra $5 to download the full version which includes a much better map. Look for City Walk where you download your apps. The GPS also works well in the map on this app. For more information check out the web site at
This app is completely free. I have downloaded this to my iPad and it's great even if you're not going to Israel. It includes many, many sites (a lot that I'm sure you've never heard of) and each has a few pictures, a text description, and an audio narration of the text ... sort of your own tour guide. It's great. However it seems to be difficult to find the app. While I did not use it extensively on our recent trip in September 2014 I did learn about some additional useful features in it. For instance, if your mobile device has GPS enabled, the Israel App's map will show you your exact location and it will also then indicate which sites are nearby.
If you have an Android phone or tablet, you can get that version from Google Play here.
When I searched for it on my iPad using the "App Store" I could not find it. The only way I found it was to go to this iTunes web pageon my PC and click the "View In iTunes" button. It opened in iTunes where you can then download to your computer and then sync it to your iPad or iPhone.
City Walk - Here is another useful app for your mobile device. This app has maps, information on things to see, shopping, restaurants, etc. There are versions available for over 470 cities so would be useful on all your travels. I have the app for Jerusalem on my iPad (Tel Aviv and Haifa also available for Israel.) The "Lite" versions are all free however the map that is included in the free version is somewhat limited in detail. I decided that I wanted a better map for Jerusalem so I spent the extra $5 to download the full version which includes a much better map. Look for City Walk where you download your apps. The GPS also works well in the map on this app. For more information check out the web site at

Come Find Israel in You (0:32) - Very short tourism video produced by the Israel Ministry of Tourism for the North American tourism market.

Vacationing in Israel (1:59) - Just in case I haven't yet convinced you, listen to Yishai Fleisher explain why you should vacation in Israel.

Landing at Ben Gurion Airport (7:58) - If you haven't flown to Israel, picture yourself on this plane during the approach to Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv.
No I did not shoot this video. I found it on YouTube and the poster does not identify himself however this was also a flight from Canada (in 2010) so it's fairly safe to assume he's a fellow Canadian. Unfortunately he was sitting just over the wing on the left side but he still managed to get some good shots from the windows during the approach and landing.
No I did not shoot this video. I found it on YouTube and the poster does not identify himself however this was also a flight from Canada (in 2010) so it's fairly safe to assume he's a fellow Canadian. Unfortunately he was sitting just over the wing on the left side but he still managed to get some good shots from the windows during the approach and landing.
Sea of Galilee Worship Boats - One of the highlights of a tour to Israel is sailing on the Sea of Galilee. There are various tour boats but there is only one Christian owned and operated tour boat company. Daniel Carmel, owns and operates two boats appropriately named "Faith" and "Hope" which sail out of Tiberias. We sailed with him on "Faith" both in 2008 and 2011. He is a fantastic singer / songwriter. The trip lasts about an hour and in the middle, he stops the boat and we just drift for a time while he sings some of his songs accompanied on the keyboard by Rami Zarhin. (For more information on Daniel's music, see the entry on the Music of Israel page.)
In 2008, we began our morning with a sail from Tiberias and ended at Ginosar where we continued out tour. In 2011, we ended the day with a sail about 5:00 PM leaving and returning to Tiberias. Being the last sail of the day, we appear to have gotten some extra time as it lasted about 1-1/2 hours. Here is a short video sampler from the trip. This was in February so it got dark not long after we left the dock, which made video a bit difficult.
In 2008, we began our morning with a sail from Tiberias and ended at Ginosar where we continued out tour. In 2011, we ended the day with a sail about 5:00 PM leaving and returning to Tiberias. Being the last sail of the day, we appear to have gotten some extra time as it lasted about 1-1/2 hours. Here is a short video sampler from the trip. This was in February so it got dark not long after we left the dock, which made video a bit difficult.
Virtual Israel Experience - This site, part of the Jewish Virtual Library web site, contains a wealth of interesting information about visiting Israel. Click on "Enter the Holy Land" and follow the links from there.
Web Sites
On this page you will find links that will take you to many web sites that contain a wealth of information on Israel. There is a variety of content so read the notes by each link for a summary of the site.
This is a view of the Sea of Galilee from the Mount of Beatitudes, near Tabgha taken during out tour in 2008. This is a traditional site for Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.
This is a view of the Sea of Galilee from the Mount of Beatitudes, near Tabgha taken during out tour in 2008. This is a traditional site for Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.
66 Fun Facts About Israel - In 2014, Israel is 66 years old so this article lists 66 interesting facts.
Age of the Universe - Have you ever wondered how the Bible says the world is less than 6,000 years old but science claims it is maybe 16 billion years? This article presents a biblical interpretation of how both can be true at the same time. WARNING - the more you read the deeper this subject gets so pay close attention. - The world's largest Jewish content web site. The organization is based at the Western Wall Plaza in Jerusalem. There is much variety of content so look around a bit. Have a look at these pages:
- Marked For Eternity - A true "Jewish" story from the Titanic's ill-fated voyage.
- Inside the Nuremburg Mind - As a young German Jewish soldier, Howard Triest witnessed unusual intimate encounters with evil.
Amazing Model of Herod's Temple - This retired British farmer who passed away at age 80 in 2010 built this amazing
model. You can imagine all the work that he put into it over the years. [If for some reason that link doesn't work, use this one.]
model. You can imagine all the work that he put into it over the years. [If for some reason that link doesn't work, use this one.]
Bible Walks - This has got to be one of the best web sites to view points of interest in Israel. Jewish Music page - I haven't looked at much of this yet but it looked like possibly an interesting link to various Israeli music videos.
Congregation Ner Tamid - A Messianic Jewish congregation in Halifax. We know Rabbi Avner and Pastor Leah Solomon and have visited their Shabbat service a few times. If you're not local, you can also "attend" their service via Internet - see the Internet link on the web site.
David's Star - Here is a new magazine with interesting articles about Israel. The first issue was just published in June. You can read all issues on this site.
The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls - A web site where you can view some of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Feast of Tabernacles - A 7-day festival known as Sukkot in Israel celebrated in September or October following Yom Kippur. See Wikipedia for more information. However for Christians during this time, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) holds a major celebration attended by many Christians from various countries. This is a BIG event - approximately 71,500 people in 2013 and contributed about $15 million to the Israeli economy. Here are two excellent videos showing portions of the celebrations from 2008 (9:59) and 2010 (13:15).
Footsteps of Paul - Follow a group of travellers as they travel to the places that Paul visited on his journeys. (1998)
The Goldhar School - Their slogan is the "Fastest Jewish Education on Earth". This site has a number of short "crash course" videos on various subjects - Torah, Jewish History, Holidays, Tradition. The site is a work in progress - some videos are still to come.
Israel Up Close - This web site bills itself as "news beyond the headlines" and this Stories page contains a long list of videos on many subjects. You might find some of them of interest.
Jerusalem 360 - A very interesting 360 degree panorama view of Jerusalem with drill downs for more information at various locations.
Jerusalem Map - This is a very interesting interactive map focusing on the Old City portion of Jerusalem. While there, have a look at the 3D Tours, HD Videos, HD Photos tabs, and Jerusalem Info under the More tab.
Jerusalem MP3 Tours - You can watch videos of the various walking tours in the small view screen. You can download to play in a larger screen but you have to register first (free.)
Jewish TV Network - This is a US web site but it streams daily newscasts from the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA), Israel's state TV network.
Jewish Virtual Library - This web site has a wealth of information. Have a look around.
Jewish Wedding Customs and Traditions - Ever wondered what everything means in a Jewish wedding ceremony?
Learn Hebrew - Are you interested in learing Hebrew? The following sites may be of interest.
- LearnHebrewPod - This is an excellent site to learn conversational Hebrew. It is for speaking Hebrew - it does not teach you to read Hebrew. It isn't free but you can download a few free trial lessons. Excellent value if you're serious about learning conversational Hebrew. My wife is using this course.
- HebrewToday - Learn Hebrew with easy newspapers. HebrewToday offers easy-to-read Hebrew newspapers by subscription. (I was contacted by this publisher who saw my web page so I am including this link for them. I have no experience with this company.)
- Ancient Hebrew Research Center - Learning to read the Hebrew language. Click on the "Free Lessons" link to start. There
are 43 lessons. (This link is presented for information only since there is no cost.)
MahNishmah - I include this because it looks like it might contain something interesting. Check out the Clips and Music tabs at the top. Also check out the Humour tab - there are 120 items and most are quite good.
MessianicChords.Com - A web site with chords and lyrics for many song - some are well known Christian songs, others are Hebrew songs.
Shofarot-Israel - This is the web site of the major shofar maker families in Israel, the Bar Sheshet and Ribak families. You can learn a lot about shofars on this site.
Sounds of Shalom - Internet radio from Utica, New York broadcasting Messianic Jewish and contemporary Jewish music 24/7. Just click the Play button on the Live 365 picture.
A Tapestry of Gefilte Fish - OK, this is an interesting web site. It appears to be written by a Messianic Jewish woman in the United Kingdom based on information on some of the pages. I have linked to a page containing a number of interesting questions. These questions are part of a longer "story" and if you are interested in the whole site, click the INTRO link to go back to the beginning.
The Temple Institute is dedicated to the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.
The Temple Mount Video Tour - Scroll down the page to the "Temple Mount Tour" links and click on Download (Play in Popup just gives you a small window). The video is in three parts and each part is about 30 minutes.
The Times of Israel - A new Israeli on-line newspaper started in 2012.
Voice of Israel - Online radio as their motto says "Bringing Israel Closer". Listen to news, current affairs, and other topics from Israel.
Western Wall Web Camera - Live video. Double click the small video window to go to full screen (Press Esc. to return.)
Science and Technology
Few people know that Israel is a world leader in technological innovations and has contributed much new technology to the world. On this page I have included links to some which may be of interest.
This picture was taken by my wife on her visit in October 2013. This is the Mount of Olives and a portion of East Jerusalem. The picture was taken from the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu on Mount Zion.
This picture was taken by my wife on her visit in October 2013. This is the Mount of Olives and a portion of East Jerusalem. The picture was taken from the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu on Mount Zion.
Agriculture Technologies - Israeli expertise feeds the world (8:33) - "Israel's greatest agricultural experts and companies came together at its 18th International Agricultural Exhibition. From traditional and hi-tech agriculture to hothouses, irrigation, dairy farming, fish farming and alternative energy -- Agritech has it all."
Alpha Omega: The Largest Arabi-Israeli Hi-Tech Company (5:32) - "Imad Younis, an Arab-Israeli citizen, is the founder and CEO of Alpha Omega, a leading neuroscience technology company that employs Muslims, Christians and Jews. Established in Nazareth, Imad’s hometown, Alpha Omega has become the largest hi-tech company in Israel’s Arab sector."
Ambucycles (4:33) - "It's a common sight in Israeli cities, but parked recently on Third Avenue near 52nd Street was a vehicle never seen before in New York." For a longer video presentation with some background history by the "inventor" of the Ambucycle, see this video (10:45). "As a young EMT on a Jerusalem ambulance, Eli Beer realized that, stuck in brutal urban traffic, they often arrived too late to help. So he organized a group of volunteer EMTs -- many on foot -- ready to drop everything and dash to save lives in their neighborhood. Today, United Hatzlah uses a smartphone app and a fleet of "ambucycles" to help nearby patients until an ambulance arrives. "
Anagog Parking Technology (1:23) - You have to watch it to understand it but this "made in Israel" SmartPhone app is interesting in theory but will it fly in the real world? Looks like you need a lot of people in an area using it before it can give much useful results.
‘Bionic Braille’ For The Unsighted - "A bionic contact lens to help the blind see."
Charge SmartPhone in 30 Seconds (2:01) - An Israeli company invents a SmartPhone battery that can be recharged in 30 seconds. See company's web site at
CIMS - Counter IED and Mine System (3:41) - "The IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) has unveiled the latest defense against the threat facing armored vehicles from Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and mines—a large rectangular multi-sensor system that is placed on the front of an armored vehicle, which can detect and then destroy hidden explosive devices from long distances"
Created in Israel - Part of Your Life (1:42) - "Israeli innovation in your everyday life: "Created in Israel" may not be stamped on all the Israeli innovations that pop up during your average day, but in this short clip you can see a small sample of these anonymous inventions for yourself. "
Fish Industry in the Desert (2:13) - "Israel's Arava desert gets just 30 millimeters of rainfall a year, but it produces 60 percent of Israel's fresh vegetable exports, 10% of cut flower exports ... and now it has a thriving ornamental fish industry, too."
Generating Clean Electricity from Traffic (3:42) - Technology invented by an Israeli firm to generate electricity by traffic. Probably wouldn't work so well in Canada where our harsh winter climate is hard on asphalt roads.
Glasses Giving the Blind a New Lease on Sight (2:24) - Interesting technology.
Growing Forests in the Desert (6:43) - "Watch how KKL-JNF makes the deserts bloom"
Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas (2:30) - Did you know that Israel is a world leader in science and technology and has made many contributions to the world?
Israelis Create ‘Guardian Angel’ Wristband To Monitor Health! (2:04) - "Angel is the first truly open wearable sensor for health and fitness. It is a wristband that continuously monitors heart rate, blood oxygen, skin temperature and physical activity."
Israelis Use Technology to Make the Desert Bloom (3:19) - "When many Jews returned to the Promised Land in the 1800s it was dry and barren. But Israelis are finding unique ways to make the desert bloom and prosper."
Made in Israel - Agriculture (10:18) - Christian Broadcasting Network's "Gordon Robertson looks at Israel's remarkable agricultural innovation, with special focus on the role of the kibbutz in Israel's agricultural success, growing crops and orchards in desert, rocky land and swamps with hard work and ingenuity."
Made in Israel - Technology (11:16) - An interesting report by the Christian Broadcasting Network on why Israel is so successful in the field of technology. At 1:30 on the counter, pay close attention to a list of some technology that at least some part came from Israel. How may do you use?
Made in Israel: Water (11:33) - "Because more than half of Israel is desert, the lack of clean water is a life-or-death issue. Gordon Robertson examines several of the ways that Israel conserves water, including desalination, drip irrigation and recycling." Reported by the Christian Broadcasting Network.
Natural Gas May Have Profound Impact on Israel's Geopolitics (6:57) - "Israel's recent discovery of huge offshore natural gas reserves could mean a profound transformation for Israel's economy and for the region's political stability. Long-time NBC Tel Aviv bureau chief and NewsHour Special Correspondent Martin Fletcher reports from the field." PBS NewsHour report.
The (Non-Invasive) Operating Room of the Future - "Israel’s InSightec has a unique technology that will transform surgery radically. For now it is focused on treating certain tumors and neurological disorders."
Phinergy Electric Car (5:00) - We all know Israel is at the forefront of much technology but check out the revolutionary battery in this car developed by an Israeli company. Just add water!
Say Goodbye to Surgical Stitches and Staples - "If a new Israeli product from IonMed gets market approval, surgeons will have a revolutionary tool in their hands for scar-free incision closure."
SCiO (2:46) - "A very handy gadget that could display calory breakdowns or chemical content of food which could literally be lifesaving for people with food allergies." "Scan materials or physical objects. Get instant relevant information to your smartphone. Food, medicine, plants, and more."
Super Cows Making Israel Flow With Milk (2:35) - " The Bible, no less, describes Israel as a land flowing with milk and honey. In that respect, it's been proven at least half-right: Israel has by far the most productive dairy cows in the world."
What Does Made in Israel Mean to You? (3:08) - A simple video showing many items that were invented in Israel.
Achmed the Dead Terrorist Goes to Israel (0:44) - This is very short and quite funny. It isn't Jewish however I'm going to include it here anyway as it is a short clip from Jeff Dunham's comedy show "All Over The Map" performed in Tel Aviv. Jeff is an American ventriloquist and stand up comedian.
Ahmed, The Palestinian Burning Flag Salesman (2:31) - This is hilarious. But in some parts of the world it could be a growth industry!
Andrew Klavan: Fun With Anti-Semitism (4:26) - SATIRICAL HUMOUR -"In the aftermath of the Holocaust, many in the West swore that never again would we allow such an atrocity to occur. And now the West is actually pitching in on Israel's destruction."
Arab Times Are A Changin' (2:48) - SATIRICAL HUMOUR - Latma an Israeli media criticism website formed by a group of journalists and writers that produces a weekly satirical news show. Click here to go to their English web site where you can view a variety of their satirical videos.
Bruce Adler Sings Hootsasa (10:50) - Bruce Adler (1944-2008) was an American Broadway actor with Jewish theatrical parents. Read the article about him on this page before watching the video. You can also read some information in his obituary here. "There's not much to the song itself, but it serves as a vehicle for a barrage of old Jewish jokes, most of which you've probably heard, but he tells them nonstop, and you can't help laughing out loud."
Confessions of a Jewish Mother: How My Son Ruined My Life! (7:10) - The video doesn't identify who this woman is however it looks like her name may be Selma Baraz, mother of James Baraz, an American meditation teacher. She is a joy to hear.
David & Goliath in Modern Israel (1:06) - Funny Israel tourism commercial.
Dry Bones Blog - Yaakov Kirschen, cartoonist, started the Dry Bones cartoon series in 1973 and it has become a very popular series.
Exodus Passover Movie (2:18) - How would Moses have gone to Pharaoh if he had today's technology? A light hearted video - pay attention, it moves quickly!
Funny Israeli Commercial For Bagel Bagel's Flavored Thin Pretzels (0:40) - Short but funny!
Group Therapy (2:21) - "Excerpt from an Israeli TV show "Ktzarim". Some troubled people meet for group therapy. In Hebrew with English subtitles."
Handmade Is Always Better (1:09) - This is a very creative Jewish Passover commercial (yes it is Jewish - just wait for it!)
HD on YES (0:50) - Funny Israeli commercial for High Definition TV on the YES network.
Hope Kindergarten (2:14) - "A brilliant skit from the Israeli comedy show "Eretz Nehederet" (lit: "Wonderful Country) on Channel 2. This skit depicts a joint education program devised by the right-wing (yet mainstream) organization Im Tirtzu with the Ministry of Education that helps kindergarten children be prepared for the complicated life in Israel."
The Infidel Trailer (1:42) - This is a video trailer for the 2010 movie "The Infidel". I have not seen the movie but from this trailer, it looks like a good comedy. " The movie features both Jewish/Israeli and Muslem actors, and is about a British moderate Muslim who discovers that he is adopted and is actually Jewish. So begins the saga of finding out more about his Jewish origins so that he can meet his dying father, while trying to prove that he is a devout Muslim so that his son can get married."
Iran Considered Banning Samsung Products Over An Israeli Ad (2:10) - Actually it was an ad by an Israeli cable TV company, not a Samsung ad. It was just a Samsung product that was pictured in the ad.
Israel: Always Worth it for the Falafel (0:30) - A very short commercial. How far would you go?
Israeli Passport Control (0:47) - A very short but funny video about going through Passport Control at Ben Gurion airport.
Israeli Police Officers Singing Lion King! (2:39) - "Ever wonder what Israeli policemen do when, say, they’re awaiting a new assignment? They video themselves doing an incredible lip sing performance of Solomon Linda’s 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'…
Watch this distinguished group of Zichron Yaakov Police officers dramatically lip sync the famous pop song from the 50’s."
Watch this distinguished group of Zichron Yaakov Police officers dramatically lip sync the famous pop song from the 50’s."
Jewish WAZZUP Commercial (1:11) - What's to say? It's funny!
Klavan's One-State Solution (3:30) - SATIRICAL HUMOUR - In an effort to bring peace to the Middle East, President Barack Obama has proposed that Israel should return to its 1967 borders in exchange for being annihilated by its enemies. PJTV's Andrew Klavan has a better idea.
Mike Leiderman - "In high school, Mike Leiderman's best friend's mom told him: "You have the makings of a cheap nightclub comedian." He took that as a compliment." The following three selections are hilarious.
"Customer Loyalty" (1:27) "Parking in Tel Aviv" (0:30) "Last Meals" (1:00)
You will see that these link to many other Jewish comedians from Old Jews Telling Jokes. Just a word of warning if you wish to view these other selections - you will often find off color language in many of these videos (the above three are clean!)
"Customer Loyalty" (1:27) "Parking in Tel Aviv" (0:30) "Last Meals" (1:00)
You will see that these link to many other Jewish comedians from Old Jews Telling Jokes. Just a word of warning if you wish to view these other selections - you will often find off color language in many of these videos (the above three are clean!)
"Noah" by Bill Cosby (6:48) - OK, I'm digressing from the Israel theme of this web site but this is a really good comedy routine from Bill Cosby's early years and it is a Biblical subject so I'm going to include it here.
No Laughing Matter - SATIRICAL HUMOUR - In spite of the title, this is humour. This web site has three videos about Israel and Middle East situations.
The One About the UN (5:39) - "Satire on the United Nations and its obsession with Israel"
Opening a Garage Door the Jewish Way (1:09) - Just a little Jewish humour!
Passover: Breaking News (2:07) What would the Passover story be like if today's media were reporting it? This video is best viewed in full screen, and it moves very fast so don't try to read much, other than major headlines, unless you want to keep pausing it.
Passover Joke (1:56) - OK, I don't have a better title but it's good. I've heard it before but not with a Jewish flavour.
The Rabbi, The Shofar, and The Dog (0:45) - This is very short but pay attention to the background about the half way point. "Rabbi Benny Zippel of Chabad of Utah hosted a workshop on the upcoming Jewish New Year. While blowing the Shofar [ram's horn], family dog Chewy decided to join in and add his voice to the mix."
Shop Online (0:16) - Very short Israeli commercial.
The Smash Glass That Wouldn't (1:18) - What's the worst thing that can happen at a Jewish wedding? This has to be up there on the list. Oh, this is embarrassing!
There are no Jews in this world! (5:43) - "A clip from Samson Koletkar's 'Mahatma Moses Comedy Tour' recorded in 2010 in Sunnyvale, California." Samson is an Indian Jewish stand up comedian.
The Three Terrors (3:10) - "Ahmedido Domingo (aka Ahmadinejad), Erdogano Pavarotti (aka Erdogan) and Assad Carreras (aka Bashar Assad) singing about the benefits of terrorism." This is a couple of years old now (Ahmadinejad is no longer in power in Iran) but the message hasn't changed much.
A female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time. To check it out, she went to the Wall, and there he was, walking slowly up to the holy site. She watched him pray, and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, using a cane and moving very slowly, she approached him for an interview.
"Pardon me Sir, I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. What's your name?
"Morris Feinberg," he replied
"Sir, how long have you been coming to the Wailing Wall to pray?"
"For about 60 years."
"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"
"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims."
"I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop."
"I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults, and to love their fellow man."
"And how do you feel Sir, after doing this for 60 years?"
"It's like talking to a brick wall.."
"Pardon me Sir, I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. What's your name?
"Morris Feinberg," he replied
"Sir, how long have you been coming to the Wailing Wall to pray?"
"For about 60 years."
"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"
"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims."
"I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop."
"I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults, and to love their fellow man."
"And how do you feel Sir, after doing this for 60 years?"
"It's like talking to a brick wall.."
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