Friday, July 31, 2015

Important Cities in the Jewish Faith

Important Cities in the Jewish Faith

by Rachel Alexander, Demand Media
Although the landscape of Israel is riddled with sacred sites and holy cities for Jews, Jerusalem, Hebron, Tzfat and Tiberius are especially revered within the tradition for their historical and symbolic significance. They are referred to as "the four holy cities," each of which holds its own mystical, historical and biblical significance.

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For three millennia, Jerusalem has been the center for the Jewish faith. Biblically, the old city of Jerusalem is recognized as the site where God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. It was in the same place that, according to biblical and archeological history, King David established the city as the Kingdom of Israel and his son, King Solomon, built the first temple in the 10th century. After the temple was destroyed, King Herod built the second temple on the temple mount, which he surrounded by walls. The western wall is worshiped as the most sacred space for the Jewish people, as it is revered as the last relic of the last temple. Jerusalem is associated with the fire element in reference to the sacrificial fires that burned in King Solomon’s temple. Synagogues around the world are, and have always been, built with the holy arch facing Jerusalem.


Located south of Jerusalem within the Palestinian controlled west bank, is the elevated city of Hebron. It is associated with the earth element, as it is the site of burial of the Jewish patriarchs, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Leah. Because Hebron is referenced numerous times in the book of Genesis, many Jews place Hebron as the birthplace of Jewish civilization. Historically Hebron was the first capital of King David, before Jerusalem, and it became an important center for Jewish learning in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Built along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Tiberias is associated with the water element. The city is, like Hebron, revered for its historical significance, as it was also an important center for Jewish learning in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was in Tiberius where prominent Rabbis gathered shortly before the destruction of Jerusalem and the second temple in an effort to preserve Jewish knowledge. There they assembled the Jerusalem Talmud, a compilation of oral Jewish law, which is used as a foundational text for Jewish study.


Located 900 meters (2900 feet) above sea level, the city of Tzfat (also spelled Safed) is associated with the air element, as it is the highest city in the Galilee region and the whole of Israel. According to Jewish lore, Tzfat was founded by one of the sons of Noah after the great flood. Historically It is revered as the center of Kabbalah study and Jewish mysticism, as the Jewish mystical tradition underwent a period of development and creativity there during the middle of the 16th century. The ancient city of Tzfat is largely made up of homes, schools, artists' galleries, old synagogues and yeshivot -- Jewish centers of textual study.

Jewish Wedding Glass Traditions

by Naomi Millburn, Demand Media
First dates often involve breaking the ice -- and if the couple happens to be of the Jewish faith, hopefully some breaking the glass at a wedding a little down the line. Glass-breaking is one of the most familiar and celebrated of all Jewish wedding rituals.
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Breaking the Glass Etiquette

The breaking of the glass traditionally takes place right before a Jewish wedding comes to a close. Grooms are responsible for actually shattering the glasses, which are usually covered in napkins -- a means of preventing all of the tiny shards from flying everywhere and getting on all of the guests. The grooms typically step on the glasses to break them, but they also sometimes fling them onto walls. Although Jewish law doesn't deem glass-breaking as an absolute must, it still is an extremely widespread practice at weddings around the world.

Recalling the Temple of Jerusalem

The breaking of the glass is performed as a dedication to the havoc of the Temple in Jerusalem roughly 2,000 years ago. The purpose of the tradition is to stress that it's important to think about the sadness of the event even during the most special occasions life has to offer. The shattering of the glass is, essentially, a token of melancholy. Quiet moments often precede glass-breaking, allowing everyone the chance to think about things in life that are not whole or complete.

Other Significance

The wedding glass tradition is also frequently assigned another significant meaning outside of the Temple of Jerusalem. The noise of the shattering glass is sometimes thought of as a means of discouraging malevolent spirits. The action is also often thought of as way to deconstruct any obstructions that might exist between the bride and the groom -- enabling them to firmly be "one" in marriage. It is believed to illustrate how delicate the connections between people can be, too.

Festive Times

The glass-breaking functions as kind of a cue to get all of the festivities in full swing. Once the groom does the task, all of the attendees merrily shout out "Mazel tov," a Hebrew phrase meaning “good luck.” The couples' relatives and close friends all then proceed to sing and be merry. The couple then temporarily moves to the secluded yichud (or seclusion) room, where they spend some quiet time as a twosome for approximately 10 minutes.

Light Bulb as a Substitute

Some couples opt to break old light bulbs instead of glasses. They do this to avoid needlessly breaking a perfectly fine glass that can be used again. Jewish law has no special rules regarding the glass.

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