After the Holocaust Wrath, at the End; “We are Israel!”
Daniel 8:19 – “He said, ‘I am ready to inform you what will be after the wrath (holocaust), For at the appointed time is the End.” (translated by Rabbi Hersh Goldwurm in “Daniel” published by Mesorah Publications)
Ezekiel 36:24, 34 - “For I will take you from among the nations, gather you form all the countries, and return you to your own soil…The land that was desolate will be tilled, whereas formerly it lay desolate for all passing y to see. Then they will say, ‘The land that used to be desolate has become like Gan-‘Eden…Then the nations around you that remain will know that I, Adonai, have rebuilt the ruins and replanted what was abandoned, I, Adonai, have spoken; and I will do it!”
BibleSearchers Reflections – “When one reads a compressed view of history such as is found in Wikipedia, it appears in print that the British-Iraq relationship was totally devoid of any other international concerns especially Israel. As is written also in many prophetic and scholarly biblical histories, the Jewish impact on history is carefully screened out as though they were and are a non-participant in the final course of history.
A history of the time of the end recently came across my desk carefully looking at the relationship between the Osama bin Laden, fundamental Islam and the United States with the projected impact on a model for Revelation’s future battle of Armageddon. What was interesting was that the entire history was totally devoid of any relationship between Osama bin Laden with the Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi Germany and the Final Solution with the Jews.
With the Hamas, the Palestinian sector of the Muslim Brotherhood now firmly implanted in the Gaza Strip after this region was given to them by Ariel Sharon’s decision for the Disengagement of the Orthodox Jews from Gush Katif in August-September, 2005; it only highlights the hazards of single focused prophetic history.
How can we even begin to comprehend the prophecy of Daniel eight with the Ram and the he-Goat without an understanding that the entire prophesies of Daniel are centered on “his people?” It doesn’t matter whether Daniel understood the concepts of the “chosen ones,” the prophecies as written in the Book of Daniel are about the Jews. The “time appointed” was to come after the “last end of the indignation” or as Rabbi Goldwurm translates, “after the wrath.”
The “Holocaust” of the “wrath or indignation” was a historical event that swirled around the Jewish people. The consequences of the “time of indignation” upon the Jewish national and spiritual identity were every bit as important as the Exodus from Egypt or the return from exile in the lands of Babylon and Persia. It was an “appointed time” set down in the plan of salvation that the God of history set forth before Creation. It was an “appointed time” in the history of the world that the entire planet would be involved and remembered as a time in which the Jewish people would be saved from their destruction.
The “final solution” by Hitler to eradicate the Jews from all of Europe can only be viewed through the sobering perspective that if Hitler had succeeded the “final solution” would have extended to their allies, the Japanese. The Jews would have been hunted and eradicated from the isles of Brittany to the Japanese coastline. The specter of this event would have been a cosmic event in the war between the forces of good and evil. This was an event in history that “could have been” if the finger of the Divine One did not intervene.
The holocaust as the “final event” is as horrendous and sad as it occurred was a necessary “event.” The forces of satanic evil were seeking to prevent the “appointed time” that the God of Israel destined that He would bring about the “appointed” event upon this planet. He had to prepare the nations of the world for a reality that they never would have chosen without His intervention. It was a necessary “event”, for the “appointed time” for the God of Israel had come. The Jews of the House of Israel must go home!
The “Twenty Three Hundred Days” were about to expire and the signal event to herald the arrival of the “time of the event” was an international event in which all the nations on earth participated in; the rise of the National Home of Israel. When the literal existence of those He declared were the “apple of His eye” was threatened with utter annihilation, the God of Israel came to redeem and to restore.
On May 8, 1945, Winston Churchill officially announced the end of the European War with Germany. On September 2, 1945, the Japanese signed the act of unconditional surrender on the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay with the Supreme Commander of the Allied powers, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur representing the Allied Forces making these remarks:
General Douglas MacArthur signing the documents of unconditional surrender on the board the Battleship Missouri
General Douglas MacArthur – “It is my earnest hope and, indeed, the hope of all mankind, that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past; a world founded upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish, for freedom, tolerance and justice.
He continued, “The world has had its last chance and if it did not devise some greater and more equitable system Armageddon would be at its door.”
On October 24, 1945, the Allies of World War II ratified the charter of the United Nations in a ceremony at Washington D.C. The “appointed time” was about to commence. All the nations of this earth would have a chance to participate in the birth of a new nation, the Nation of Israel.
Is it not interesting that we find the following facts on the official “Declaration of the Establishing the State of Israel on May 15, 1948”posted by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Declaration of the Establishing the State of Israel – “On the 29th November, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz-Israel; the General Assembly required the inhabitants of Eretz-Israel (Land of Israel) to take such steps as were necessary on their part for the implementation of that resolution. This recognition by the United Nations of the right of the Jewish people to establish their State is irrevocable.”
At this “appointed time” in history the angel Gabriel gave Daniel a specific date. As interpreted by the Jewish sages using the calendar of the Jews, the culmination of the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 would be 2298 years or two years less than 2300 years after the dedication or “cleansing” of the new “sanctuary” of Zerubabbel on 350 BCE.
Daniel 8:14 – “UNTIL the EVE of the MORN of 2300 (years from the time) that the sanctuary will be cleansed (v’nitzdak kodesh).”
Yet the understanding of the prophecy was not completely understood. BibleSearchers Reflection’s article on the “2300 Day Prophecy” picks up the continuation of this theme.
BibleSearchers Reflections – “There is a part of the prophecy that is called the “boker” part of the day. It states, “until the eve of the morning of 2300 years.” The “boker” part of the morning is the early part of the morning. According to the halachic opinion, it is the very first quarter of the day. (Talmud B’rachos 9b) The “boker” part of the year is the first three months of the Jewish year: Tishrei, Cheshvari and Kislev which is equivalent to our October, November and December. This is understood because the Tishrei is the first month of the Jewish year which begins at Rosh HaShanah.
So in this Jewish prophecy that was given to Daniel for the Jewish people just prior to their return to the Land of Israel, it was prophesied to them the year and the quarter of the year that they as a people would have international legal authority to take possession of their country and their holy sites. This prophecy would also tell the Jewish people the year and the quarter of the year that would begin the process of redeeming them spiritually to the status of the holy people that truly would represent their Holy G-d."
On November 29, 1947, for the first and only time in the history of the United Nations, a vote was cast in favor of the establishment of the national home for the Jewish people. Before that date the Jews were pariahs (outcasts) in the eyes of the nations of the earth. After that date they have been treated even worse, as oppressors, by a majority of the voting members in the United Nations.
On the date of 16 Kislev 5708, November 29, 1947, in the “morning” of the year (October to December), every national representative in the United Nations voted to approve that the Nation of Israel would be created. The Jews were not forced to have a nation. They were not even given a nation on a ‘silver platter’. Neither did the United Nations offer military or political support to establish their nation.
The Jewish people had to fight and drive out the British. They had to fight and destroy a military force of a coalition of five Arab national states that were financed through the
Muslim Brotherhood by the British Intelligence Services before they could establish their nation in the Land of Israel.”
Muslim Brotherhood by the British Intelligence Services before they could establish their nation in the Land of Israel.”
The rise of the Nation of Iraq and the resurrection of the aspirations of that ancient empire of Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon occurred in 1932. This is only understood in the fact that the “British Mandate” was given to the British occupiers in the Middle East for one reason only: to establish a national home for the Jewish people.
Without this international mandate, the Nation of Iraq would not exist today; neither would Jordan (ancient people of Amman), Saudi Arabia (ancient people of Ishmael), Syria (ancient people of Assyria) and Iran (ancient peoples of Persia). In the era of establishing national states for all the peoples around the world, only the Jewish people did not have a homeland.
All the modern nations in the Middle East today had national homelands because of the mandate given by the League of Nations to France and Britain; the British and the French Mandate. The British and the French Mandate were determined by the great council of heaven because the “chosen ones of Israel” needed a homeland at the time of the end.
While the name of Palestine was used by the Roman Empire as the land in which the Jewish people were finally driven from after the second revolt of Bar Kokhba in 135 CE, it never was politically used to define a piece of territory until the Paris Peace Conference of 1920. “Palestine” was to be put under the League of Nations Mandate and entrusted to the custody of the British Nation.
It was the British Empire with its mandate by the western globalist powers of the Golden Internationale that first gave independence to Iraq and set up the monarchy of the Hashemite King Faisal I. It was the same globalist British Empire that returned in 1941 to drive out the forces of
Adolph Hitler from taking over the Middle East and prop up and restore the Hashemite king to the throne in Iraq.
Adolph Hitler from taking over the Middle East and prop up and restore the Hashemite king to the throne in Iraq.
Menachem Begin, Leader of the Jewish Irgun and Prime Minister of Israel and Nobel Prize Winner for Peace
The British military occupation of Iraq in 1941 did not end until October 26, 1947. This fact is history. Yet this history can only be understood by the fact that it came after the British forces were firmly routed by the Jewish resistant movement in Palestine called the Irgun. Led by a fiery critic of mainstream Zionist Jews whom Begin claimed were secular, liberal and cozy with the “colonial” British, Menachem Begin became the leader of what is now called the Jewish freedom fighters, the Irgun.
At the time, the Menachem Begin was called a “terrorist” by the David Ben-Gurion, prominent leader of the Labor-Zionist movement and the British government. Today he is a national hero and the only Torah observant Jew to sit on the seat as the Prime Minister of Israel.
The King David Hotel in Jerusalem – Photo by Robert Mock
Menachem Begin and his Irgun were determined to drive the British completely out of Palestine. As he claimed, the British had reneged in their original promise of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and by the use of the White Paper of 1939, they effectively restricted immigration of the Jewish people. At the same time, over 50% of the original Palestine homeland dedicated for the Jewish people was given away to dreamers of a pan-Arab empire for the Hashemite rulers of the Arabian peoples by the very imperial power that set the stage and created the atmosphere for the redemption of the Jews to their homeland.
The turning point in the British rule in the Middle East came when Begin with the Irgun destroyed the headquarters of the British Secretariat, the military command and the branch office of the Criminal Investigation Division (police). With a bomb planted within the famed King David Hotel in Jerusalem; 91 British, Arabs and Jews were killed.
In effect, the British Mandate was set to expire on May 14, 1948 and the entire reality of the British Mandate to create a national state for the Jewish people had not been done. The next day, May 15, 1948, the Jewish people established the Nation of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews.
Within days, the infant Nation of Israel was facing a coalition of five Islamic nations with an army totaling over 150,000 Arabs. The new Israeli army totaled 35,000 soldiers. For over a year the Jewish-Arab War of 1948 engulfed the Middle East. When the war was over, the newly formed Nation of Israel controlled 70% of what was formerly to be given to them in the Palestine Mandate. The Gaza Strip would later be occupied by Egypt and the West Bank by the Nation of Jordan.
Thirty years plus twenty seven days before the Declaration of the Establishing of the State of Israel, a letter was officially mailed from the desk of Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild the
following Balfour Declaration dated November 2, 1917.
following Balfour Declaration dated November 2, 1917.
Balfour Declaration – “Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
Arthur James Balfour
British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour (1902-1905) and later Foreign Secretary that was responsible for the creation of the “Balfour Declaration” in 1917 had to defend his actions five years later in what is known as the “Defense of the Palestine Mandate of 1922.” Here are a few excerpts of his defense.
British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour – “My noble friend told us in his speech, and I believe him absolutely, that he has no prejudice against the Jews. I think I may say that I have no prejudice in their favour. But their position and their history, their connection with world religion and with world politics is absolutely unique. There is no parallel to it, there is nothing approaching to a parallel to it, in any other branch of human history. Here you have a small race originally inhabiting a small country, I think of about the size of Wales or Belgium, at any rate of comparable size to those two, at no time in its history wielding anything that can be described as material power, sometimes crushed in between great Oriental monarchies, its inhabitants deported, then scattered, then driven out of the country altogether into every part of the world, and yet maintaining a continuity of religious and racial tradition of which we have no parallel elsewhere.
That itself, is sufficiently remarkable, but consider-it is not a pleasant consideration, but it is one that we cannot forget-how they have been treated during long centuries, during centuries which in some parts of the world extend to the minute and the hour in which I am speaking; consider how they have been subjected to tyranny and persecution; consider whether the whole culture of Europe, the whole religious organization of Europe, has not from time to time proved itself guilty of great crimes against this race. I quite understand that some members of this race may have given, doubtless did give, occasion for much ill-will, and I do not know how it could be otherwise, treated as they were; but, if you are going to lay stress on that, do not forget what part they have played in the intellectual, the artistic, the philosophic and scientific development of the world. I say nothing of the economic side of their energies, for on that Christian attention has always been concentrated…
Surely, it is in order that we may send a message to every land where the Jewish race has been scattered, a message which will tell them that Christendom is not oblivious of their faith, is not unmindful of the service they have rendered to the great religions of the world, and, most of all, to the religion that the majority of your Lordships’ House profess, and that we desire to the best of our ability to give them that opportunity of developing, in peace and quietness under British rule, those great gifts which hitherto they have been compelled from the very nature of the case only to bring to fruition in countries which know not their language, and belong not to their race. That is theideal which I desire to see accomplished, that is the aim which lay at the root of the policy I am trying to defend; and, though it be defensible indeed on every ground, that is the ground which chiefly moves me.”
The British General Allenby accepted the Surrender of Jerusalem in 1917 at the Joffa (Damascus Gate)
As World War I was nearing its end, on December 9, 1917, the city of Jerusalem was surrendered by the Arab forces to the British General Edmund Allenby as he entered the Joffa Gate on foot in a victory celebration. Four centuries of Arab Ottoman-Turkish rule ended on that day in the city of Jerusalem.
At that time a mandate system was instituted by Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations at the Paris Peace Conference between the dates of January to June 1919 and later incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919.
The formal declaration of the Treaty of Peace (Treaty of Sèvres) between the Allied and Associated Powers and Turkey was signed at Sèvres on August 10, 1920. The Ottoman Empire was over and the major powers of the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan accepted the surrender of the Turkish Ottoman power along with the associated powers of; Armenia, Belgium, Greece, the Hedjaz, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene state and Czecho-Slovakia. A new “firm, just and durable peace” appeared to be at hand. Coinciding with the Treaty of Sèvres and the declaration of the final end of World War I, the British Mandate continued to evolve.
One fact must be understood in the divisions and carving of the area called Palestine is that the Ottoman Empire controlled this area since 1517. With the fall of the Turkish Ottoman Empire and the signing of the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920, the land of Palestine which is today, Israel, the Palestinian Gaza Strip and the West Bank and Jordan, had its first geographic division since the era before the Ottomans took power. In 1920, the city of Jerusalem for the first time since the days of the Christian Crusader kings in the 11th and 12th centuries became a capital city for the Christian British Mandate Civil Administration.
The terms of the British Mandate incorporated the language of the Balfour Declaration were approved by the League of Nations Council on July 24, 1922. These terms were technically not official until September 29, 1923. As with all political treaties and agreements, the route to its final form was tortuous. Its lineage continued to the San Remo Conference on April 24, 1920 as “The British Mandate for Palestine.” This was later confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on July 24, 1922 yet did not become operational until September 29, 1923. The United States was not a member of the League of Nations, but a joint resolution of the United States Congress on June 30, 1922, endorsed the concept of the Jewish National Home.
With the international community in agreement, it was not up to the Jewish people to make it operational. The World Zionist Organization was recognized as the official organization to carry the mandate to the Jewish people. In 1929, the Jewish Agency was established to assist in the immigration of the Jewish people while at the same time ensure the “rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced.” The official languages of Palestine became
English, Arabic, and Hebrew.
English, Arabic, and Hebrew.
The nation (British) that determined within her heart thirty years earlier in the height of their power and glory (British Empire) that the Jewish people needed a homeland was the same nation forty years later that sought to prevent this event from happening. The “Mandate” did not even become operational when a memorandum by the British government called the “Churchill White Paper” began to control, limit and forbid the Jewish people to settle into lands originally set up for their homeland. Why? The British had wartime pledges to the Arabs rulers for their cooperation.
The Jewish people on the other hand found more than three-fourths of the territory of the British Mandate initially designated to be their potential homeland taken away and given to new Arab kingdoms. The Palestine Mandate was first divided along the Jordan-River to the Gulf of Aqaba line.
To the east the land was called Transjordan or the other side of the Jordan River was set up with their own Arab administration with Emir Abdullah from Hijaz appointed to be the new emir and his new emirate. What was the cost? The Arab prince Abdullah agreed to give up his dream of a Greater Syria for a price; a healthy British subsidy including training the Jordan army that was commanded by the British soldiers to protect the Suez Canal.”
Today, the Land of Israel and the Jewish People are still being oppressed by their own fellow Jews, the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, and in unison and cooperation with their cousins, the Ishmaelites and the Edomites. If there is a revolution of the future, it will not be a democratic revolution, but a revolution of divine destiny. At the “Appointed Time” the Jews and Lost Israelites will stand up and say in unison to the world, “It’s Time for the End to Come; Let our People Go – Jews and Lost Israelite, Come Home!”
Credit to BibleSearchers Reflections – “The Rise of Ancient Israel and the Ancient Empires”
The Illegitimate Settlements? Who Said!
Go to Part One – “G-d’s Omen of American’s National Christmas Tree: Leave My People Alone!”
Go to Part Two – “After the Holocaust Wrath, at the End; “We are Israel!”
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
Posted at 10:38 PM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, American Israelite Nation, Apocalypse Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation, Arabs and the Jews, Creation to Zionist Israel, History of the Jews, Holocaust of the Jews, Israeli Settlements and the Homeland for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Jerusalem and the Middle East, Judaism's Covenant, Labor Zionism, Land of Israel, Orthodox Jewish Life, Palestinian State and Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Samaria and Judea, Time of the End, Zionist State of Israel | Permalink
G-d’s Omen of American’s National Christmas Tree: Leave My People Alone!
In spite of all the crisis, upheavals, and revolutions all around the Middle East, the G-d of Israel is also rearranging his players in the geo-political stage. Would we guess the Jews and the Los Tribers of Israel are still in control, on both sides of this international debate? According to rumblings coming out of the White House and Washington, the Jewish White House advisor to Obama on the Middle East, Dan Shapiro, will be nominated to be the next United States Ambassador to Israel. A Conservative Jew, who works at the National Security Council as the senior director of the Middle East and North Africa, Dan Shapiro, at the age of 42, is expected to bring fresh air to the American-Israeli political agenda as America’s ambassador.
Truly a Washington Insider, Shapiro was part of the inner dynamics of both the Clinton and the Obama White Houses. Currently a dynamic partner with U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell in America’s bid to forge an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord, according to Steve Rabinowitz, who worked with Shapiro, when Shapiro sat on the National Security Council during the Clinton era, and Rabinowitz was the Director of Design and Production for the Clinton White House, “Shapiro is truly a friend of Israel and wants to seek peace in that region.” Both are members of the same Jewish Conservative Synagogue in Washington.
According to William Koenig, Washington White House Press Correspondent and Director of the Keonig’s World Watch Daily International News;
Bill Koenig – “I fully concur (with Rabinowitz). Dan is a great selection, and is a super guy. ‘He told me last summer that he had read most of my book, ‘Eye to Eye’, on a flight to Israel’. ‘I have had three short visits with him in the last nine months. He wants to see Israel live in peace. I told him there would be a peace deal one day, but that there will still be consequences to those who divide Israel's covenant land.”
Koenig also concurred that the current American Ambassador, James B. Cunningham, (Envoy to Israel August 18, 2008 to 2011) “is not a friend of Israel” and is happy to see him leaving.
What the implications of this new appointment to Israel are is not totally known to date. What is known, the new Ambassador Shapiro will be a friend of Israel, whether he is still misguided on the biblical prophetic implications that the lands in negotiation, Shomron (Samaria) and Judea, are divine covenanted land and “titled deeds” given by G-d given to the Ten Tribes of Northern Israel now for over 2,700 years.
Now only that the G-d of Israel has mandated upon His Holy Name that these same tribes that were exiled for their rebellion, He will redeem and restore these Lost Tribes of the House of Israel back to the lands of their ancestral forefathers. (Ezekiel 36)
Outside of religious perspectives, will the new ambassador consider the strategic implication of giving up the mountainous heartland of Israel, so that his own people, the Jews, will become sitting missile targets from enemies totally surrounding them but also placing the Jewish people within their midst as now Islamic missiles may then be shot down upon them in close proximity to Jerusalem.
With the Middle East in chaos, and the true colors of the Palestinian State leadership to be revealed in the future as the Muslim Brotherhood gained further control of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Abbas administration of the Palestinian Authority becomes increasingly discredited, will it become evident to America’s new ambassador to Israel that there is no “Peace Partner” with either the Palestinian Authority or the Palestinian Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza’s Hamas regime?
In the meantime, the American Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called the Israeli settlements in Judea and the Shomron region “illegitimate” just a few days before the United States vetoed the United Nation’s Security Council resolution that condemned the expansion of Israeli settlements expansion as illegal. This viewpoint came in remarkable view, when Clinton was taped interviewed on Friday, February 18, 2011, with “This Week” anchor Christiane Amanpour when Clinton stated the following remark;
Hillary Clinton – “I think it is absolutely clear to say, number one, that it’s been American policy for many years that settlements were illegitimate and it is the continuing goal and highest priority of the Obama administration to keep working towards a two-state solution with both Israelis and Palestinians.”
On February 19, 2010, President Barak Obama reluctantly cast his 1st Presidential Veto (the 83rd veto cast by an American President) with America’s Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice. It was an Arab-initiated UN draft resolution condemning Israel’s “continuation of settlement activity” as an “occupying power” in “occupied Palestinian territories” that “included East Jerusalem”.
Was it not amazing that the next day, February 20, 2010 on the Jewish Shabbat, the United States National Christmas Tree, a 42 foot tall - 48 year old Colorado Blue Spruce from Pennsylvania was hit with gale force winds up to 60 plus mph. It snapped at the base in front of the American White House.
Attitude counts and it appears that the G-d of Israel was not humored. Was G-d giving the White House, American State Department and the Nations of the World a warning; Leave My People alone; or I will snap your National Sovereignty at the Trunk!
Neo-historians like Secretary of State Clinton, who choose to rewrite Middle East history according to their political agenda, may need also to reconsider who they are in their ancestry. On Hillary Clinton’s paternal side, she is a descendant of the English-Welsh, therefore, Hillary comes from the Tribe of her Patriarch Ephraim (Anglo-Saxon and Cymric) who gained the Covenanted Blessing from the Patriarch Jacob for his son, Joseph, in spite of Ephraim being the second born, to his older brother, Manasseh (America).
On Clinton’s ancestral maternal side, she is a descendant of the French-Canadians (Quebec) that were from the tribe of Jacob’s first born, Reuben. Yet, Ephraim also gained the Israelite’s distinction as being representative of the whole House of Northern Israel, today known as “Ephraimites of the House of Joseph”, when her Patriarch Reuben lost his birthright to Ephraim.
As a descendant of Patriarch Jacob’s first born son, Reuben, and a descendant of Jacob’s chosen heir for the covenanted birthmark and blessing, Ephraim from the House of Joseph, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is truly giving up her divine birthright. It’s sad to consider that Esau gave up his birthright and blessing to his brother Jacob for a “pot of porridge”. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton only wants a “pot of oil” from Islamic royal despotic billionaires that may not be here tomorrow after the Middle Eastern “democratic revolution” takes its final toll.
I wonder if America’s Secretary of State realizes that she is tribal member of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel? Today, she is arguing the case around the world that her tribal homeland in Israel should be given to the Palestinian people. She already has the divine covenant and the legal contract to that land, and the promise of return, but the land cannot be sold! I wonder if Secretary Hillary Clinton would be willing to argue her case in the Heavenly Court to the Council in Heaven before the Supreme Judge, G-d?
It has been argued that the Palestinians were residents in Palestine long before there was a State of Israel, so therefore the Land of Israel is truly Palestinian land. It is argued that the Palestinians were the dominate culture in the region of Roman Palestine in the century before the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948.
Yet, history will attest that of the residents of Palestine before the year of 1948, the Jews were called Palestinians and the Bedouin tribesmen of Arabian descent were called “Arabs”.
If the British had not violated the Mandate of Palestine and arbitrarily restricted the immigration of the Jews (British White Paper) into the region of Palestine, while keeping an open immigration for the incoming Arab settlers, the Jewish people would have had a solid majority. Yet, historically, here is the evidence by pro-Palestinian historians.
Population of Jews, Muslim, and Christians in Jerusalem until 1945
% Jews
1. This figure is quoted widely on the Web and is apparently the Ottoman census figure. It is given for example here.
2. John Oesterreicher and Anne Sinai, eds., Jerusalem, (NY: John Day, 1974), p. 1
3. British Mandate Census of 1922 and 1931
4. Anglo American Survey, 1945
Credit to “The Population of Palestine prior to 1948”
The Romans named the Roman Province of Judea, the Land of Palestine after the Jews were exiled from the land for the second time, by Emperor Hadrian of Rome. To seal this name, he placed the second “Abomination of Desolation” on the site of Solomon’s and Herod’s Temple and banned the Jews totally from Jerusalem.
When the Palestinian Mandate was created by the British, these lands were part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman’s were defeated by the British and the French in World War I, and international law recognized that the right of the victor could redraw the borders of this new region.
Up to this time, the Palestinian Mandate was created by law and approved on multiple different legal international institutions for one purpose only; to create a homeland for the Jewish people. The Jewish people were also given the international right as being a “close settlement”. To this date, that right of “close settlement” was never arrogated, so the Jews have legal right to settle in Judea and Samaria.
Never in the history of modern nations has one nation’s legal opinion been put under such scrutiny; even the largest empire of the world at that time – The British Empire.
The 1917 Balfour Agreement
- British General Allenby accepted the Surrender of Jerusalem in 1917 at the Joffa (Damascus Gate) when the British Empire took Control of Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.
- The Creation of the British Mandate instituted by Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations at the Paris Peace Conference between the dates of January to June 1919
- Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations at the Paris Peace Conference were incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919.
- The San Remo Conference on April 24, 1920 as “The British Mandate for Palestine.”
- The formal declaration of the Treaty of Peace (Treaty of Sèvres) between the Allied and Associated Powers and Turkey was signed at Sèvres on August 10, 1920.
- The “Defense of the Palestine Mandate of 1922” was written by British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour
- This terms of the British Mandate incorporated the language of the Balfour Declaration were later approved and confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on July 24, 1922.
- The Approval of the Legal Terms of the British Mandate incorporating the language of the Balfour Agree did not become operational of technically official until September 29, 1923.
Do we have to wonder why leaders of governments are not obeying existing international laws that have never been abrogated? Why are they trying to impose illegal rulings upon an independent nation living up to the international intent of the 1917 Balfour Agreement? Maybe it’s time to look and see! Connect the dots!
The Illegitimate Israeli Settlements? Who Said!
Go to Part One – “G-d’s Omen of American’s National Christmas Tree: Leave My People Alone!”
Go to Part Two – “After the Holocaust Wrath, at the End; “We are Israel!”
"If the G-d of Israel is touching your heart to support directly the Pioneering Settlers of Shomron and Judea preserving these lands for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, Destination Yisra’el is inviting you to support the Kol Ha Tor Vision,
Click on the “Donate to Kol Ha Tor” link in support of the joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United).
This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
Posted at 06:08 AM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, American Israelite Nation, Arabs and the Jews, Christianity and Israel, Current Affairs in Israel, Global America, Global Israel, History of the Jews, Holocaust of the Jews, Israel and Global World Order, Israeli Settlements and the Homeland for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Jerusalem and the Middle East, Judaism's Covenant, Land of Israel, New World Order, Obama White House and Israel, Orthodox Jewish Life, Palestinian State and Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Samaria and Judea, Time of the End, War against Israel, Zionist State of Israel | Permalink
The Price to America for Security and Safety: Billionaire Middle East Rulers
It has now been almost ten years since the impossible happened when on 9-11 the Icon of the American Economic World Power, the New York Twin Towers, and the major symbol of modern Fortress America was struck by two American commercial airliners. Then on the 7th day of the Jewish Festival of Succot called Hoshana Rabbah, as prophesied by the iconic and revered Sephardic Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, when as the sun was rising over the mountains overlooking Jerusalem, the American Air Force was crossing the international borders of Afghanistan and the 7 year War on Terror began. Since that day, the United States alone transferred to the rulers, sheikhs, presidents, dictators of the Middle East the following amounts of money.
- Afghanistan – In the nearly ten years American forces have spent in Afghanistan, the cost of the military engagements in thatregion have been over $380 billion.
- Iraq – The cost of the war to take down and dismantled the government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein Obama, establish a quasi-peace, elect a new government, to add to America’s list of democratic achievements, has been $776 billion.
- Lebanon – According to the congressional testimony of Eric Cantor (R-Va), since the year of 2006, the Lebanese government has been provided $720 billion to prevent the progressive control of Hezbollah who is under the guiding rule of Iran and Syria. The failure to prevent the takeover of the Shi-ite controlled Hezbollah has caused this American aid to be shut to the government of Lebanon.
- Pakistan – Over $5.1 billion was transferred through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for earthquake assistance, economic growth, education, energy, flood relief and recovery, health, and good governance; the last of which could be called bribes since the year of 2002. Yet, according to government assessments, only 20% or $1 billion reached the intended recipients for the Pakistani people of predominately the Pashtun Bani-Israelite descent.
According to the New York Times in its article titled “Al Qaeda";
NY Times – “In December 2010, the Obama administration announced plans to further step up attacks on Al Qaeda and Taliban insurgents in Pakistan's tribal areas to address one of the fundamental weaknesses uncovered in its year-end review of its Afghanistan war strategy.
Earlier in the year, administration officials pointed to the benefits of bringing the fight against Al Qaeda and other militants into the shadows. Afghanistan and Iraq, they said, have sobered American politicians and voters about the staggering costs of big wars that topple governments, require years of occupation and can be a catalyst for further radicalization throughout the Muslim world.
Yet such wars come with many risks: the potential for botched operations that fuel anti-American rage; a blurring of the lines between soldiers and spies that could put troops at risk of being denied Geneva Convention protections; a weakening of the Congressional oversight system put in place to prevent abuses by America's secret operatives; and a reliance on authoritarian foreign leaders and surrogates withsometimes murky loyalties.”
- Palestinians – The Palestinian governments under the rule of Arafat’s chief deputy, President Mahmoud Abbas, have received over $1 billion plus in aid over thelast ten years.
- Mubarak in Egypt – This reputedly CIA controlled dictator in Egypt have received over $2 billion a year since the year of 1979. Adding up to $64 billion, a majority of the money went to military expenditures plus the privilege to earn another $40-70 billion.
- The Island Nation of Bahrain is where the American 5th Fleet is headquartered in Manama, Bahrain. Out of this island the naval presence for the entire region of the Persian gulf, the Red Sea and the Arabian Seas, plus the coastline of Eastern Africa heading all the way down to Kenya. So dense are the ships, aircraft carriers and submarines huddled within that region that the Russian’s joke that a rowboat could not wind its way around or below them.
When we look at this region, the affiliations between money and power, and the distain for the basic civil rights of their citizens, we wonder for it is all based around the greed of oil and gas. Consider that fact that Egypt is not truly an oil producing country, but consider also how President Hosni Mubarak is worth more than all the oil tycoons in the Middle East, we also see the largest of rubbing shoulders with America and Mubarak’s strong affiliation with the CIA. Here is a list of the richest royal and rulers of the world, but Mubarak’s name was not on any of them:
The Richest Royalty in the Middle East
President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak estimated worth is between $40 - 70 Billion
President of UAE and hereditary ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayad Al Nahuyan estimated worth is $23 Billion
Sultan of Brunei, Haji Hassanal Bolkiah estimated worth is $20 Billion
King of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah estimated worth is $21 Billion
Ruler of United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Kalifaskin Zayed Al Nahyan estimated worth is $20 Billion
Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum estimate worth is $16 Billion
King of Morocco, King Mohammed IV estimated worth is $2 Billion
Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamed Bin Khalifa Al Thani estimated worth is $2 Billion
Imam of the Nizari Muslims of the Shia faith, Prince Karin Al Husseini (Aga Khan) estimated worth is $1 Billion
Sultan of Oman, Qaboos Bin Said is worth $1.1 Billion
Emir of Kuwait - Sheikh Sabah Al-Sabah is worth $500 Million
King of Jordan, King Abdullah II estimated worth not available
King of Bahrain, Sheikh Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa estimated worth not available
And now the whole region of the Middle East is rising up like pockets of forest fires gradually spreading to engulf the entire region. Are you safer today, then you were ten years ago? Do you expect yourself to be safer in five years, when many prophetic models point to within 12 months that we should be expecting the arrival of the Messiah son of David? If all the bright brains in the world are incapable, plus we see being destroyed all the economies of Europe and the United States, who but the Almighty One of Israel can straighten these dysfunctional times out?
Before that day, there will be a “time of Peace with great security” with a promised peace accord of seven years in which Israel will be given freedom from worldwide jihad and anti-Semitism. Lest we forget, all promises (treaties) are not kept and all peace accords eventually are mutated or transformed or eventually are broken.
Daniel (Dani’el) 9:27- “He will forge a strong covenant with the “Great Ones” (Gedolim or Chief Sages and Rabbis of Judah) for one septet (Sabbatical week (seven) of Years) but for half of that septet he will abolish sacrifice and meal-offerings, and the mute abominations will be upon soaring heights, until exterminations as decreed will our down upon the mute (desolator).”
The Messiah will come in cataclysmic times. That is the synthesis of all the prophets of Israel;
Zechariah (Z’Kharyah) 14:2-5 (parts) – “For I will gather all the nations against Yerushalayim for war…Then Adonai will go out and fight against those nations, fighting as on a day of battle…On that day, there will be neither bright light or thick darkness; a one day, known to Adonai, will be neither day nor night, although by evening there will be light (Complete Pole Shift where at Jerusalem when the sun goes down, it will then rise)…Then Adonai will be king over the whole world. On that day Adonai will be the only one, and his name will be the only name.”
To understand more about the Return of the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
Posted at 09:56 PM in American Israelite Nation, Apocalypse Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation, Arabs and the Jews, Catastrophes around the World, Coming of the Messiah, Economic World Collapse, Global America, Global Islam, Israel and Global World Order, Israeli Settlements and the Homeland for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Messiah Millennial State of Israel, New World Order, Palestinian State and Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Revelation's Seals and Plagues, Sages of Israel, Samaria and Judea, Travel in Israel, War against Israel | Permalink
HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita - The King of all kings is collecting all the Jews in the whole world; putting pressure on them all around to bring them to Holy Eretz Yisrael.
Destination Yisra’el – “The Beams of HaShem’s light is gradually becoming focused on you! You know who you are, and maybe afraid to consider the possibilities that the G-d of Israel has your number; and you are now “Wanted”. To be “Wanted” by the Divine is far different than be “Wanted” by the Arch-Deceiver and the Forces of Darkness. The G-d of Israel wants us to be a part of His people, yet the choice remains freely yours.
There are three pathways of redemption; as a Jew of Judaism, as a Lost Triber from the House of Israel (Ezekiel 36) becoming friends and in fellowship with Judah (Ezekiel 37), and the Messiah. All are being led and guided by YHVH’s Messiah. It matters not what station of life you are in; everyone is included. You may feel that you are the worse of sinner, but transformation is immediately once you hook onto the lifeline of the lifeboat sent out by the G-d of Israel to bring you home into fellowship with His chosen people.
The calling for the return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel is all inclusive. The G-d of Israel promised that it would happen, based upon the honor of His Holy Name, so we have no argument. It will happen! If your ancestry is from the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel today living in North America and Northern Europe, you are “Wanted” to begin also making preparations for your aliyah back to the your tribal land of your heritage in Eretz Yisra’el (Land of Israel). How is this going to happen? We do not know, but G-d will make these things evident in the “appointed time”. If we spend time watching and listening to the Jewish people, we will catch on what to do when G-d calls each of us. Let’s read, perceive, and listen.
Here is the Torah Portion of Parshat Vayakhel as given by HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita:
HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita – “The King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu (HKB"H) is collecting all the Jews in the whole world; putting pressure on them all around to bring them to Holy Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel). All the countries and lands will continue to be embroiled and also get into arguments among themselves and also around them. Also in Europe this will arrive and will spread also to China. The evil in the world is destroying itself. Everything that is happening around us and that began in Egypt will spread in the whole world.
All the Jews in the whole world will be threatened and they will understand that the time has arrived for the redemption of Am Yisrael (All Israel). HKB"H (“The Holy One, Blessed is He”) is speaking with everyone "man to man" so that, G-d forbid, they won't say that they didn't understand what's happening in the world. There won't be peace with any country. Also, in Egypt, that, so to speak, there is quiet there, there will be very severe riots and disturbances. No country or land in the world will rise up. All will establish governments but they will not succeed to stand and to rule the countries. They will merely be like puppets. All this HKB"H does in order to bring the Jews to Eretz Yisrael. Because of the high logic there is in the world, it's difficult to understand that the hand of Hashem is in a thing and this will continue until the revelation of Melech HaMashiach (King Messiah).
In every month and in every week, HKB"H surprises the world with something else. One time, volcanoes and one time floods; one time severe winds and one time earthquakes, rain, snow and ice. One time conflicts inside countries and one time severe economic downfall in the world. All this so that Am Yisrael (both the Jews and the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel) will believe in HKB"H.
As HKB"H did miracles in Egypt - the ten plagues and splitting the Red Sea - so He is doing today. The Jews, if they are Jews, they will stream and will come up to Eretz Yisrael from little countries and the aliyah to Eretz Yisrael will spread to the large countries.
No country loves the Jews. They only love the brain of the Jews. All the corruptions, the bribes, the lies, the interest - everything, everything will be revealed. From day to day, we observe more and more lies and corruptions. All this is in order to cleanse the evil that there is in Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) and in the world.
A day will come when Am Yisrael (All Israel) will help the whole world. This is the ambition and the program of the Creator of the World. Because Am Yisrael (Greater Israel) is chosen and special and successful in everything, the whole world is fit to be turned upside down, to be confused and to become embroiled because of a little place called "Holy Land of Israel."
Tzahal (Defense Army of Israel), Tzva Haganah L'Yisrael, (Israeli Defense Forces) needs to be alert and to believe in the strength that is in Am Yisrael and in the officers of Tzahal (Defense Forces of Israel, and not rely on any external factor. The Iranian ships are not coming for no reason. They're coming to check if, in truth, Tzahal (Defense Army of Israel) is strong and alert like it's told about Tzahal in the world. They want to see the strength and response of Tzahal.
When Am Yisrael, the Jews (and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), unify and unite and fulfill the commandments (halakhah or living the life of Torah) and increase in giving and kindness, the Shechinah protects and HKB"H above defends Israel like an "envelope." This is the move of the Creator of the World.
The end of evil has arrived. The light of Mashiach is spreading and spreading and Mashiach is on the way, is present, operating and doing a big job so that the redemption will be with mercy.”
Credit to Palm Tree of Deborah – Message to the People of Israel in the Land and Across the World, from the mouth of HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Vayakhel 5771 - 20 Adar`א -– 22 Adar 5771 (February 20-26, 2011)
To understand more about the Return of the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
Posted at 09:08 PM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, American Israelite Nation, Apocalypse Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation, Arabs and the Jews, Catastrophes around the World, Christianity and Israel, Coming of the Messiah, Current Affairs in Israel, Economic World Collapse, Holocaust of the Jews, Iran and the Jews, Israel and Global World Order, Israeli Settlements and the Homeland for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Jerusalem and the Middle East, Jewish Parashahs, Land of Israel, Messiah Millennial State of Israel, Nuclear, Scalar, Biological and Conventional Warfare, Palestinian State and Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Revelation's Seals and Plagues, Sages of Israel, Spiritual Quest at the Time of the End, Time of the End | Permalink
Kol Ha Tor Passover Season Weekend in Samaria (Shomron) – Special Tours of Ancient Israel
“Abraham’s View” on the Summit of Mount Kabir
March 24, 2011 (Thursday) – March 27, 2011 (Sunday)
199 Shekel
Included in All Inclusive Fee:
- 3 nights’ accommodation (Thur., Fri. Sat.) in modern new Guest House in Karnei Shomron
- 2 Breakfasts on Friday & Shabbat
- Presentation of Tour to Sebastia on Thursday, military escort.
- Guidance with sightseeing on Friday (refer to options below) or use your own transport.
- Shabbat at leisure – synagogue 50 meters away.
- Milk kitchen (Kosher) available for self-preparations or bring your own food.
- Free Coffee Bar
- Free Wi-Fi Internet Connection
- At your own cost:
- Professional Tour Guide available for Sebastia & Shomron at shared cost optio.
- Approximately 100 Shekel for Bullet Proof Bus from Shavei Shomron to Sebastia.
- Own Transport to Shavei Shomron & Friday Sight Seeing.
- Local Restaurants at Karnei Shomron, Ginot, and Kidumim with variety of Cuisine.
- Pre-cooked Kosher Meals (wide variety) available at Local Center for Erev Shabbat and Shabbat lunch.
- Milk kitchen (only) available for Self-Preparations or bring your own food
For bookings and details, please contact:
052 7474834
"SEBASTIA", the Ancient Capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, Home of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, capital home of King Ahab and his Phoenician wife, Jezebel, and recognized as one of the Best Preserved Archeological Sites in Israel.
SHOMRON (Samaria)
“ABRAHAM’S VIEW” – when the G-d of Israel showed Abraham a bird’s eye view of the Promised Land, it was on the Summit of Mount Kabir. At the Scenic View Point, you are looking North across the Valley by which ancient Israelites entered the Land in the Exodus – the Shomron Mountains towards Galilee.
We invite you to walk in the footsteps of our Patriarchs and the ancient Ten Northern Tribes of Israel in the hidden and yet undiscovered Bible Landscape. These are the original regions where the 12 Tribes of Israel entered and lived for centuries in the land of Israel before the Temple in Jerusalem was erected. Enjoy the sites of the Land which Abraham and the Patriarchs were granted at their entry to the Promised Land – much of it (to the North) still in virgin and pristine condition not spoilt over the last 3500 years ago!
The Roman-era Temple of Augustus in the Judea/Samaria village of Sebastiya near Nablus. In this region is where the Mufti of Jerusalem planned to build an “Auschwitz” with thehelp of the German Reich). [MaanImages/Rami Swidan]
Observe the struggles and the amazing faith of modern Jewish settlers who settle these areas against the wishes of the world and even their own government of Israel. The region of Shomron is today the much disputed land from which the Arabs, supported by the entire world, wish to prevent Jews from living and settling.
- Witness Bible Prophecy in living drama in fulfillment of the biblical prophets as the mountains of Shomron are once again producing wines, when the descendants of the Nation of Ten Israel return from exile.
- Visit the hill-top settlements and farms of Jewish settlers and witness their struggles to develop the Land. See their successes as settlements start to thrive on the long deserted hills of Shomron.
“SHILOH” - the resting Place of the Tabernacle of the L-rd, 400 years before the Ark was moved by King David to Jerusalem. Visit the Synagogue built to the shape of the ancient Tabernacle.
The Two Unique Private Tours to ‘Unseen Territory" in Samaria
This tour will only be available 'if access by military escort is allowed”. These sites are normally opened for one day only during festive periods.
- JOSHUA’S ALTAR – Upon Mount Eval (Ebal) called the “Mount of Curses”. This is where Joshua built an altar and re-commemorated the giving of the Torah on the Mount called Sinai. It is probably the most ancient archeological remains in Israel (Not Visited by Tourists and Israelis) available only by rare visits by special military escort.
- SEBASTIA – the Ancient Capitol of the Northern 10 Tribes
Visit the Ancient Road of the Patriarchs and Prophets
- “MOUNT KABIR” – This high mount is opposite the Site of Joshua’s Altar. Plan to stand on Mount Kabir where Abraham was shown his inheritance and that of his chosen children. Mount Kabir is opposite:
- “JOSHUA’s ALAR” – This is where Joshua and the Children of Israel rededicated themselves to the Torah, given to them from G-d on the Mount called Sinai.
- Farming region of Itamar. Visit the largest municipal region of Israel.
- Ancient Road of the Prophets – Drive in the Road that traverses the Ancient Pathway of the Patriarchs and Prophets from Jerusalem to Galilee to the North. This road was used over the centuries from the time of Abraham until the Herodian Temple Era.
- Witness the Jewish modern towns that were once Settlements and now spread out over the mountain hill tops of Shomron.
We invite you to relax, share, and witness the ancient Land of the Patriarchs and Prophets in their Pristine Beauty. These are just a few of the many highlights which you will enjoy in this Biblical Wonderland, which is yet unknown to modern tourists and even to most Israelis.
For bookings and details, please contact:
052 7474834
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
Posted at 10:17 PM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, Arabs and the Jews, Archeology of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Christianity and Israel, Current Affairs in Israel, Festivals of the Lord, Historical and Natural Landmarks in Israel, History of the Jews, Israeli Settlements and the Homeland for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Jerusalem and the Middle East, Jesus (Yahshua) the Messiah, Judaism's Covenant, Land of Israel, Orthodox Jewish Life, Palestinian State and Israel, Prince and Princess of David, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Samaria and Judea, Travel in Israel | Permalink
Oil and Aliyah
As received by Rabbi Lazer Brody on Lazer Beams Oil and Aliya
Rabbi Brody - Things are happening with head-spinning speed here in the Middle East. Just 48 hours ago, when you could buy as many thousands of barrels of oil as you like for $86/each, I wrote here on the Beams to expect the price of oil to double in the nearest future. Well, folks, today's futures for crude hit $100/barrel - a 16% rise in two short days.
One way or another, the price of oil will continue to skyrocket. In Libya, the opposition has seized many towns; nobody's manning the rigs and production is way down - it could be screeching to a halt, but we don't have a reliable source to verify. On the other hand, Madman Muamar Qaddafi is holed up in Tripoli; as a last desperate act, he's willing to cut off his nose to spite his face and either blow up his own oil fields or sabotage the oil pipelines to the Mediterranean.
Italy is in big trouble, for it is dependant on Libyan oil. But, when one supplier slows production, the whole world will feel the squeeze. It won't be long before the price-per-gallon in US retail gasoline pumps start shooting upward too. If you want to start a new business in the USA, I'd suggest you consider bicycles - you're bound to succeed.
You don't have to be a PhD in economics to know what the price of oil does to the cost-of-living index. Growing food requires lots of fuel; so does getting agricultural produce from the farm to the urban markets, especially in the winter when there's no homegrown produce. And, even if you do have hothouse tomatoes and cukes up north, it takes a lot of fuel to warm those greenhouses in winter. Food will go up and so will electricity. Salaries won't go up, so the average family will have a financial bind… Click to finish the rest of the blog.
Credit to Rav Lazer Brody – “Oil and Aliya” – Lazer Beams - 24th February 2011
Posted at 10:12 PM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, Arabs and the Jews, Israel and Global World Order, Judaism's Covenant, Land of Israel, Nuclear, Scalar, Biological and Conventional Warfare, Orthodox Jewish Life, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Time of the End | Permalink
G-d’s Judgment and Redemption of Planet Earth continues as Christchurch New Zealand devastated by Massive Earthquake
As recent as February 7, 2011, BibleSearchers-Destination Yisra’el’s blogsite was investigating how the finger of the Almighty of Israel was breaking up the tectonic plates of Planet Earth preparing the Land of Israel to be a new home for the Jews of the House of Judah, but also to reclaim, redeem and restore the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel back to the lands of their forefathers. As written in the blog titled, “Ten Planetary Tectonic Plate Shifts bringing Catastrophic Destruction to Planet Earth”:
Destination Yisra’el – “With the rise of the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate approximating the western tongue of the Eurasian Plate jutting down towards Australia and accommodating the island kingdom of Sumatra and Indonesia, we would not be surprised that the Indo-Australian plate rise could possibly force the western edge of the “tongue” of the Eurasian Plate under the Australian Plate.
If such a shift did occur, and the Australian end of the plate shifted west, this vacuum would be felt all the way over to the pointing wedge pushing up towards Central America called the Kermadee Tonga Trench (KTT) where on the southeastern edge, the Island Nation of New Zealand resides, east of Australia.
And so it happened that on September 3, 2010, a 7.4 Mw Earthquake split the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, with devastating destruction. This third largest city of New Zealand sat below the fault line of the southeastern edge of the Kermadee Tonga Trench (KTT).
The lynchpin had been pulled and the domino effect of world tectonic plate adjustment began in earnest; or so we believe. How these tectonic plate shifts will unfold and what really may happen is for the G-d of Israel to know and our creative minds to watch, observe, and pray. If this process intensifies, great devastation will be felt around the entire Earth.”
On February 22, 2011, Christchurch, the 3rd largest city of New Zealand with 337,000 people began again to rumble and rock when a hard but shallow 6.3 Mw Quake with an epicenter only 3 miles from the city shattered this Island Paradise in the South Pacific. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake came from a slipping along the southeastern edge of the Kermadee Tonga Trench (KTT) where theIndo-Australian Plate meets the Pacific Plate.
From Destination Yisra’el’s Correspondent in Christchurch, this first report was sent:
Milly New-Zealand from Christchurch – “Ok, praise God it’s good to be alive! Gabby (our cat) hasn’t returned as yet; but we're hopeful. It was as if the Lord held me “in suspended animation” during this 6.3 Quake, while the walls billowed out of the cabinets and bookshelves dishes and bottled food everywhere. Within a mile’s circumference the structural damage is minimal; but our town now has the army to secure Christchurch’s “State of Emergency!”
It's really bad just 12 blocks away, sixty-six people are dead and over 200 people are trapped while it rained the later part of that evening. Most parts are without water, electricity, and in some cases “food and shelter.” Many of the shelters set in place are already filled up. There are inch gaps, about a foot deep and long, along several streets and sidewalks.
We don't have water and don't know when we will have water because of the damage. Although we’ve collected rainwater from every pan, bowl, and plastic carry bin we could find. Many grocery stores are closed; so food is limited to those who weren’t prepared. The after SHOCKS lasted all last night from about every 10-to-15 minutes. This Earth QUAKE is worse than the 7.1 we had on September the 4th; because it was closer, and not as deep, so it had a stronger more devastating effect. Thanks for ALL YOUR PRAYER AND THOUGHTFUL CONCERNS, MY DEAR FAMILY, AND FRIENDS!
We don't have water and don't know when we will have water because of the damage. Although we’ve collected rainwater from every pan, bowl, and plastic carry bin we could find. Many grocery stores are closed; so food is limited to those who weren’t prepared. The after SHOCKS lasted all last night from about every 10-to-15 minutes. This Earth QUAKE is worse than the 7.1 we had on September the 4th; because it was closer, and not as deep, so it had a stronger more devastating effect. Thanks for ALL YOUR PRAYER AND THOUGHTFUL CONCERNS, MY DEAR FAMILY, AND FRIENDS!
P.S. ~ From the overall situation what comes to mind is: “OH SINNER MAN…WHERE’RE YOU GONNA RUN?!”
It came with a great shock as the largest earthquake in New Zealand’s history erupted during the busy lunchtime rush hour, when suddenly tall building began falling down, concrete streets and roads fragmenting and splitting in two, and it toppled the 19th century picturesque Iconic Spire of the Christchurch Cathedral in the famous central square.
This was not the first quake, but a continuation of a series of quakes that began six months ago, on September 3, 2010, when a 7.4 Mw quake struck in the middle of the night with an estimated $3 billion in damages, but no loss of life. This time it was different.
With over seventy five people reported dead and 300 missing, New Zealand’s deadliest earthquake recorded in over eight decades is now projected to be one of the most expensive catastrophes in modern world history. According to JP Morgan Chase & Co, the insured losses may total over $12 billion, as reported by Michael Huttner, claim analyst for JP Morgan. If so, it would rival the $19.9 billion loss in Houston, Texas when Hurricane Ike in 2008 stormed Galveston Island and set a wide path of devastation all the way to Chicago, Illinois. Reported as the hurricane that crushed the economy of the United States, Hurricane Ike was blamed for toppling the giant secondary insurer, AIG, and precipitated the Rosh Hashanah 2008 New York Stock Exchange crash bringing the world economy virtually to a standstill.
According to the Insurance Information Institute, a New York based trade group, according to the insurance data from Swiss Re, and reflecting 2009 U.S. dollars, the 2011 Christchurch New Zealand Quake’s damages are estimated at $12 billion loss. It would be ranked as the seventh most costly natural disaster forinsurers since 1970. The most expensive modern catastrophe was Hurricane Katrina, which cost $71.2 billion.
During the 6.3 Canterbury Earthquake and the resultant 12 foot tsunami that was triggered, Alpine exploration groups were witness to the calving of numerous icebergs off the nearby glacier. This iceberg calving was recorded as being the second largest event in Tasman Lake history.
According to nature watches on New Zealand’s Tasman Lake, the earthquake was observed to calve over 30 million tons of ice, 1200 meters across the face, 30 meters above the lake and more than 250 meters below the surface to the bottom of the lake and back for about 75 meters.
According to the Mirror News UK, in the article titled, "Is New Zealand earthquake linked to the mysterious deaths of more than 100 pilot whales?” it was also reported that the earthquake was linked probably to several beaching events of whales along the coastline of New Zealand.
Pilot Whales beached along the New Zealand Shoreline just prior to the Canterbury-Christchurch New Zealand Earthquake
Mirror News UK - “Twitter was awash today with theories that the bizarre deaths of more than 100 stranded pilot whales in New Zealand may have been a warning that an earthquake was going to hit. There have been TWO mass whale deaths on NZ’s South Island in less than three weeks.
In the latest bizarre incident on Sunday, less than 48 hours before the earthquake hit, a pod of whales beached themselves near Cavalier Creek on Stewart Island. Discussing the earthquake and whale deaths on Twitter, Kate Redman 'DolphinSeeker30' asked: “could the stranding of 100 pilot whales be linked to the earthquake?”
CodeNameTanya tweeted: “Over a hundred pilot whales beached themselves in New Zealand and then the earthquake. Wonder if tectonic plate shifts confuse whales. Hmmm.”
VeganWheekers asked: “Could there be a connection between the 107 whales that died on New Zealand beach yesterday and today's earthquake?” while TV New Zealand added: "has anyone noticed the correlation between beached whales and earthquakes?
Following the discovery of 30 stranded pilot whales on the island earlier this month, RadioLive breakfast show host Marcus Lush tweeted that an earthquake “greater than five” would hit in the next week."
Over and over the G-d of Israel is bringing to the forefront of his chosen children that the time of their redemption is at hand. Even in times of catastrophes, G-d restoration of Planet Earth in preparation for the revealing of His Messiah and His Kingdom of Heaven on earth will be fully revealed as written by His prophet in Revelation.
Is it not also amazing that the citizens of New Zealand are truly descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel represented by the House of Ephraim. As a colony of the Island Kingdom of Britannia, the Anglo-Saxon’s arrival as the Engel (Hebrew for Oxen, the tribal banner of Ephraim) and the Saki, the Persian name for the “sons of Isaac”, the islanders of New Zealand are now on notice that their day of redemption and reclamation back to the lands of their forefathers in Israel is soon to come.
You might want to read,
G-d’s Divine Plan: “Paradise Lost, Paradise Restored”
Go to Part One – “The Tectonic Destruction of Planet Earth – Paradise Lost, Paradise Restored”
Go to Part Two - “The Twin Star Nibiru as G-d’s emissary of Divine Judgment”
Go to Part Three – “Ten Planetary Tectonic Plate Shifts bringing Catastrophic Destruction to Planet Earth”
Go to Part Four – “Remodeling Planet Earth in Preparation for the Return of All Israel”
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
Posted at 07:35 PM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, Apocalypse Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation, Catastrophes around the World, Christianity and Israel, Coming of the Messiah, Global Warming and Famine, Messiah Millennial State of Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Revelation's Seals and Plagues, Time of the End | Permalink
The North American Union is now Emerging as the World’s First 21st century Superstate
In tandem with the dual press announcements of the economic mergers of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)- Nextel with the German Börse that followed the international press release that the British London Stock Exchange (LSE) will be merging with the Canadian Toronto Stock to make it the second largest stock exchange in the world.
Now comes the announcement that the arrival of the first segment of the North American Union, the United States effectively has taken control of her national sister to the north, the Nation of Canada. Never in history has a merger been accomplished with such deliberation, speed and secrecy. Under the international guise of the creation of a Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) on February 4, 2911 signed into law, what would establish the borders of a new economic power bloc, and in effect declare new regional borders of a governing entity that would be neither a nation or a state but an economic region that would have its own security, police force and court systems to enforce the governance of its laws, democratically elected by its joint citizens – effectively a Superstate that would act above and beyond any national state in the world. As reported by “The Star” of Toronto, Canada in its article titled, “Canada kept U.S. border talks under wraps”;
The Toronto “The Star” – “The federal government deliberately kept negotiations on a border deal with Washington secret while it planned ways to massage public opinion in favour of the pact, according to a confidential communications strategy. The 14-page public relations document recommended that talks keep a “low public profile” in the months leading up to the announcement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama. At the same time, the government would secretly engage “stakeholders” — interested parties such as big business groups and others — in a way that respected “the confidentiality of the announcement.”
In advance, the government departments involved — including industry, foreign affairs, international trade and citizenship and immigration — were to “align supportive stakeholders to speak positively about the announcement,” according to the strategy prepared by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews’ officials. On Friday, Harper and Obama signed off on a plan that for the first time envisions throwing up a single security ring around the perimeter of Canada and the U.S. The wide-ranging blueprint calls for increased cooperation between the two countries’ police, border and intelligence agencies; an integrated Canada-U.S. exit-entry system using high-tech identification techniques and more sharing of information about Canadians with U.S. authorities. At least three major business organizations — the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Canadian Trucking Alliance — quickly issued statements praising the framework agreement Friday.”
Here we are witness to an internationalist state like never seen before in history; all political order will be centered on an economic foundation of world governance. So the creation of this new mega-state with the securing of its future borders and the first step to establish will be uniformity of regulations, trade and foreign affairs as though now they were working a one international economic entity. It is reason in itself why Babylon the Great was envisioned by its Orthodox Jewish author as an all inclusive world economic internationalist bloc of former nations welded together into one of ten internationalist Superstates.
The fact that this future governing institution is centered on “security” and “business commerce” without nationalism yet governing with a mandate of universal utopianism, it appears that the globalists believe that the world would be best governed by a few, no more than ten regional global unions, rather than multiple separate nationalistic governing groups today called nations, states, or kingdoms. Here is how the President of the United States envisions this future governing era; as copied off the White House web site in the article titled; “Joint Statement by President Obama and Prime Minister Harper of Canada on Regulatory Cooperation”.
The White House.org - Today, President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper have directed the creation of a United States-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC), composed of senior regulatory, trade, and foreign affairs officials from both governments. In recognition of our $1 trillion annual trade and investment relationship, the RCC has a two-year mandate to work together to promote economic growth, job creation, and benefits to our consumers and businesses through increased regulatory transparency and coordination.
They have directed that the first meeting of the RCC be convened within 90 days by the relevant agencies in the United States and Canada.”
They have directed that the first meeting of the RCC be convened within 90 days by the relevant agencies in the United States and Canada.”
Though the information brief on the White House website does state, “Improving regulatory cooperation and adopting compatible approaches that will lead to greater prosperity on both sides of the border and will in no way diminish the sovereignty of either the United States or Canada or the ability of either country to carry out its regulatory functions according to its domestic and legal policy requirements,” this fact has not convinced the Canadians while the Americans, with the silence of our media and press, are clueless.
What is envisioned by globalist watchers is that the diplomatic language of these announcements, as written up in this historic American-Canadian document, will soon transition two North American giants overthrowing each of their Sovereignty and transforming themselves into an international global union. Many of the Canadians are outraged, as seen in this Pacific Free Press article, titled, “Obama Border Deal about Corporate Power - Not Security and Trade”.
Pacific Free Press - “The agreement signed in Washington…will put a new border - A Security Perimeter - AROUND Canada and the United States. And it will begin the work of REMOVING the border between us in order to give Big Business more control of Canada's resources and people.
This is being done without the involvement of our Parliament, or the people of Canada or the United States. It is an undemocratic betrayal of all of us. The Corporations behind this deal own the politicians who signed it, and the media that are telling us 'how good it is'.
'This is the kind of government action thatwe in the business community have been seeking for years'.
Statement from The Canadian Council of Chief Executives; Feb. 4, 2011
The CCCE is the secretive umbrella group that represents Corporate Canada. The CCCE is the banks, big oil, the drug companies and manufacturers and retailers and all the rest; the people and corporations who own our country. Many believe they ARE the government of Canada. They are the ones behind this deal.
Also in the Border Deal: A new 'Council' will 'harmonize' regulations between Canada and the United States (google: Regulatory Cooperation Council):
The Corporations want ONE SET of business-friendly rules for Canada and the United States, they want control of the rules and regulations that govern us, and that is what this deal is largely about…"
The concept of a North American Union has been around with us for many decades. As BibleSearchers wrote in January, 2007;
BibleSearchers Reflections – “First will come the Super-state, called the North American Union that will integrate Canada, the United States and Mexico into one constitutional government. It will be cloned like the European Union, and the citizens of America will see vividly a massive transfer of wealth from the United States to Mexico plus the establishment of a "security perimeter" around North America – rather than securing America's borders with Mexico and Canada.” Though many consider this to be a conspiracy theory, its truth had gained the attention of high-level voices such as Congressmen Tom Tancredo (R-CO), Ron Paul (R-TX) , Virgil Goode Jr. (R-VA) andCNN reporter Lou Dobbs who called this plan of the government as “unconscionable” and Orwellian.”
The Official Magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations with their Motto the Apocalyptic White Horse and Rider
According to American University Professor Robert Pastor, the co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relation’s task force report titled “Toward a North American Community,” he proclaimed that this report is the blueprint for the emergence of the North American Union that was initially being implemented by President George Bush, the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox and former president of Canada, Paul Martin.
This remodeling of the nations into the eventual unified world order will include the lost of national sovereignty and national identity of each national country of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, plus the eventual guarding of the borders of the American Union by military troops from other formerly foreign countries. As the Americans watched the dollar collapse on the world market in 2007-2008, they began to perceive that it was only a global plan to destroy the American Dollar and usher in a unified currency for the North American Union called the Amero or the North American Dollar or Amero(NAD). This transformation of three national countries into one regional union of a global federation was already under construction with the establishment of an intra-union network of superhighways connecting this region for quick transportation for the economic transfer of goods and the efficient transfer of unified military control.
Here arose the disputed Trans-Texas Corridor that was a massive intra-continental highway as part of the “Union wide” NAFTA Superhighway System from northern Canada to the southern border of Mexico. The biblical models about the imperial quest for power in the past ages that brought foreign intervention to the Holy Land were “shadow pictures” demonstrating that soon foreign rulers will someday govern the “land of the free and the home of the brave”.
Nine months later, on September, 2007, as BibleSearchers Reflections was researching the futuristic trends in America still four years in the future, they wrote in the article subtitled, “The Emerging North American Union and the Amero Currency”, the following;
BibleSearchers Reflections – “The question that is now being asked, is the destruction of the sovereign nation of the United States of America now scheduled to be completed as this great nation is absorbed into the second of ten planned Unions, a fulfillment of the “large horn” of the he-goat being broken as America becomes a part of the North American Union and the future unified global order of nation?
Daniel 8:8 – “Therefore the male goat grew very great; but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven”
We remind ourselves that the angel speaking to the prophet Daniel was quite emphatic on when the final war between the eastern powers represented by Persia and the western powers represented by Greece would occur. Unlike most Jewish and Christian commentaries and interpretations, the final fulfillment of this prophecy was not in the days of Alexander the Great when he destroyed the armies of the Persians under Darius III in 331 BCE. As the angel Gabriel told Daniel:
Daniel 8:17 (parts) – “Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end.”
As we ponder the implications of Daniel’s prophecy, we come to the reality that with the fragmentation of the “great horn” appears to be the United States as the “face” of the European Union as ancient Greece was the “face of ancient Rome”. The fragmentation of the “great horn” suggests that the power of the United States will be broken, or the sovereignty of the United States will end as the united power of the 51 states within this union. The undercurrent of this prophetic stream is about to erupt as the news and future plans of the North American Union will soon come to a full reality for the citizens of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
It was eight years ago in 1999, that former CBS News anchorman, Walter Cronkite, once recognized as the “most trusted name in America”, was honored and accepted the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. This prestigious award was given by the World Federation Association, now known as the Citizens for Global Solutions. As Cronkite accepted the honor, he spoke of a day in the near future in which the United States would be incorporated into a larger World Order with these words:
Walter Cronkite - “Today we must develop federal structures on a global level. To deal with world problems, we need a system of enforceable world law, a democratic federal world government."
Even more interesting was, on that same evening, first lady Hilary Clinton, now Democratic presidential candidate, congratulated Cronkite in closed circuit television link-up with these words, "For decades you told us 'the way it is,' but tonight we honor you for fighting for the way it could be."
President George Bush, along with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the North American Leaders’ Summit in Montebello, Canada on August 20, 2007
On August 21, 2007, the Presidents of the United States, Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada met at the North American Leader’s Summit at the Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello in Montebello, Canada to continue to work towards the integration, or the trilateral cooperation between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico as proposed in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
During the press conference at the Summit, it was the president of the United States who ridiculed as “conspiracy theories” the claims that the United States is building “NAFTA Superhighways” in the bid to integrate these three nations into a North American Union.
The aspirations of these world leaders make the late Water Cronkite look like a geo-political prophet, as he continued his acceptance speech with the following:
Walter Cronkite – “First, we Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereigntyThat's going to be too many a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the New World Order… What Alexander Hamilton wrote about the need for law among the 13 states applies today to the approximate 200 sovereignties in our global village, all of which are going to have to be convinced to give up some of that sovereignty to the better, greater union; and it's not going to be easy."
Contrary to President Bush’s assertions, it was James Corsi in an article written in the World Net Daily, called, “Name Changed to Hide ‘Superhighway’? - Secret Document reveals Original Moniker of ‘SuperCorridor” that reveals a 1998 document that claims that the North American SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO), was officially called the North American Superhighway Coalition. This “corridor” through the State of Texas, called the “Trans-Texas Corridor” has been a subject of heated debate, as many politicians deny that it exists, or want it seen as part of the present Interstate 35 highway system. It was identified as one of the highway corridors that would be created “toimprove the safe and efficient movement of people and goods at or across the U.S./Canadian, and Mexican borders” in legislation section of TEA-21 devoted to a new National Corridor Planning and Development program.
It is important to note that this concept of global integration has been on the public drawing boards since 1985, when an archived version of NASCO website, dating October 24, 2005, claims that “for over ten years, NASCO has been developing a strong coalition of cities, counties, states, Canadian provinces, and private sector companies to lobby for federal funding and promote a "SuperCorridor" to address the transportation, trade and security needs of the three NAFTA nations.”
Inherent within the plan to integrate the three countries of Canada, United States of America, and Mexico is the construction of what is called the NAFTA SuperCorridor. It intends to implement the creation of a North American Community to become a part of all the global unions as early as 2010.
While such a concept is widely and officially denied, millions of dollars are flowing through working committees such as the 2007 NASCO Conference on May 30-June 1 titled, “Moving America Forward”. This was to be followed by the 2008 Conference in Guanajuato, Mexico on June 4-6, 2008 whose agenda is to “harmonize” the rules and regulations that will be used to “integrate” these three nations. Imbedded also within the "Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007" that is currently being debated in Congress.
Within these regulations are many of the principles of immigration, first outlined by the principle promoter of globalism by the western internationalists and trans-nationalists, the Council of Foreign Relations. It was the CFR Task Force that printed this report in May, 2005 called “Building a North American Community”.
Implementing a global agenda has neither been debated nor approved by Congress. Many of the Task Force recommendations are reputed to be imbedded into multiple legislations or implemented by Bush’s executive office. To date 18 states are debating on refusing to participate in agencies that are promoting a North American Community.
As the European Union was first introduced as a “European Community” and promoted as a trade-enhancement agreement, so today, Americans were first introduced to a trade-enhancement agreement called NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) and behind the scenes the report by the Council on Foreign Relations was already calling for a North American Inter-Parliamentary Group.
Without even a constitution and a parliament that is not elected, the European Union today make laws that the European nations are forced to comply. Soon, our Congress and Senate may no longer legislate for a sovereign United States of America, but rather, the “State” of North America will be subject to the legislation from the North American Parliament. It is reported that as the “integration” of these three countries moves down the bureaucratic path to a formal union, maybe we will fully understood the full extent of Daniel’s prophetic insight. When American “became strong, the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven” (Daniel 8:8).
What are the “four notable horns”; Canada, Mexico, and America split in two sectors or will America split into four sections? We do not know. It rather suggests that the “Great Horn” will be broken and the world power and authority of the “Great Horn” that arises from the head of the “he-Goat” of Daniel 8, will be taken over by “four notable horns” that will have world power and authority.
The power of world dominion of the “He-Goat” of Daniel 8 is symbolized by the body of the He-Goat represented as the European Union and NATO with the “face” and “great horn” of the United States. In a furious battle, the He-Goat will take over the economic and political dominion of the “Great Ram” of Daniel 8, symbolized by Iran (Persia) with the two great horns of Russia and China.
The combined beasts of Daniel will morph into the “Sea Beast” of Revelation 13. May we suggest that the “four notable horns” will become the central power throne of the World Federation of Nations? It may be symbolized as the body of the German Reich leopard, the head of the Anglo British-American eagled winged lion, the feet of the Russian bear, and the tail of the Chinese dragon.
What we do know, the prophet said it would happen, and now the process of it happening is already almost finalized. As children of the Divine, it’s time to wake up and “watch and be ready” lest you become like the five virgins whose oil ran out for their lamps while waiting for the bridegroom. They had no additional oil in reserves prepared for potentially the bridegroom’s delay. The wedding feast went on without them.”
Are these novel ideas that are just coming to play, the One World Order the prophets of Israel have spoken about? We might consider that the mega-trends to take possession of Planet Earth are as old as the rebellion of Satan and the dark angelic forces that followed him in heaven.
October 1941 Map (Made before Pearl Harbor) of the Post World War II Era “New World Order” reputed to have been Created by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the U.S. State Department
The New World Order began even before World War II when the secret power’s first goal was to form a World Economic Alliance that would develop a Green Environment, launch a World of Peace based upon human prosperity plus the realignment of all religious belief systems into a World Confederation of Religions. Not only that, this “New World Dream” was under development even before the Bombing of Pearl Harbor in September 1941, when the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the United States State Department printed the October 1941 Map of the “New World Order” envisioning the Post World War II Era after Hitler and the Nazi era of German occupation.
The underlying currents of power and fear erupting around the world, all speak of people’s around the globe that are calling for the human freedom’s of democracy while the entire world is descending rapidly into the prophetic vision of “peace with great security”. During this era while this earth is descending into chaos, two Dragon Powers called the “Sea Beast” and the “Earth Beast” of Revelation 13 will rise upon the geopolitical stage of the final era of mankind. No doubt the world will be governed through a governing body like the United Nations, not over 192 sovereign nations but ten economic unions governed by a Parliament. All the people of the world will then be underthe court of legal jurisdiction at the International Court of Justice at the Hague in the Netherlands. Torah law and constitutional law will be no more. The world governance will not be by the Supreme laws of a High Power, but by “tempered reason” of rational men.
This dream of a New World Order was not even conceived in 1941, but even earlier. Four months before the stock market began to decline in the New York Stock Exchange on September 4, 1929 that precipitated the October 29, 1929 Stock Market Crash called “Black Tuesday”, a “Manifesto” for this New World Order was being prepared to be unveiled before the whole earth. It was already on the drawing boards and the revelation of this dream was being prepared for construction, three months earlier on June 1929.
As BibleSearchers revealed in 2005 in the article titled, “The Georgia Guidestones and the Manifesto to Eliminate 6.0 Billion People from this Planet Earth”;
BibleSearchers Reflections – “In June 1929 about 100 miles outside of Atlanta Georgia a suave and dapper stranger strode into the offices of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and laid out a project to build a monument as enigmatic as the Stonehenge Monument in Great Britain. His mission was to build a monument later to be called “The Georgia Guidestones”. He thereby engraved in stone a living monument of the mission of the hierarchy of the occult and the plans of the future global order for this planet earth.
Today dubbed the “American Stonehenge”, four 19-foot giant Georgia Guidestones, a Center Gnome all supporting one common capstone was built of Georgia blue granite on the highest hill in Elbert County in eastern Georgia, the “Granite Capital” of the world. It offered the advice of the unknown ‘sages’ in twelve different languages on how to conserve and preserve this planet earth.
The origin of the monument, the identity of the man who hired its construction, R. C. Christian and the group that designed and sponsored its construction remains a guarded secret to this day. As stated, they wanted to “build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind”…and “to offer direction to humanity.”
What was this “message” from the unknown sages of a global order that they sought to give to mankind? They consist of the Ten Commandments of the Global Order that were engraved. Each of the ten precepts or ‘The Ten Commandments of the Global Order’ was engraved in twelve (12) different languages: English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish and Swahili plus Sanskrit, Babylonian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics and classical Greek.”
A brief summary of what the political agenda of this New World Order will be like in its governance was inscribed on the four lentils of the Stonehenge of North America, the “Georgia Guidestones. The “Ten Commandments” of the One World Order are asfollows:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
This era of peace will attempt to mimic the era of prosperity of Solomon’s reign, using wisdom of understanding and knowledge, with diplomatic skills of molding nations together for world peace and understanding, plus the hidden economic skills of power, greed and control. To be a participant of this prosperity you will have to join; heart, soul, and mind. In other words, you will have to “sleep with the devil”.
Who will rule over the nations of the world in that day? The “Wise”, the “Rational” and the “Enlightened rulers” with no spiritual acumen or connection with the divine, it is anticipated will rule. The Prophets and Sages of Israel claim otherwise for they too have given the proclamation of who will eventually rule over Planet Earth. Here was the testimony of Yesha ‘Yahu (Isaiah the Prophet);
Yesha ‘Yahu (Isaiah) 9:6-7 – “For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us and the dominion will rest on his shoulder; the Wondrous Advisor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, called his name Sar-shalom (Prince of Peace); upon the one with the greatness in dominion and the boundless peace that will prevail on the throne of David and on his kingdom, to establish it and sustain it through justice and righteousness, from now to eternity, The zealousness of HaShem, Master of Legions will accomplish this!”
Yesha ‘Yahu (Isaiah) 11:1-5 – “But a branch will emerge from the trunk of Yishai (Jesse), a shoot (Royal lineage of King David) will grow from his roots. The Spirit of Adonai will rest on him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and power, the Spirit of knowledge and fearing Adonai – he will be inspired by fearing Adonai.
He will not judge by what his eyes see or decide by what his ears hear, but he will judge the impoverished justly; he will decide fairly for the humble of the land. He will strike the land with a rod from his mouth and slay the wicked with a breath from his lips. Justice will be the belt around his waist, faithfulness the sash around his hips.”
Here is the testimony of Daniel the Prophet;
Dani‘el 7:13-14 – “I kept watching the night visions, when I saw, coming with the clouds of heaven, someone like a son of man. He approached the Ancient One and was led into his presence. To him was given rulership, glory and a kingdom, so that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him. His rulership is an eternal rulership that will not pass away; and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”
Here is the testimony of King David in the Psalms;
Tehillim (Psalms) 2:6-9 – “‘I myself have installed my king on Tziyon, my holy mountain. I will proclaim the decree: Adonai said to me, ‘You are my son; today I became your father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance; the whole wide world will be your possession. You will break them with an iron rod, shatter them like a clay pot.’”
Revelation 2:27 – “I will give him authority over the nations; he will rule them with a staff of iron and dash them to pieces like pottery.”
Here was the testimony of Shim‘on Tzaddik (Simon the Righteous);
Luke 2:29-32 – “Now, Adonai, according to your word, your servant is at peace as you let him go; for I have seen with my own eyes your yeshu‘ah (salvation), which you prepared in the presence of all peoples – a light that will bring revelation to the Goyim (gentiles) and glory to your people Isra’el.” (Lost Tribes of the House of Israel)”
Here was the testimony of the Apostle John, the Deputy Sagan of the Orthodox Jewish Nazarene Sanhedrin, revealing now the Revelations of Messiah;
Revelation 19:11-16 – “Next I saw heaven opened, and there before me was a white horse. Sitting on it was the one called ‘Faithful and True’, and it is in righteousness that he passes judgment and goes to battle. His eyes were like a fiery flame, and on his head were many royal crowns.
And he had a name written which no one knew but himself. He was wearing a robe that had been soaked in blood, and the name by which he is called is; ‘The Word of G-d’. The armies of heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down nations – ‘He will rule them with a staff of iron.’ It is He who treads the winepress from which flows the wine of the furious rage of Adonai, G-d heaven’s armies. And on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written: “King of kings and L-rd of lords”.
For the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, the Maschiah ben David (Messiah son of David), is your Messiah. Whatever it take through the tribulation which we are presently walking through “the valley of the shadow of death”, are we prepared to stay true to Messiah. Was it not He who showed us the way home, in restoration in brotherhood with our Jewish cousins? We are the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” and our restoration to our ancestral home is only months away! Fear not! The One World Order will only be a passing nightmare.
Go to Part One – “Rothschild’s control of German and American Stock Market captures Market Share of future Economic World Order”
The Resurrection of the World Global Economy
Go to Part One – “Rothschild’s control of German and American Stock Market captures Market Share of future Economic World Order”
Go to Part Two – “The North American Union is now Emerging as the World’s First 21st century Superstate”
The Rothschild Economic Dynasty and the One World Order
“Sabbatai Zevi and the Rise of the Sea Beast of Revelation” – BibleSearchers Reflections
“Rothschild Shabbatean Zionist State of Israel preparing the Future Home for the Returning Ten Tribes of the House of Israel” – BibleSearchers Reflections
“The Federal Reserve Bank in a Global Economic War for World Domination” – BibleSearchers Reflections
Jerusalem for Sale
Go to Part One - “Jerusalem and the Holy Sites of the Jews have already been Bought and Given Away but not to Israel”
Go to Part Two - “The “Indomitable Jew” and the Mega-Trends bringing the Land of Israel to its Full Messianic Fulfillment”
Go to Part Three - “The Esoteric Forces of Evil will Sweep “All Israel” (Judah and Israel) to their Final Redemption”
BibleSearchers and Destination Yisra’el links on a Global Economic One World Order
“The Queen of Britain gives Marching Orders as the Queen of the World to the United Nations” - Destination Yisra’el
“The Day the World Economy Collapsed the Gog-Magog War Ended” – Destination Yisra’el
“The Day the World Economy Collapsed, Rabbi Kaduri’s Gog-Magog War Ended – Is it Over or just the Beginning of the End?” – Destination Yisra’el
Rothschilds, the Federal Reserve and the Fate of America’s Fort Knox
Go to Part One – “Fiat Money and the Fort of Gold – Fate of Fort Knox”
Go to Part Two – “The Federal Reserve, Jekyll Island and the Sinking of the Titanic”
Go to Part Three – “U.S Federal Reserve in 2012 leaves America to her Destiny”
Go to Part Four - “The End of the Golden Era – One Hundred Years until the Default of the American Dream – Will the Gold of Fort Knox be Gone?”
Remembering the Gog-Magog War as the “War on Terror”
Go to Part One – “The Gog-Magog War called the “War on Terror” – Remembering Rabbi Kaduri’s Hoshana Rabbah, the 7th day of Sukkot 2001”
Go to Part Two – “The Day the World Economy Collapsed, Rabbi Kaduri’s Gog-Magog War Ended – Is it Over or the Beginning of the End?”
Go to Part Three – “Obama’s Game Changer - Nuclear Weapon in the Hands of Terrorists blowing up a Major American City” – What does Obama know that the American People do not?”
Go to Part Four – “The Day Los Angeles and San Francisco were Destined to be Destroyed – America had a Benefactor called a ‘Friendly Little Nation’”
The Blue Print of the Club of Rome and the One World Order
Go to Part One - The Purpose of the Copenhagen Conference
Go to Part Two - “Population Control and Eugenics”
Go to Part Three - “There are Powers so Organized”
Go to Part Four - “Copenhagen Treaty at the Copenhagen Conference – ‘Is Obama Poised to Ceded US Sovereignty?’”
The Barcelona Conference and the One World Order
Go to Part One - “The Mediterranean Summit in Barcelona; Stage Set for the One World Order’s “Union for the Mediterranean”
Go to Part Two – “The Bilderberg's and the Trilateral Commission's Secret Meetings preparing for the Mediterranean Summit in Barcelona”
Go to Part Three - “Will Barcelona become the Capital where the Maschiach Nagid (Anti-Messiah) becomes the Signatory to the World Peace Agreement with Israel?”
Part Four - “Will Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu sell “Jerusalem” and the “Land of Israel” for Peace?”
The Jews and the Lost Tribes of Israel and the One World Order
“Jews, the World is Shaking and in Chaos, It’s time to Come Home! – Parshat Yitro as the Message from Sinai – HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Yitro 5771
“Jews! The World is Collapsing and the Master of the World is calling you Home!” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Mishpatim 5771
“The Shechinah has abandoned the Land outside Israel” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Teruma 5771
“The King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu, runs the world from Aleph to Tav” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Ki Tisa 5771
“‘Come Out of Her My People’ – It’s Time for the Lost Israelites to reach out in Reconciliation with the Jews to Bring Redemption to All Israel”- Destination Yisra’el
“The Divine Mission to Restore the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel” – BibleSearchers Reflections Series
“Mass Extinctions and Ezekiel’s Prophetic Redemption for the Lost Tribes of Israel” – Destination Yisra’el
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove, as a Reception from the House of Judah is forming to Welcome the Returning House of Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!” a Bed and Breakfast Guest House with Kosher Cuisine, and Tours of Biblical Shomron (Samaria) and Judea.
Posted at 07:40 AM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, American Israelite Nation, Apocalypse Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation, Arabs and the Jews, Catastrophes around the World, Christianity and Israel, Coming of the Messiah, Global America, Global Europe, Global Islam, Global Israel, Global Warming and Famine, Holocaust of the Jews, Iran and the Jews, Israel and Global World Order, Jewish Nazarenes, Land of Israel, Messiah Millennial State of Israel, New World Order, Nibiru and Planet X, Nuclear, Scalar, Biological and Conventional Warfare, Obama White House and Israel, Palestinian State and Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Revelation's Seals and Plagues, Time of the End | Permalink
Rothschild’s control of German and American Stock Market captures Market Share of future Economic World Order
The London and Toronto stock markets made waves in the financial world on February 9, 2011, when they announced that they were merging their Trans-Atlantic stock markets in England and Canada. However, they were quickly outdone by Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext's proposed fusion the next day
As if on cue, the early part of February 2010, the global world news was waiting in bated breath when two major economic world mergers were unveiled. First the merger of the British-Canadian global economic markets was unveiled when the London and Toronto stock markets reportedly were merging. This was quickly followed by the fusion between the German Deutsche Börse and the New York Stock Exchange-Euronext merger.
In a joint later announcement, “This transaction creates a group that is both a world leader in derivatives and risk management and the premier global venue for raising of capital funds. The global capital markets would benefit from the creation of the most efficient, transparent and well-regulated markets for issuers and clients around the world."
Together, the announcement of the Toronto Canadian and the British London stock exchanges simultaneous revelations set them to capture one of the world’s largest trading platforms. Together they would dominate the energy and raw material sectors of the world economy.
Back in 1997, the New York Stock Exchange merged with Euronext and became the joint venture of the New York, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam stock exchanges. All together they represented one third of the world’s equities trading market, and recognized as the most liquid of all the world’s global exchange groups.
Together, the German Deutsche Börse's market value of 11.3 billion Euros ($15.5 billion) owned 59-60 percent of the new company while the NYSE Euronext holder’s value of $6.7 billion Euros held 40-41% of the equity value. The German Deutsche Börse also is a world leader in international derivatives exchange with shared ownership between the Six Swiss Exchanges. Yet, they are shadowed only by the larger Rothschild dominated Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the obvious world leader in international derivatives.
The NYSE Euronext will also share dual international headquarters in New York City, and Frankfurt, Germany. The chairman of Deutsche Börse's, Reto Francioni is planned to become the new chairman of the merging Deutsche Börse and the NYSE Euronext stock market consortium. Duncan Niederauer would become the chief executive of the New York based NYSE Euronext’s future now emerging stock and marketing giants.
To see the influence of the Rothschild family banking dynasty one has to go back to the year of 2005 when Deutsche Börse was seeking to take over the London Stock Exchange. It was felt then, that this would create a market-dominating European exchange to the £1.3bn bid for the LSE.
In the meantime, the internal shareholders of Deutsche Börse with TCI (The Children’s Investment Fund) who owned 7.5% of Deutsche Börse were revolting now led by the Rothschilds directing the rebellion. They feared that a Deutsche Börse-London Stock Exchange would marginalize the Frankfurt Börse that was dominated by the Rothschilds. The first to revolt was the powerful German car maker Porsche when Manfred Ayasse, their spokesman stated:
Manfried Ayasse – “We fear that if a takeover happened, Deutsche Börse would have to make substantial concessions to the disadvantage of the Frankfurt börse. They're talking about moving whole units to London. A takeover would give Deutsche Börse a monopolistic position and could lead to higher fees (for users) because competitive pressures from the London Stock Exchange would disappear."
Whether Porsche was a front for the Rothschilds we do not know but the Frankfurt dissident shareholders joined the revolt. Led by the hedge funds TCI (The Children’s Investment Fund) and Atticus Capital, plus American Fidelity Investments and Merrill Lynch's investment arm, together, had control of 38% of the Deutsche Börse market shares. The revolting plan was to vote to oust the entire Deutsche Börse's supervisory board when the May 25, 2005, annual meeting was held and effectively halt the Deutsche Börse’s £1.4 billion takeover offer for the London Stock Exchange.
To bolster their clout, they allied themselves with the banking veteran Lord “Jacob” Rothschild, seeking to replace Rolf Breuer as the expectant new chairman of the supervisory board. The rumor circulating was that Reto Francioni, the chairman of the SWX Swiss Exchange was being groomed to succeed Werner Seifert as the CEO of Deutsche Börse. This would have been an ideal replacement for Francioni was Werner Seifert’s deputy at the German exchange between the years of 1993 to 2000.
Yet, there was no love lost between the two rivals; Rolf Breuer and Reto Francioni. Reto Francioni, the chairman of the Swiss exchange was now an enemy of Seifert. Once Seifert’s deputy at Deutsche Börse, Francioni was now his enemy in a falling out in a 2000 investment strategy; especially Seifert’s ambition’s to buy out the London Stock Exchange. Yet, behind all of these internationalist’s coups, was Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Lord Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild is the head of the United Kingdom (UK) branch of the Rothschild European banking dynasty. Today, as the deputy chairman of BskyB, he is a well know patron of the arts. Lord Rothschild was also well know in an earlier coup, when in 2003, the UK media giant BskyB announced that Lord Rothschild would become its new deputy chairman and the chief of BskyB. James Murdoch, the son of the media giant Rupert Murdoch, would resign as a board member of News Corp and its technology subsidiary NDS and become the new CEO of BskyB. Of course, Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp, the American media giant controlled 35.4%of the stock of BskyB.
Even more revealing with this palace coup of BskyB, Lord Jacob Rothschild had effectively taken over the frozen shares that once belonged to the deposed Jewish Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky owner of the Yukos Sibneft oil Empire. This occurred after Khodorkovsky was arrested and jailed in Russia under corruption charges in his bid to politically compete against Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for the democratically elected office of the Presidency of Russia.
In the fierce rival bid for the chairmanship of Deutsche Börse, it would pit Lord Jacob Rothschild’s protégée, Reto Francioni, against his former chief, Deutsche Börse's CEO Werner Seifert’s protégée, Rold Breuer. History would attest, Rold Breuer’s bid to become the Deutsche Börse’s CEO in place of the retiring Werner Seifert, was routed as Reto Francioni was voted in as the Deutsche Börse's new CEO.
The Deutsche Börse's bid to purchase the London Stock Exchange fell through, and so did also the rival bidder Euronext’s bid to take control of the prestigious London Stock Exchange. Who then were the winners and who were the losers?
One only has to wonder what influence the British royal family had to do in these failed mergers. Was the royal family working in concert with the Rothschild’s British family’s tycoon, Lord Jacob Rothschild? The answer to these questions is unknown. As history will attest, eventually the United States’ New York Stock Exchange would merge with Euronext, and now the NYSE Euronext’s rival for the bid for the LSE, Deutsche Börse, are now planning to merge in a giant threesome. The Rothschild’s would win, with their control now of the NYSE-Euronext merger with Rothschild’s former rival börse, Deutsche Börse against Rothschild’s Frankfurt Börse.
Queen Elizabeth’s power in the London Stock Exchange would only be enhanced by the Trans-Atlantic merger with the Canadian Toronto Stock Exchange. Beneath all of these, the British royal family, who as the British royal family are truly not English but of German descent now places the pathway of the British Royal monarchy and the Rochschild’s family dynasty possibly along the same economic superhighway.
Rolf Breuer as the expectant new chairman of the supervisory board was now history. The rumor circulating was that Reto Francioni, the chairman of the SWX Swiss Exchange was being groomed to succeed Werner Seifert, protégée, Rold Breuer’s as the CEO of Deutsche Börse was true. Rothschild’s Francioni won and Seifert’s Breuer lost. The rest was history with a new win for international financing supremacy by the Rothschild’s Banking Dynasty.
As we shall see, all these events fit well with the dreams of the Rothschild’s Goldman Sack’s bid for world dominance. The Federal Reserve Bank of Goldman Sachs, under the control of the Rothschild’s family dynasty, now had the American New York Stock Exchange, Euronext and Deutsche Börse under its international influence. Rothschild’s Reto Francioni, the former chairman of the SWX Swiss Exchange eventually went on to become the chairman of Deutsche Börse and today Rothschild’s Francioni has emerged to become the chairman of the new emerging Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext stock market consortium.
Reto Francioni was the Rothschild’s front man that was placed at the helm of Deutsche Börse after the failed Deutsche Börse-London stock exchange merger that was rivaling the earlier Euronext-London Stock Exchange merger. Now together, a more powerful Deutsche Börse-United States New York Stock Exchange-Euronext will emerge to compete with the powerful internationalist influence of the British-Canadian London-Toronto Stock Exchange.
On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth’s royal influence over the London Stock market has now found a more compatible commonwealth partner; her commonwealth Canada giant, the Toronto Canadian Stock Exchange. Together in the new Trans-Atlantic merger with the British London Stock Exchange the two of them will become the second largest Stock Exchange in the world, second only with the New York Stock Exchange-Euronext.
Out of the mergers we now see Duncan Niederauer, whom “Wall Streeters” jokingly talked about the Goldman Sachs "takeover" of the New York Stock Exchange was also a Rothschild protégée. The insider fighting for control of the world economic and banking industry continued as the boss of Goldman Sachs on the New York Stock Exchange, Hank Paulson, moved in 2007 to overthrow NYSE chairman, Dick Grasso, and put John Thain, the CEO of Goldman as the new chairman of the NYSE. Mr. Thain completed a complete modernization of the NYSE, under the supervision of Goldman board demands.
Then there arrived Duncan Niederauer, the Rothschild-Goldman replacement for John Thain as the CEO of the NYSE and director of the NYSE Euronext on December 1, 2007. This was an amazing rise to power of a man who joined NYSE Euronext eight months earlier in April 2007 as a member of the management committee. This is also an amazing consolidation of international economic political power.
The portfolio of Duncan Niederauer, where today is now at the helm of NYSE-Euronext since 2007 came also from the Rothschild banking group’s, Goldman Sachs where Niederauer held numerous important positions since joining them in 1985. These GS positions include; co-head of the Equities Division Execution Services franchise plus the managing director responsible for Goldman Sachs Execution & Clearing, L.P. (formerly known as Spear, Leeds & Kellogg L.P.) Between 2002 and 2004, Niederauer also served on the board of managers of Archipelago Holdings, LLC (United States).
There is no doubt that the Economic World Order of the last imperial kingdom on earth, the “Sea Beast of Revelation”, called “Babylon the Great”, is rising in front of our eyes. Though we might focus on the Rothschilds as the focal point of arranging this final economic world order, we do not do this with derision for every thing happening today on Planet Earth is only done under the direct will and command of the G-d of Israel.
What may be even more revealing is that the key players in this “Final Act” of the “Drama of the Ages”, are not just the internationalist Jews, but even more potent, the internationalist Lost Tribes of the House of Israel.
We have to seriously consider that all of the banking and merchant players that we have written in this article are either descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel residing in America, Great Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Northern France, Northern Germany, plus the Scandinavian nations of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, and the rest of the Isles of the West; Ireland and Scotland. Or they are descendants of the Jewish Rothschild Banking Dynasty.
Are we surprised? We shouldn’t be! The G-d of Israel has stated that his “chosen children”, the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel were “filthy”. G-d also promised that He is going to reclaim, restore, and redeem them, not because they were worthy, but for one reason only; to honor His Holy Name! (Ezekiel 36:22)
Not only that, G-d promised that He is going to restore the Lost Tribes of Israel back into brotherly fellowship with their cousins, the Jews (Ezekiel 37:15-19). The G-d of Israel, who came down on the mount called Sinai, stated also that He is also going to take the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, clean up their “filthy” lives with “clean water”, “take away their stony heart”, “give them a new heart” (Ezekiel 36:25-26), and then “set apart them to be regarded as holy.” (Ezekiel 36:23).
That is not the whole picture. To cap it off, the G-d of Israel then proclaimed;
Ezekiel 36:24, 27-28 – “I will take you (Lost Tribes of the House of Israel) from among the nations, gather you from all the countries, and return you to your own soil…I will put my Spirit inside you and cause you to live by my Torah decrees, and guard my ordinances and obey them. You will live in the land I gave as an inheritance to your ancestors. You will be My people, and I will be your G-d.”
To the internationalists and globalists, the G-d of Israel allows them to follow their own foolishness. To the Jewish Rothschild “Presidents” or rulers of America, their destiny is under the control of the G-d of Israel.
It was the G-d of Israel, who led each of them as His “Gog” (“Prince” or “Ruler” of the Land of Magog (America) to the Middle East, with a “ring in their nose” as He also did with Nebuchadnezzar the Great, as He led him from Babylon to Jerusalem.
So in these last days, the L-rd of the Heavenly Hosts, has taken each of our presidents, put a “ring in their nose” and pointed their heads towards Iraq (Babylon) and Jerusalem (Israel). There they have squandered America’s inheritance in their foolish dreams to create a New Babylon. They have taken and squandered America’s wealth, messed up America’s destiny only to be tangled up with the destiny of those Islamic rulers, dictators and tyrants of the Islamic Nations of the Middle East.
As these Islamic nations are now appearing that they are being consumed like a conflagration in a haystack set on fire” so will it “appears” also the destiny of America and her rulers.
To America’s leaders, called “Gog” of the Land of Magog, G-d proclaims, “Welcome to My world, Presidents Bush-father and Bush-son, I led you, as “BushGog” to the Middle East and there both of you fulfilled my destiny, but I would not let you touch Israel."
To President Bill Clinton, G-d proclaimed, “As a child of the Rothschilds, I also chose you be by BillGog. Even my rabbis would call you Segulah Yeled Eklatosh (“royal-boy-chosen”). You have defamed My holy name, and even seduced your people, the Jews, in the name of “Peace” to consider giving up Jerusalem, and my My Holy Land, that is your inheritance, “Bill”, to people I have not chosen!"
And President Obama, "You also may be a child of the Rothschild’s as were the Bush’s and Bill Clinton. You were chosen by Me to be ruler over America, for I, as the Keter, the King of the Universe have that right to choose. Today, you have been chosen to be my ObamaGog. You have felt a certain invincibility and carry yourself as a messiah in place of My Messiah. You consider that you are the “master” of our Planet Earth. One day, you may choose, as a “Little Horn” to ascend to My Throne and confront Me as the King of the All Nations."
"I also have led you, with a “ring in your nose”, first to Babylon (Iraq) and then to the land of my “Chosen Ones” the Pashtun Bani-Israelites, whom I stated would be My “Battle-Axe” to destroy nations and take down empires. Again I will ask you to reconsider."
"I planted ideas in your head, that you are the messiah to Islam. Everywhere you reach out to offer democracy with peace, I will give you chaos. As a ruler, you also are “chosen” for I am the G-d of the Universe and all leaders are chosen by Me! Yet, you are not My spokesmen for you understand full well, that you are beholden to men more powerful than you, but even their existence is only by the permission of My holy Name. Your destiny is still awaiting you for you are being weighed in the balance!"
Go to Part Two – “The North American Union is now Emerging as the World’s First 21st century Superstate”
The Resurrection of the World Global Economy
Go to Part One – “Rothschild’s control of German and American Stock Market captures Market Share of future Economic World Order”
Go to Part Two – “The North American Union is now Emerging as the World’s First 21st century Superstate”
The Rothschild Economic Dynasty and the One World Order
“Sabbatai Zevi and the Rise of the Sea Beast of Revelation” – BibleSearchers Reflections
“Rothschild Shabbatean Zionist State of Israel preparing the Future Home for the Returning Ten Tribes of the House of Israel” – BibleSearchers Reflections
“The Federal Reserve Bank in a Global Economic War for World Domination” – BibleSearchers Reflections
Jerusalem for Sale
Go to Part One - “Jerusalem and the Holy Sites of the Jews have already been Bought and Given Away but not to Israel”
Go to Part Two - “The “Indomitable Jew” and the Mega-Trends bringing the Land of Israel to its Full Messianic Fulfillment”
Go to Part Three - “The Esoteric Forces of Evil will Sweep “All Israel” (Judah and Israel) to their Final Redemption”
BibleSearchers and Destination Yisra’el links on a Global Economic One World Order
“The Queen of Britain gives Marching Orders as the Queen of the World to the United Nations” - Destination Yisra’el
“The Day the World Economy Collapsed the Gog-Magog War Ended” – Destination Yisra’el
“The Day the World Economy Collapsed, Rabbi Kaduri’s Gog-Magog War Ended – Is it Over or just the Beginning of the End?” – Destination Yisra’el
Rothschilds, the Federal Reserve and the Fate of America’s Fort Knox
Go to Part One – “Fiat Money and the Fort of Gold – Fate of Fort Knox”
Go to Part Two – “The Federal Reserve, Jekyll Island and the Sinking of the Titanic”
Go to Part Three – “U.S Federal Reserve in 2012 leaves America to her Destiny”
Go to Part Four - “The End of the Golden Era – One Hundred Years until the Default of the American Dream – Will the Gold of Fort Knox be Gone?”
Remembering the Gog-Magog War as the “War on Terror”
Go to Part One – “The Gog-Magog War called the “War on Terror” – Remembering Rabbi Kaduri’s Hoshana Rabbah, the 7th day of Sukkot 2001”
Go to Part Two – “The Day the World Economy Collapsed, Rabbi Kaduri’s Gog-Magog War Ended – Is it Over or the Beginning of the End?”
Go to Part Three – “Obama’s Game Changer - Nuclear Weapon in the Hands of Terrorists blowing up a Major American City” – What does Obama know that the American People do not?”
Go to Part Four – “The Day Los Angeles and San Francisco were Destined to be Destroyed – America had a Benefactor called a ‘Friendly Little Nation’”
The Blue Print of the Club of Rome and the One World Order
Go to Part One - “The Purpose of the Copenhagen Conference ”
Go to Part Two - “Population Control and Eugenics”
Go to Part Three - “There are Powers so Organized”
Go to Part Four - “Copenhagen Treaty at the Copenhagen Conference – ‘Is Obama Poised to Ceded US Sovereignty?’”
The Barcelona Conference and the One World Order
Go to Part One - “The Mediterranean Summit in Barcelona; Stage Set for the One World Order’s “Union for the Mediterranean”
Go to Part Two – “The Bilderberg's and the Trilateral Commission's Secret Meetings preparing for the Mediterranean Summit in Barcelona”
Go to Part Three - “Will Barcelona become the Capital where the Maschiach Nagid (Anti-Messiah) becomes the Signatory to the World Peace Agreement with Israel?”
Part Four - “Will Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu sell “Jerusalem” and the “Land of Israel” for Peace?”
The Jews and the Lost Tribes of Israel and the One World Order
“Jews, the World is Shaking and in Chaos, It’s time to Come Home! – Parshat Yitro as the Message from Sinai – HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Yitro 5771
“Jews! The World is Collapsing and the Master of the World is calling you Home!” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Mishpatim 5771
“The Shechinah has abandoned the Land outside Israel” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Teruma 5771
“The King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu, runs the world from Aleph to Tav” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Ki Tisa 5771
“‘Come Out of Her My People’ – It’s Time for the Lost Israelites to reach out in Reconciliation with the Jews to Bring Redemption to All Israel”- Destination Yisra’el
“The Divine Mission to Restore the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel” – BibleSearchers Reflections Series
“Mass Extinctions and Ezekiel’s Prophetic Redemption for the Lost Tribes of Israel” – Destination Yisra’el
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove, as a Reception from the House of Judah is forming to Welcome the Returning House of Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!” a Bed and Breakfast Guest House with Kosher Cuisine, and Tours of Biblical Shomron (Samaria) and Judea.
Welcome and Visit, Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to your Future Homeland!
Posted at 09:40 AM in 2012 and the Mayan End of the Age, Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, American Israelite Nation, Apocalypse Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation, Arabs and the Jews, Catastrophes around the World, Christianity and Israel, Coming of the Messiah, Economic World Collapse, Famous Lost Israelites and Jews, Global America, Global Europe, Global Islam, Global Israel, Israel and Global World Order, Israeli Settlements and the Homeland for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Jerusalem and the Middle East, Jesus (Yahshua) the Messiah, Land of Israel, New World Order, Obama White House and Israel, Orthodox Jewish Life, Palestinian State and Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Sabbatean Jewish Anti-Jew, Samaria and Judea, Time of the End,War against Israel, Zionist State of Israel | Permalink
The King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu runs the world from Aleph to Tav
The Orthodox Jew has for centuries, since the Fall of Jerusalem and the loss of the Holy Temple, has tried zealously to remain in covenant with HaShem, the G-d of Israel. This is the covenant; the revelation of G-d Himself, and the revelation of man (Adam) who was made in the image of G-d.
The Jews gathered together their TaNaKh, their Sacred and Holy Scriptures called the Old Testament and preserved these Oracles of G-d as commanded in their covenant. They preserved the writings and commentaries of their rabbis and sages of Judah, that were written for their edification on how to keep the ‘commands’ and the ‘ordinances’ of the Torah law to preserve them for all generations.
The Jewish Orthodoxy also sought to codify their legal struggles of preserving how they could keep G-d’s Torah, as given on the mount called Sinai. Their struggles continued through the rise and fall of the domination of six empires that affected their people; from Egypt to Rome. This today stands as a blueprint of how we should live our lives through the last imperial system, Bavel the Great, before the revealing of YHVH’s Messiah at the end of days.
This struggle took the Jewish people through 1260 years, a “time, times and a half of time” during the rise of the Islamic imperial Caliphates, the Jews seventh imperial system, when they were cast into the wilderness in the year of 657/658 CE. In that year, the Islamic Caliph Ali (‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib), the son-in-law to the Prophet Muhammad when he married the Prophet’s daughter, Fatima Zahra, proclaimed the Islamic ruling to free the Jewish academies of any political control within the Islamic world. This ruling came from the only Caliph or Imam that was accepted by both the Sunnis and the Shi’as.
What it did was to remove the Jewish people from obtaining any political power that would become a rivalry to the Muslims. As such the Jewish people were no longer a political threat to the Islamic people and allowed them to live in relative peace with the Islamic people for 1260 years.
In this Islamic pact with the Muslim political leaders, the historical facts suggest that the Jewish people were protected and preserved from the factions, battles and power struggles between the Sunnis and the Shi’as for over one thousand years. From that date on 657/8 CE until the modern age, the Jewish people were preserved within the Islamic culture until the imperial quests of the British and the French in 1917 CE began to politicize the condition of the Jews.
This made the Jewish people the focal point of the relationship between the western occidental powers and the Islamic power elite in the Middle East clash when the British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour created the “Balfour Declaration” in 1917. At the bequest of Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild Rothschild, Lord Balfour declared an international declaration to pave a pathway for the freedom of the Jewish people to live in the homeland of their ancestral people in the Land of Israel. Forty years later, the realization of that dream came with Israel's declaration of independence on May 15, 1947.
On the other hand, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, were cast out of their homeland in Shomron and the Galilee region of Israel to the land of Media, where a remnant of the Lost Tribes live today as the Pashtun Bani-Israel Tribes in eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan. The rest of the Lost Tribers wandered for centuries, “lost” until they arrived as great waves of Asiatics into the region of Northern Gaul and settled there as the Celtic, the Cymrics, the Germanic Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and the Vandals, plus the ancient Saki, the Cimmerians, and the Scythians of the North.
Here were raised the peoples of Northern Europe, who with the rise of Charlemagne the Great, the Holy Roman Empire, who allied themselves with the Popes of Rome, these Lost Tribers carried the mantle of the apostate Roman Christian Church throughout Medieval Rome and the Dark Ages.
The atrocities of the Roman Catholic Christians to the Jewish people were legendary that included; genocide, holocausts, and numerous pogroms. They lasted for centuries beyond the Great Roman Christian Crusades in an era of infamy and darkness. Many of the European Lost Israelites carried a natural affinity towards their cousins the Jews and shared death and torture with them by the Roman Catholic Inquisitions; the Albigensians (Cathars), the Hussites, the Huguenots, and the Waldensians.
Yet, many of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, many whom continue to desecrate G-d’s name even to this day with overt anti-Semitism towards the Jews. They try to force a Palestinian State upon the Jewish State of Israel with a people who have a genetic hatred to the Jews and have stated a thousand times, that given the proper time, they will exterminate every Jew in the Land of Israel. Yet, millions of Lost Tribers, today as Evangelical Christians and Pro-Israel Christians show great affinity to the Jewish people whom most still do not know are their tribal cousins of the House of Jacob (Israel).
The opinion of the prophets of Israel is clear, the G-d of Israel has promised that He will also restore the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, clean them of their filthiness, and restore them back into a brotherhood and relationship with their cousins the Jews at the end of the age (Ezekiel 36-27). As we read the following Parshat Ki Tisa, Christians must ponder the dark history to their legacy, and ponder our future relationships with humiliation and sorrow.
Today, the G-d of Israel is casting his judgments upon the nations in Europe and America telling us; “Come out of Her My People”, leave your apostate Christian roots and return in emuna (faith) to HaShem, the G-d of Israel and to His Messiah, the Maschiah ben Dovid. Did not YHVH’s Messiah live His life on earth as a Hasidic Orthodox Jews, above and beyond the letter of the Law? Did He not command His disciples, “Follow Me”? Soon He will return with great power and glory in restoration and reconciliation for All Israel and for the redemption for all peoples.
Here is the Torah Portion of Parshat Ki Tisa as given by HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita:
HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita - The King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu (HKB"H) runs the world from Aleph to Tav. For thousands of years the world ran as He desired with man's free will, but today it has come to an end. That's finished.
It is the hand of Hashem in everything that is happening all over the world. There is a severe "earthquake" in all the Arab lands. The earthquake is under their feet. HKB"H (“The Holy One, Blessed is He”) has entangled and embroiled nations, between them and among themselves. How precisely and surely HKB"H works; all this without harm to Am Yisrael in anything.
There is not a government in the world that is able to operate, do or decide for itself. All the governments of the world are entangled, as are many members of government among themselves. Inside every government in every land, members of government hit one another. When HKB"H injured Egypt severely (at the exodus from Egypt) it injured their Heavenly Malach (angelic messenger) and their idol in the land (the Nile River). Thus does HKB"H now and for this there is no solution, not even for flesh and blood. Stage by stage, HKB"H is cleaning up the world beginning in Arab countries so that it doesn't disturb Am Yisrael. The clowns and those of little faith think it's the end of the world. It's the end of the world of evil.
The State of Israel - Holy Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish people - will be for glory forever and ever. Will there be wise ones who will operate intelligently and will understand what's happening? Why HKB"H is doing this now? Why not ten years ago? 20 years? In Egypt, there will not be peace for the world, because she is the power that influences the whole world. Egypt is the idol of the world and HKB"H has begun to collapse and destroy it. Thus will fall every country in the world; Arab countries and after them the rest of the countries. In beautiful stages and according to the instruction of HKB"H. All this without injury to Am Yisrael in anything.
Every earthquake that passed over us was only preparation and introduction to open the big one - for the severe quake and great shaking in the world. The floods will be in places where man doesn't believe that there will be floods. Volcanic eruptions will be very severe. People will see in the media hard things that the eye of man will not be able to tolerate. Snows, rains, severe winds; the tsunami in readiness for many places; everything in stages and in its proper time. All this HKB"H is doing for the sake of the Jews. The hatred for Jews all over the world strengthens from day to day. They won't be allowed to earn a living with honor. They will be injured in their stores, inrestaurants, in coffee shops so that the Jews will come to Eretz Yisrael. The worldwide economy will go and die out in every place and Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) will flourish and develop without end. All of this is happening because of the redemption and revelation of Melech HaMashiach (King Messiah) in our days.
The Mashiach (Messiah) is here among us. He is the final designated one from the beginning of the world and is here, existing and operating. There is no other time period that he will come, this is the period and this is the time to reveal Melech HaMashiach. HKB"H is shaking the whole world; shaking every one; shaking every Jew and Jewess in Am Yisrael (all the Peoples of Israel) and in the whole world so that everyone will declare: "His Name is One and He is One and there is nothing except for Him. He is the King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu (HKB"H."
Every earthquake that passed over us was only preparation and introduction to open the big one - for the severe quake and great shaking in the world. The floods will be in places where man doesn't believe that there will be floods. Volcanic eruptions will be very severe. People will see in the media hard things that the eye of man will not be able to tolerate. Snows, rains, severe winds; the tsunami in readiness for many places; everything in stages and in its proper time. All this HKB"H is doing for the sake of the Jews. The hatred for Jews all over the world strengthens from day to day. They won't be allowed to earn a living with honor. They will be injured in their stores, inrestaurants, in coffee shops so that the Jews will come to Eretz Yisrael. The worldwide economy will go and die out in every place and Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) will flourish and develop without end. All of this is happening because of the redemption and revelation of Melech HaMashiach (King Messiah) in our days.
The Mashiach (Messiah) is here among us. He is the final designated one from the beginning of the world and is here, existing and operating. There is no other time period that he will come, this is the period and this is the time to reveal Melech HaMashiach. HKB"H is shaking the whole world; shaking every one; shaking every Jew and Jewess in Am Yisrael (all the Peoples of Israel) and in the whole world so that everyone will declare: "His Name is One and He is One and there is nothing except for Him. He is the King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu (HKB"H."
The Haftarah for Parshat Ki Tisa
Because in a non-leap year, Parshat Ki Tisa is also Parshat Parah, we do not usually read the haftarah designated for Ki Tisa. But, this year, we do. And what is the subject? Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) and the incident with the prophets of Ba'al on Mt Carmel.
Interesting that this came up at the holiday of Hanukah because of the Carmel fire and now at Purim Katan which according to Rabbi Sitorsky: "Purim Katan has within it the kedusha (holiness) and aura of Purim. ...Whatever Purim stands for, so does Purim Katan."
Among other things, this parshah deals with The Golden Calf Affair. What is the connection between all these things? Teshuvah (Repentance with a change of Heart)! Rabbi Sitorsky says that this is the parshah of teshuvah (repentance), when "teshuvah becomes a reality." He says that Adar and Elul are sister months. Adar is to Nisan what Elul is to Tishrei and Yom HaKippurim is the day that is k'purim---like Purim.
After the cheit ha'eigel we see Moshe Rabeinu (Moses the Lawgiver) adjuring the Children of Israel: "Mi l'Hashem elai! " Whoever is for Hashem, come to me! Upon Mt Carmel, Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) adjures the Children of Israel to stop hopping between two opposing ideas, "If Hashem is G-d, go after Him, if Ba'al is god, then go after him." But, basically, make up your minds already!
The crux of the matter is this: YOU HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE! Hashem told us He is a jealous G-d. He will not share our loyalty with any other. The Jews attending Achashverosh's banquet was a supreme act of disloyalty to Hashem, just like the cheit ha'eigel (the sin of the calf) was. In the midbar, Hashem was ready to wipe out Bnei Yisrael (Children of Israel) ---men, women and children---and start over again with Moshe Rabbeinu's progeny, but Moshe Rabeinu stood in the gap for us. In Shushan, Hashem allowed Haman, y"sh to issue a decree to wipe out Bnei Yisrael---men women and children---until Esther HaMalka (Esther the Queen) stood in the gap for us.
In all cases, it was our teshuvah (repentance with a new beginning) which saved us in the end and it's no different today. The same choice stands before us. Each of us must examine himself honestly and truthfully to ascertain whether there is anything---anything at all---that comes first in our lives before Hashem Yitbarach (G-d of Trust and Righteousness).
There is still time to do teshuvah (turn to G-d), but nobody knows when he will breathe his last breath in this world and then it will be too late.
Credit to Palm Tree of Deborah - “Message to the People of Israel in the Land across the World” from the mouth of HaRav Nir Ben Artzi on Parchat Ki Tisa, 5771, 9 Adar – 15 Adar 5771 (February 13-19, 2011)
The Torah Parshas by HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita
You might want to Read – “Jews, the World is Shaking and in Chaos, It’s time to Come Home! – Parshat Yitro as the Message from Sinai – HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Yitro 5771
You might want to Read – “Jews! The World is Collapsing and the Master of the World is calling you Home!” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Mishpatim 5771
You might want to Read – “The Shechinah has abandoned the Land outside Israel” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Teruma 5771
You might want to Read – “The King of all kings, HaKadosh Baruch Hu, runs the world from Aleph to Tav” - HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita on Parshat Ki Tisa 5771
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
Posted at 08:05 PM in Aliyah, Returning to the Land of Israel, American Israelite Nation, Apocalypse Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation, Arabs and the Jews, Catastrophes around the World, Christianity and Israel, Coming of the Messiah, Current Affairs in Israel, Economic World Collapse, History of the Jews, Holocaust of the Jews, Iran and the Jews, Israel and Global World Order, Israeli Settlements and the Homeland for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Jerusalem and the Middle East, Jesus (Yahshua) the Messiah, Jewish Parashahs, Judaism's Covenant, Land of Israel, Meditation, Messiah Millennial State of Israel, Nuclear, Scalar, Biological and Conventional Warfare, Orthodox Jewish Life, Palestinian State and Israel, Redemption of Israel, Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Revelation's Seals and Plagues, Rome and the Vatican, Sabbatean Jewish Anti-Jew, Sages of Israel, Samaria and Judea, Spiritual Quest at the Time of the End, Time of the End, War against Israel | Permalink
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