Jewish Nakba Day
Remembering the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries, and setting the historical record straight.

“Nakba” is the phrase Arabs use to refer to the creation of Arab refugees from the British Mandate of Palestine created during the civil war and then Arab armies invasion after Arabs rejected the U.N. General Assembly 1947 Partition Plan.
Had the Arabs accepted that plan, there would have been an Arab state created in 1947. Since Jordan was created from most of the original Mandate, the Partition Plan would have given Arabs the supermajority of the land. Instead, the Arabs declared holy war on the Jews, and lost the civil war and 1948 War.
In the course of that loss, hundreds of thousands of Arabs fled, then were kept in refugee camps by other Arabs, and have been kept as non-citizens in those Arab countries pending the destruction of Israel.
The there was another “Nakba” resulting from the Arab rejection of Israel.
The story of 950,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries has been told here many times, but rarely is discussed in the public debate over the Middle East.
- Oh, those refugees whose property was taken
- Israel double-dares Arabs to seek compensation for refugees
- The other Nakbah: The ethnic cleansing of Jews in the Arab world
The silence on the Jewish Nakba is changing.
Ben-Dror Yemini, writing in Ynet, What about the Jewish Nakba? (h/t Israel Matzav) writes:
The Knesset decided only this year to set aside a special day, November 30, to mark the Jewish Nakba. Most school children in Israel know about what was done to the Jews of Kishinev and also about what was done to the Arabs in Deir Yassin.But most Israeli students don’t know about Jewish Nakba. They don’t know about a long series of pogroms and massacres perpetrated against Jews in most Arab countries. The Kishinev pogroms in 1906 claimed the lives of 29 Jews. A year later, in pogroms in Morocco, 50 Jews were murdered in the city of Settat, and another 30 were killed in Casablanca.How many high school students know about them? And how many know about the pogrom in Aden in 1948 in which 82 Jews were murdered? And how many know about the hundreds more who were killed during that period in Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Libya only because they were Jews?The “narratives” have taken control of the university campuses and school system. On their behalf, Israeli students are told “the other side’s version of the story.” Not that one should belittle the pain of the Palestinians. God forbid. The thing is that there is nothing unique about the Palestinian story in particular. People fled. Some were deported too. But where were things any different?
Canadian Human Rights lawyer Irwin Cotler writes, It’s time to remember the Jewish refugees:
Israel is observing the first annual National Day of Commemoration to mark the “exile and expulsion of Jews from Arab states and Iran.” The law establishing this commemorative day – adopted by the Knesset on June 23, 2014 – in part requires the Minister of Foreign Affairs to instruct Israel’s embassies abroad to “increase international awareness and recognition of the Jewish refugees from Arab states and Iran and their right to compensation……Significantly, some Governments and Parliaments have made welcome progress on this question, such as the U.S. Congress in adopting legislation recognizing the plight of Jewish refugees and requiring that the issue be raised in any and all talks on Middle East peace. Recently, the Canadian government affirmed the Canadian Parliament’s recommendation for the recognition of the plight of Jewish refugees from Arab countries. Democratic parliaments should hold hearings on the issue to ensure public awareness and action, to allow for victims’ testimony, and to right the historical record.The exclusion and denial of rights and redress to Jewish refugees from Arab countries continues to prejudice authentic negotiations between the parties and a just and lasting peace between them. Let there be no mistake about it: Where there is no remembrance, there is no truth; where there is no truth, there will be no justice; where there is no justice, there will be no reconciliation; and where there is no reconciliation, there will be no peace – which we all seek.
The one-sided presentation of the 1947-1948 refugee problem is part of the problem. It has nurtured the destructive Palestinian narrative of exclusive victimization which feeds rejectionism and violence.
There were two Nakbas. Remember both of them.
Update: Also read The Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands: Toward Redressing Injustices on All Sides from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, for detailed background.
Text of the Law Drafted by the Political Committee of the Arab
In 1947, the Political Committee of the Arab League (League of
Arab States) drafted a law which was to govern the legal status of Jewish
residents in all Arab League countries. This law had already been approved
by Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, provided that, “beginning with a
specified date, all Jews – with the exception of citizens of non-Arab countries
– were to be considered members of the Jewish ‘minority state of Palestine,’
and that their bank account be frozen and used to finance resistance to
‘Zionist ambitions in Palestine.’ Jews believed to be active Zionists would be
interned as political prisoners and their assets confiscated.
Excerpts of Direct Quotes of the Law drafted by the Political
Committee of the Arab League
• “All
Jewish citizens…will be considered as members of the Jewish minority of the
State of Palestine and will have to register [“within 7 days”] with the
authorities of the region wherein they reside, giving their names, the exact
number of members in their families, their addresses, the names of their banks and
the amounts of their deposits in these banks…”2
• “Bank
accounts of Jews will be frozen. These funds will be utilized in part or in
full to finance the movement of resistance to Zionist ambitions in Palestine .”3
• “Only
Jews who are subjects of foreign countries will be considered ‘neutrals.’ These
will be compelled either to return to their countries, with a minimum of delay,
or be considered Arabs and obliged to accept active service in the Arab army.”4
• “Every
Jew whose activities reveal that he is an active Zionist will be considered as
a political prisoner and will be interned in places specifically designated for
that purpose by police authorities or by the Government. His financial
resources, instead of being frozen, will be confiscated.”5
• “Any
Jew who will be able to prove that his activities are anti-Zionist will be free
to act as he likes, provided that he declares his readiness to join the Arab
• “The foregoing…does not mean that those Jews will not be submitted
to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this law.”7
1 Memorandum Submitted to the
U.N. Economic and Social Council by the World Jewish Congress. (Jan. 19, 1948 ) Section I. (2) a. June 2, 1948 . [ZIIC - This reference is in the
document prepared by JJAC and is probably incorrect]
2 Text of the Law drafted by the Political Committee of the Arab
League. Paragraph 1.
3 ibid. Paragraph 2.
4 ibid. Paragraph 3.
5 ibid. Paragraph 5.
6 ibid. Paragraph 6.
7 ibid. Paragraph 7. (Paragraph 1 & 2 indicate all Jews must
register and disclose personal and banking information and
that bank accounts will be frozen and utilized for anti-Zionist
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