Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Czechoslovakia 1938 - Israel Today

Czechoslovakia 1938 - Israel Today
Arieh Stav
Policy Paper No. 15, 1997
Revised, Updated and Published as Policy Paper No. 106, 2000
Also part of the book
Israel and a Palestinian State: Zero Sum Game?, 2001

The potential strategic threat facing the State of Israel today is more than that facing any other state in the world. The current political process, called the "peace process", aims at returning Israel to its pre-1967 borders. Abba Eban has defined these frontiers as "Auschwitz borders", and Shimon Peres wrote: "without defensible boundaries, the state will be destroyed in war", for within the 1967 lines "Israel would not be able to defend itself."
The historical precedent of Czechoslovakia being wiped off the face of the map is alarmingly similar to the process we are witnessing in regard to Israel. One of today's most worrisome aspects is the apathy of the public, which is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of "peace". This apathy is largely the result of media brain-washing and ceaseless international pressure.
For the complete text of the article, click here.

Israel and a Palestinian State: 
Zero Sum Game?

Arieh Stav (ed.)
Zmora-Bitan Publishers and ACPR Publishers, 2001

This collection of articles, appendices and documents deals with different aspects of the establishment of a Palestinian state in the Western Land of Israel, thus reducing Israel to the borders of June 4, 1967. This initiative, known as "the peace process", involves a paradox where a minuscule democracy is being forced to provide to its totalitarian enemies - scores of times its size - the only thing that it lacks: territory. In exchange, these dictatorial regimes promise to provide the one and only thing that they lack: peace.
The essence of the current process is the establishment of an Arab-Palestinian state in addition to the on that already exists in Jordan, this time in Eretz Israel, beginning with Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, the cradle of the Hebrew nation and the raison d'etre of Judaism and Zionism.
For the complete text of the book, click here. For individual chapters and documents, see below.


A Disaster Foretold
Rhetoric of Hatred
US and Europe
A Palestinian State and American Interests (Reprinted from: A Palestinian State: Implications for Security and American Policy, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, 1999) - Rudy Boschwitz


Other Perspectives

Documents (Chronological order)

Barrack Hussein Obama face it – Israel is Jewish territory and it is not negotiable.
The Arabs already have 75,000 sq. miles of Jewish land (6 times the size of
Israel) that they confiscated from the million Jewish families they expelled from Arab countries in the past 70 years. They also have the Jewish territory of Jordan.
I think you do not have your facts straight –
Israel belongs to the Jews.
The Quran states it clearly.
Israel is a Jewish State its territories are non-negotiable. It has been a Jewish country for over 3,500 years.
The Arab-Palestinians are the occupiers. All they want is to destroy the Jews. They educated their children and the masses to commit terror and violence against
Israel. The dance in the streets when the twin towers in 9-11 collapsed and 3,000 Americans died.
It is amazing how you and many others choose to ignore that the Arab countries have persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families from their countries in the last 70 years. Jews who lived there for over 2,500 years. The Arabs confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and real estate 5-6 times the size of
Israel – 120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles which is valued in the trillions of dollars.
Any Arab who is not happy to live under the Israeli government can move there.
Study your history; Muhammed in 627 about 1,500 years ago beheaded 700 Jews in
Medina which was a Jewish town in Saudi Arabia, he killed all the men took the women as slaves and raped their daughters. This is just the tip of history.
Do you want more study the complete unbiased history objectively.
YJ Draiman
There was never an
Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel and there will never be – face it.
The Ottoman land records of
Palestine confirm that the Arabs did not own land, the were sharecroppers. Over 92% of the land was owned by the government the balance was owned by absentee wealthy Arabs from Lebanon who sold it to the Jews at premium prices.
It is time to implement population transfer for all the Arabs.
who create violence, riot and attack Jews and anyone else. They could be relocated to the home and land of the million Jewish people, expelled from Arab countries or
YJ Draiman.

Tell the White House official to return occupied
Texas and other states to Mexico and the rest of the United States to the Indians.
The Jews have a history with
Israel going over 3,500 years. The Americans have only a few hundred years of occupation and deliberate destruction of the Indians.
YJ Draiman.

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