Photos Of Palestine And Israel 1930-1949

British soldiers in steel helmets after they recaptured the Old City of Jerusalem at the Damascus Gate, November 1938. (AP Photo/James Mills)
Ref #: PA.8988943
Date: 01/11/1938
Ref #: PA.8988943
Date: 01/11/1938
On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly recommended the adoption and implementation of the Partition Plan for Mandatory Palestine. The end of the British Mandate for Palestine was set for midnight on 14 May 1948. That day, David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared “the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel,” which would start to function from the termination of the mandate.[11][12][13] The borders of the new state were not specified. Neighboring Arab armies invaded the former Palestinian mandate on the next day and fought the Israeli forces.

Typical group of women of the holy land who, as in the time of the old testament, carry water from the wells on their heads in quaint, home-made vessels of clay. They dress, too, much in the same way as the women did in the time of Christ. This group on the Mount of Olives, in Jerusalem, on Sept. 1, 1938. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.11202016
Date: 01/09/1938
Ref #: PA.11202016
Date: 01/09/1938

An Arab stands beside a section of ÂTegartÂs Iron wall in Israel in 1938, erected by Sir Charles Tegart to keep marauding Arabs out of Palestine. The fence, three strains of barbed wire on angular iron supports. Stretches for 60 miles on the Syria-Lebanon borders and cost $ 500,000. (AP Photo/James Mills )
Ref #: PA.8988877
Date: 03/10/1938
Ref #: PA.8988877
Date: 03/10/1938

Great civil disturbances, eventually quelled by police and troops, ended a Jewish demonstration against the British proposals for the future of Palestine. One policeman was killed. Jews rushing for cover from before the baton charge of the police during the quelling of the disturbances in Jerusalem, Israel, on May 18, 1939. Note the spectators from the balcony on the left. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10878635
Date: 18/05/1939
Ref #: PA.10878635
Date: 18/05/1939

One of the largest Jewish cemeteries in the world, situated on the slopes of the Mount of Olives, part of the hills of Bethlehem in Jerusalem on Jan. 19, 1939. It adjoins the famous Garden of Gethsemane where Christ was said to have been betrayed by Judas with a kiss. Hundreds of thousands of Jews, many of them victims of the present Arab revolt in the holy land, are buried in this hallowed spot. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.11142790
Date: 19/01/1939
Ref #: PA.11142790
Date: 19/01/1939

The Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, on Jan. 19, 1939, where Christ often prayed and meditated. The Garden of Gethsemane, where Christ was betrayed by Judas. This whole section of the holy city breathes of the Bible and of the life and times of Jesus. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.11142789
Date: 19/01/1939
Ref #: PA.11142789
Date: 19/01/1939

Palestine has been the scene of much death and destruction during the past two years, consequent on the conflict between Arab and Jew, and Jerusalem the holy city has not escaped from scenes of violence. The famous Damascus gate of Jerusalem, scene of many incidents that have affected the history of Jerusalem and Palestine on Jan 18, 1939. This leads from the new city to the old quarter and is regarded by both factions as of strategic importance. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.11140507
Date: 18/01/1939
Ref #: PA.11140507
Date: 18/01/1939

Save our children and our parents! say these Jewish placards carried by men in the streets of Jerusalem, Israel on Jan. 16, 1939. ÂOpen the gates of Palestine to the times of Nazi prevention hatred at the Christmas period we are crying from the holy city of Jew Salem to all Christian nations to help us against ÂGermanyÂ. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8988884
Date: 16/01/1939
Ref #: PA.8988884
Date: 16/01/1939

Suspected Arab rebels are rounded up by the British army near Jerusalem, Jan. 9, 1939. (AP Photo/James A. Mills)
Ref #: PA.9033439
Date: 09/01/1939
Ref #: PA.9033439
Date: 09/01/1939

Fakhri Nashashibi, member of the Arab National Defence Committee is challenging the leadership of the ex-mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Effendi Al Husseini, in exile in Syria. Nashashibi, who comes from one of the most distinguished Arab families in Palestine, says the ex-mufti is no prophet but a self-seeking politician, who is running Palestine by his campaign of terror. Fakhri Nashashibi stands between two of his chief supporters, tribal heads from the Hebron District, in Jerusalem, on Nov. 24, 1938. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.11457770
Date: 24/11/1938
Ref #: PA.11457770
Date: 24/11/1938

Some of the finest buildings in Jerusalem are contained within the Hebrew Nation University, which was formally opened by the late Ford Balfour in April 1925. Much of the success of this great national educational institution is due to the work of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the Zionist Movement, and the present faculty who are among the leading educationists of the world. The university is built near one of the most historic sites in the world, for it is situated on Mount Scofus, near the Mount of Olives. University students watching a bren gun carrier and laden donkeys passing one of the University buildings, on Nov. 15, 1945. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9904580
Date: 15/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9904580
Date: 15/11/1945

A scene on the Jericho road looking towards the multiple-domed Church of All Nations. Rising above it can be seen the Russian church of St. Mary Magdalen with its gilt cupolas, in Jerusalem, Israel, on Nov. 27, 1945. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10084994
Date: 27/11/1945
Ref #: PA.10084994
Date: 27/11/1945
For the Jewish child in me, Israel represents an irresistible call to hope, and Jerusalem a powerful love song. In my small Romanian town, nestled in the Carpathians, I often walked the streets imagining myself sitting on a bench somewhere in Judea, listening to a master explain the mystery of words, the strength of memories and the human thirst for miracles. With my grandfather, a fervent Chassid, I spoke Yiddish. He loved teaching me Chassidic tunes and, most of all, watching me pore over a Talmudic tractate. His dream was to live long enough for all of us to go together to the Holy Land and there welcome the Messiah. Indeed, I dreamed about the Messiah more than about a political Jewish state. Then what happened happened.Where was I on May 14, 1944? Still in the ghetto. I was 15. The first transport toward the unknown, organised in haste, was getting ready to leave or had just left. For us, destiny wore the mask of death of which the enemy had made its own saviour.May 14, 1948. Paris. Israel is about to be born. Stateless, I had already lived three years in France. Liberated from Buchenwald by the American Army in 1945, I was asked by an officer where I wanted to be repatriated.Like most of my friends, I answered that I wanted to go to Palestine, but the British mandate on immigration at the time had in effect closed those doors to us. In the end, OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants), an outstanding French Jewish humanitarian organisation, brought about 400 of us to France. I remember.It is a Friday. David Ben-Gurion reads the new Jewish state’s Declaration of Independence; radio stations all over the world broadcast it. In the evening, I go to synagogue. Jubilation. Strangers share their feelings. What? A Jewish state? Three years after the worst catastrophe in Jewish history? It is difficult for me to concentrate.…At that time, I was not yet keenly conscious of the fact that, in the lives of men as well as nations, the dream of one can — in an instant — turn into a nightmare for the other. The big question: What would have happened if the Palestinian leaders of that period had followed Israel’s example by declaring the establishment of an independent Palestinian state? Why did the Palestinian rulers, to quote the late Abba Eban, “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”?

When Lieutenant General Sir Alan Cunningham took office as new High Commissioner of Palestine, he immediately appealed for cooperation from Rival Jewish and Arab peoples. Leading Arab and Jewish delegations will meet him on November 23 in Jerusalem in order to discover some settlement of the forces of disruption which threaten the Holy land from within. A new and portrait of Dr. Isaac Halevy Perzog, the chief Rabbi of Palestine, shown Nov. 23, 1945. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9919669
Date: 23/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9919669
Date: 23/11/1945

When Lt. Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham took office as he high Commissioner of Palestine on November 21, he immediately appealed for cooperation from rival Jewish and Arab peoples. Reading Arab and Jewish delegations will meet him on November 23 in Jerusalem in order to discover some settlement of the forces of disruption which threaten the holy land from within. One of the important personalities in Jerusalem Major General J.C. DÂArcy, C.B.E., M.C., Commander of the British Forces in Palestine and Transjordan, shown Nov. 23, 1945. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9919804
Date: 23/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9919804
Date: 23/11/1945

This photograph shows the view looking north toward the center of Jerusalem, Palestine, on Nov. 22, 1945. The Avenue is called Julians Way. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.3946707
Date: 22/11/1945
Ref #: PA.3946707
Date: 22/11/1945

Jerusalem, Golden city of the old world, has now become an attractive city full of contrasting ancient and modern forms of architecture. The King David Hotel, JerusalemÂs best, where the high military officers have their quarters. In the background can be seen the wall of the Holy City with the Mount of Olives in the distance, on Nov. 16, 1945. (AP Photo/Frank Noel)
Ref #: PA.9912669
Date: 16/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9912669
Date: 16/11/1945

Young Arab recruits and volunteers from the British army are now undergoing intensive training at the Palestine Police Force barracks in Jerusalem. An important part of the training for the young Arabs is with small arms and for the British, Volunteers, specialized instruction in the types of weapons used by the Terrorists. Young Arab recruits tom the Palestine Police Force undergoing rifle drill, on the roof of their barracks in Jerusalem, on Nov. 15, 1945. They are being taught to present arms for ceremonial purposes. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9904583
Date: 15/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9904583
Date: 15/11/1945

Soldiers of The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) searching Arabs in Jerusalem, British Mandate of Palestine.
The Mandate of Palestine was granted to Britain by the League of Nations in 1920 and lasted until the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.
Ref #: PA.7014005
Date: 01/09/1945
The Mandate of Palestine was granted to Britain by the League of Nations in 1920 and lasted until the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.
Ref #: PA.7014005
Date: 01/09/1945

Ill refugees wait on the dock for ambulances to take them to a Government hospital on Dec. 4, 1946 in Haifa, after being removed from the Jewish Refugee ship Knesset Israel. Behind the British soldiers, attending the woman, are tin cans thrown by the refugees in an attempt to keep British soldiers from coming on board the ship to trans-ship them to British vessels for deportation. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.7090682
Date: 04/12/1946
Ref #: PA.7090682
Date: 04/12/1946

A young Jewish boy, wounded and bloody after the fight with British soldiers on board the refugee ship Knesset Israel, passes a line of soldiers to board the troopship Empire Heywood on Dec. 4, 1946 in Haifa, one of three vessels on which passengers from the refugee ship were deported. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.7090686
Date: 04/12/1946
Ref #: PA.7090686
Date: 04/12/1946

Young Arab recruits and volunteers from the British army are now undergoing intensive training at the Palestine Police Barracks in Jerusalem. An important part of the training for the young Arabs is with small arms and for the British, volunteers, specialized instruction in the types of weapons used by the Terrorists. A group of smartly dressed Arab members of the Palestine police, seen in the courtyard of their barracks in Jerusalem, on Nov. 15, 1945, which was formerly the palatial residence of a wealthy Jerusalem Arab. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9904571
Date: 15/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9904571
Date: 15/11/1945

With the approach of Christmas the thoughts of all Christian people turn to Bethlehem, birthplace of Christ and to Jerusalem, scene of his crucifixion, and do the surrounding coutryside where history was made in the dawn of the Christian era. Many places have changed little with the passing centuries and on all sides the country abounds with beautiful vistas. The multiple-domed Church of All Nations on the Jericho road working towards the walled Holy city in Jerusalem, Israel on Nov. 27, 1945. The road in centre climbs to StephenÂs Gate. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10084944
Date: 27/11/1945
Ref #: PA.10084944
Date: 27/11/1945

Arab women and children draw water from MaryÂs well in Nazareth, Israel, on Dec. 7, 1946, the ancient spring which legend relates supplies water for Mary, Joseph and Jesus. (AP Photo/J. Walter Green)
Ref #: PA.10207415
Date: 07/12/1946
Ref #: PA.10207415
Date: 07/12/1946

Dr. Walter X. Lehmann, left, and Dr. Kurt L. Brunsfeld, right, vaccinate two unidentifed women for smallpox April 14,1947, as others await their turn in New York City Health Department building. Crowds turned out after Health Commissioner Israel Weinstein’s radio plea that the public be vaccinated. His plea came after nine cases, incuding two fatalities, were reported. (AP Photo/Tony Camerano)
Ref #: PA.7523885
Date: 14/04/1947
Ref #: PA.7523885
Date: 14/04/1947

Members of the Royal Irish Fusiliers go through personal belongings and identification papers as passengers of a bus halted, Feb. 2, 1947 at a road block on the main highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.18363261
Date: 02/02/1947
Ref #: PA.18363261
Date: 02/02/1947

During the restoration of the Church of the Tomb of the Blessed Virgin, near the Garden of Gethsemane workmen discovered an entrance to a cistern below the courtyard of the church. Experts believe the cistern was built about the 12th century. The old wall dates back to a period preceding the crusaders. It is built with intersecting vaults, 35 columns in all and supports the court yard of the church as well as the ruins of a 12th century monastery nearby. General view of the church (left), and in the foreground right can be seen a small hole leading to the cistern in Jerusalem on Oct. 28, 1946. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.11863212
Date: 28/10/1946
Ref #: PA.11863212
Date: 28/10/1946

A general view of the King David hotel, Jerusalem, as sappers set off a charge to explode away from the main part of the hotel, while carrying out demolition work, July 29, 1946 – a week after the bomb outrage. (AP-Photo/noel)
Ref #: PA.5175023
Date: 29/07/1946
Ref #: PA.5175023
Date: 29/07/1946

Shortly after noon on july 22, 1946, one wing of the huge Palestine Government secretariat and the Headquarters of the Palestine Army command in the King David hotel, Jerusalem, was destroyed. Bombs had been planted in the basement. Our Associated Press photo shows the wrecked wing ot the King David hotel where the government chief secretary’s office was located, immediately after the explosion.
Ref #: PA.2508973
Date: 22/07/1946
Ref #: PA.2508973
Date: 22/07/1946

Many lives were lost an dozens of persons were injured when terrorists blew up part of the King David hotel, Jerusalem, which houses the Palestine Government secretariat and the H.Q. of the Palestine Army command. Our Associated press photo shows soldiers digging through rubble of the King David hotel after the explosion on July 22, 1946, to remove dead and injured.
Ref #: PA.2508892
Date: 22/07/1946
Ref #: PA.2508892
Date: 22/07/1946

Brother Camillus Liska, Sacristan at the Grotto of St. Jerome in Jerusalem, Israel, on Nov. 28, 1945. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9934127
Date: 28/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9934127
Date: 28/11/1945

Jerusalem’s main street inter-section-Zion Square, on Nov. 28, 1945. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9933840
Date: 28/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9933840
Date: 28/11/1945

The long building in centre is the Post Office building, one of the most modern structures in Jerusalem, Israel, on Nov. 28, 1945. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9933853
Date: 28/11/1945
Ref #: PA.9933853
Date: 28/11/1945

The Holy Land is preparing for the 1946th anniversary of ChristÂs birth in the most warlike atmosphere it has been for many generations. Since the time of Jesus, there has been a succession of Romans, Persians, Arabs, Turks, Crusaders, Tartars, French and British parading past in battle array. Jews and Arabs are wrestling for Palestine with Britain in the role of Âreferee and the rest of the world looking on with mixed feelings. In the streets of Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem can be seen British troops walking the streets as did Roman soldiers centuries ago. Despite all the tensions of present-day PalestineÂs problems, the people living in these cities will celebrate the birth of Christ with color and dignity as has been the custom down the centuries. At Christmas, Bethlehem, whose name is sung in carols the world over, will see the priestly robes of high church dignitaries blending with the colorful garb of BethlehemÂs 10,000 Arabs for the cityÂs biggest day of the year and the most important day in religion for nearly a billion people. The traditional procession of churchmen and worshippers will make the annual pilgrimage to the scene of the Nativity. Beginning at four oÂclock in the afternoon on December 24, constant prayers are said in the Grotto of the Nativity, beside the silver star which marks the actual place of ChristÂs birth and a few yards away at the marble shrine marking the place of the manger where the infant Jesus was laid, wrapped in swaddling clothes. These pictures were taken at hallowed spots along the road from Nazareth to Bethlehem  the road along which the carpenter Joseph of Nazareth and his wife the Virgin Mary traveled 1946 years ago to be taxed in accordance with the decree of Caesar Augustus. Thousands of people, many of them in the uniform of British forces will pass this way for the age-old commemoration of Christmas. Here an Arab woman of Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine, whose residents are believed to be interspersed with descendants of the Crusaders, prays beside the shrine
Ref #: PA.10207377
Date: 08/12/1946
Ref #: PA.10207377
Date: 08/12/1946

Private John Poolton, left, and William Hammond, right, both from Birmingham, England, hold ÂBobbieÂ, as the black buck mascot of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, marches at the head of the regimental band along King George Avenue in Jerusalem, Israel on Oct. 18, 1947. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10408029
Date: 18/10/1947
Ref #: PA.10408029
Date: 18/10/1947

Orthodox Jews are seen during a United Nations Special Committee on Palestine hearing in Jerusalem, July 20, 1947. At left is Chief Rabbi of the Orthodox Jews in Palestine, Joseph Zvi Dushinski. Others are unidentified. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737225
Date: 20/07/1947
Ref #: PA.5737225
Date: 20/07/1947

British soldier, armed with a sten gun, on guard near the cages of orphaned Jewish children, as they prepare to leave a ship to live in Haifa, Palestine, Aug. 21, 1947. Five hundred orphans, the majority of whom lost their parents during World War II, were interned in Cyprus and brought to Palestine as part of the monthly immigation quota. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737162
Date: 21/08/1947
Ref #: PA.5737162
Date: 21/08/1947

Residents of Tel Aviv, Palestine’s all-Jewish city, swarm around automobiles of members of the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine in front of the city’s town hall, June 25, 1947, as the commission arrives for a tour of inspection. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737153
Date: 25/06/1947
Ref #: PA.5737153
Date: 25/06/1947

Some of the orphans whose parents died in German concentration camps are among the 500 youngsters who arrived in Haifa, Palestine from Cyprus internment camps, Aug. 21, 1947. The children were allowed to enter Palestine under the legal immigration quota. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737191
Date: 21/08/1947
Ref #: PA.5737191
Date: 21/08/1947

The Illegal refugee ship Af al pi docked at Haifa, Israel, on Sept. 9, 1947 after it was intercepted in Palezine waters by the British Navy. The ship was a former LCT landing Craft Tank and was at sea with its 445 passengers for two weeks during the boarding operations one Jew was killed by gunfire and a number injured. The disembarkation took place with out incident. The Illegal were sent to Cyprus, a party of eight of the people including three sick women and one injured man were transferred to go Government Hospital Haifa. General View of the Af Al Pi at the pier showing bearding party on deck General view of the refugees coming out of the holds Boarding party about, show in photo are, Jews lined up on pier. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.7358676
Date: 09/09/1947
Ref #: PA.7358676
Date: 09/09/1947

Arab girls shop in the market place near Manger Square in Bethlehem, Nov. 28, 1947. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737158
Date: 28/11/1947
Ref #: PA.5737158
Date: 28/11/1947

Jewish residents wave jubilantly in the streets in Tel Aviv, Israel. Celebrations began after the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states.
Ref #: PA.4183478
Date: 29/11/1947
Ref #: PA.4183478
Date: 29/11/1947

A crowd of arab demonstrators burn goods taken from Jewish homes in Jerusalem, Dec. 6, 1947, during the disturbances which broke out as the arabs staged a three-day strike against the partition plan. Jewish shops and homes in the quarter were attacked and some set on fire. (AP P hoto/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737159
Date: 06/12/1947
Ref #: PA.5737159
Date: 06/12/1947

Two Jewish girls fill out their registration forms for the Jewish Army in Israel on Dec. 16, 1947. Many are now members of the semi-official Haganah. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10392246
Date: 16/12/1947
Ref #: PA.10392246
Date: 16/12/1947

A Jewish doctor examines young Jews in Tel Aviv registration centre in Israel on Dec. 16, 1947 when all were called up for Âessential duties principally military. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.10392262
Date: 16/12/1947
Ref #: PA.10392262
Date: 16/12/1947

Members of the Jewish right-wing underground organization Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization in the Land of Israel) are armed with rifles, revolvers and automatic weapons as they take position on the rooftop of a Jewish house in case of Arab attack on the Jaffa – Tel Aviv border in the Manshiah Jewish quarter in Tel Aviv, Israel, on December 27, 1947. The Zionist guerrilla force began an armed revolt against British rule in Palestine. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.10005962
Date: 27/12/1947
Ref #: PA.10005962
Date: 27/12/1947

An unidentified Orthodox Jew, wrinkled with age, wearing a long beard, tattered robes and cane, attends a session of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine in Jerusalem, June 16, 1947, to hear Joseph Zvi Dushinski, Chief Rabbi of Agudath Israel Congregation in Palestine, speak on behalf of his group. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.8996280
Date: 16/07/1947
Ref #: PA.8996280
Date: 16/07/1947

A Hajj - an Arab who has been to Mecca and who is looked up by the ordinary Arab in Palestine. Here he is smoking his “hubbly bubbly” a tobacco smoke cooled by water in the jar in Jerusalem, July 17, 1947. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.8996271
Date: 17/07/1947
Ref #: PA.8996271
Date: 17/07/1947

Two orthodox Jews listen intently as they attend a United Nations Special Committee on Palestine hearing in Jerusalem, July 16, 1947. Seldom photographed because of their religion the Jews appearance is marked by the long curls extending down their cheek in accordance with their religious beliefs. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.8996265
Date: 16/07/1947
Ref #: PA.8996265
Date: 16/07/1947

Two orthodox Jews listen intently as they attend a United Nations Special Committee on Palestine hearing in Jerusalem, July 16, 1947. Seldom photographed because of their religion the Jews appearance is marked by the long curls extending down their cheek in accordance with their religious beliefs. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.8996265
Date: 16/07/1947
Ref #: PA.8996265
Date: 16/07/1947

Orthodox Jews listen intently as they attend a United Nations Special Committee on Palestine hearing in Jerusalem, July 16, 1947. Seldom photographed because of their religion the Jews appearance is marked by the long curls extending down their cheek in accordance with their religious beliefs. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.8996279
Date: 16/07/1947
Ref #: PA.8996279
Date: 16/07/1947

A Jewish refugee bows low on Feb. 16, 1947, as he receives a charge of DDT disinfectant from soldiers of the British 6th Airborne Division before leaving Jerusalem on the Cyprus-bound ship, Ocean Vigour. (AP Photo/J. Walter Green)
Ref #: PA.12465873
Date: 16/02/1947
Ref #: PA.12465873
Date: 16/02/1947

Some of the thirteen hundred Palestinian Armenian from Jaffa, Jerusalem and Haifa, in the tent camp in the grounds of the Armenian Church, Haifa, Oct. 29, 1947, where they are waiting for transport to Soviet Armenia. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737212
Date: 29/10/1947
Ref #: PA.5737212
Date: 29/10/1947

British captors of Old Jerusalem await fresh military orders ourside the Damascus Gate through which they penetrated the lines of the Arab rebels. (AP Photo/James Mills)
Ref #: PA.14567790
Date: 31/10/1938
Ref #: PA.14567790
Date: 31/10/1938

Since the British occupation of Jerusalem, Palestine, after the old city had been held for four days by Arabs, a measure of calm has descended on the district. Storm centre October 24ÂWhen this picture reached London by air after being was Jaffa, where there was sniping. British police captain leading Jewish kiddies to safety away from Arab snipers during the reoccupation of the old city of Jerusalem in Palestine, Israel on Oct. 24, 1938, by the British. (AP Photo/James Mills)
Ref #: PA.8988895
Date: 24/10/1938
Ref #: PA.8988895
Date: 24/10/1938

British captors of Old Jerusalem await fresh military orders ourside the Damascus Gate through which they penetrated the lines of the Arab rebels. (AP Photo/James Mills)
Ref #: PA.14567790
Date: 31/10/1938
Ref #: PA.14567790
Date: 31/10/1938

General Allenby (British) enters the captured City of Jerusalem, Palestine, Dec. 9, 1917. He entered on foot thru the Gate of David. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9750377
Date: 09/12/1917
Ref #: PA.9750377
Date: 09/12/1917

DECEMBER 9th: Allied forces under the Command of General Allenby, take Jerusalem from the Turks and their German allies. The picture shows King Faisul of Iraq and General Allenby.
Ref #: PA.1760199
Date: 01/12/1927
Ref #: PA.1760199
Date: 01/12/1927

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, white head wear and Musa Kazim Pasha El Husseini, center right, aged 82 photographed on arrival at Victoria Station in London on March 30, 1930. The delegation is in Britain to urge, among other things, the establishment of a Palestinian National Democratic Government in which both Arabs and Jews will participate in proportion to their numbers. The delegation is headed by Musa Kazim Pasha El Husseini in accordance with Arab custom of giving the precedence to age. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.9431308
Date: 30/03/1930
Ref #: PA.9431308
Date: 30/03/1930

Jews who have been the enemies of the British for the past few years, have made up after hearing of the news of the declaration of the new Jewish State of Israel. Jews are seen hoisting British soldiers on their shoulders and holding the Israeli flag on Nov. 30, 1947 in Jerusalem. (AP Photo/Tom Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737169
Date: 30/11/1947
Ref #: PA.5737169
Date: 30/11/1947

Two Arabs chat by the roadside with the ancient city of Jerusalem in the background, Nov. 28, 1947. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.14713577
Date: 28/11/1947
Ref #: PA.14713577
Date: 28/11/1947

A white Jewish ambulance, with a British soldier riding aboard, carries wounded Jews through a crowd of Arabs at Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem as British soldiers keep watch in Dec. 1947. The Arabs, who were imprisoned inside Jerusalem’s Old City during curfew hours, did not attack the ambulance. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.8669141
Date: 01/12/1947
Ref #: PA.8669141
Date: 01/12/1947

Two trucks exploded on Ben Yehuda Street, in the heart of the Jewish business district of Jerusalem, Feb. 2, 1948, killing 27 people and injuring more than 100 others. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737265
Date: 02/02/1948
Ref #: PA.5737265
Date: 02/02/1948

Sandbags for defense works are filled by Jewish girls in the Montefiore quarter of Jerusalem in Feb. 1948. The girls belong to the few Jewish families still remaining in the section with members of the Haganah, Defense Organization. This section has been under constant attack by Arab snipers from the Old City during Arab-Jewish conflict after United Nations decision to partition Palestine. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.8666931
Date: 01/02/1948
Ref #: PA.8666931
Date: 01/02/1948

An Arab military police officer looks out on the street from a damaged Arab home, bombed three days ago, behind the “Sisters of Sion” convent in the old city of Jerusalem, Palestine, July 14, 1948. He stands in front of a gaping hole, made by the Jewish “Secret Weapon” a 2 1/2 feet (75 cm) time-fused motar shell, holding a piece of the heavy steel cap, the largest fragment of the shell remaining. The bomb called by the Haganah “David, King of Israel” is manufactured in Tel Aviv. In the past days the Jews were shelling the Old City of Jerusalem consistantly. (AP Photo/Deluce)
Ref #: PA.5736877
Date: 14/07/1948
Ref #: PA.5736877
Date: 14/07/1948

Jews in the Old City section of Jerusalem queue up to await distribution of provisions brought into the city by British Army convoy on Jan. 19, 1948. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.3946699
Date: 19/01/1948
Ref #: PA.3946699
Date: 19/01/1948

Jews crawl and run to dodge Arab snipers as they return to their homes in the village of Montefiore on the outskirt of Jerusalem after their day’s work on Jan. 20, 1948. Palestinian Arabs fired from the walls of the old part of Jerusalem during conflict between Arabs and Jews during partition. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8673255
Date: 20/01/1948
Ref #: PA.8673255
Date: 20/01/1948

Two Irgun Jews, one manning a Bren gun and the other holding a revolver, keep guard from a house in the Manshiah section of Tel Aviv near the Tel Aviv-Jaffa border in Jerusalem, Jan. 8, 1948 where Jews and Arabs are battling. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.7450202
Date: 08/01/1948
Ref #: PA.7450202
Date: 08/01/1948

A dying Jewish raider is carried by a policeman and an Arab from a Muslim cemetery in Mamillah Road, Jerusalem, after armored car in which he and four other Jews had ridden in their bomb attack at Jaffa Gate crashed into the wall of the cemetery, Jan. 7, 1948. The car was wrecked by rifle fire from police and soldiers after dropping a second bomb at Mamillah Road. Eighteen people, mostly Arabs, were killed in the attack. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.16054887
Date: 07/01/1948
Ref #: PA.16054887
Date: 07/01/1948

Two feuding Arab families mark the end of the blood feud between them in Attil, Palestine, March 31, 1948, obeying the edict of regional Arab authorities that all feuds between Arabs must stop until “the greater feud of Arab against Jew is ended.” (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737200
Date: 31/03/1948
Ref #: PA.5737200
Date: 31/03/1948

Villagers haul on the rope which links ship to shore, as a fresh boatload of refugees is brought into Naharia, north of Haifa, Israel. The “United Nations” was laden with 600 refugees eager for a new life in Israel.
Ref #: PA.13637893
Date: 13/01/1948
Ref #: PA.13637893
Date: 13/01/1948

Villagers haul on the rope which links ship to shore, as a fresh boatload of refugees is brought into Naharia, north of Haifa, Israel. The “United Nations” was laden with 600 refugees eager for a new life in Israel.
Ref #: PA.13637893
Date: 13/01/1948
Ref #: PA.13637893
Date: 13/01/1948

Willing hands help the first boatload of refugees through the surf, as the immigrants struggle to the shore of Naharia, north of Haifa, Israel. The “United Nations” ship was laden with 600 refugees eager for a new life in Israel.
Ref #: PA.13637912
Date: 13/01/1948
Ref #: PA.13637912
Date: 13/01/1948

With all his worldly belongings on his back, a refugee is helped ashore through the surf by villagers from Naharia, north of Haifa, Israel. The “United Nations” ship was laden with 600 refugees eager for a new life in Israel.
Ref #: PA.13637944
Date: 13/01/1948
Ref #: PA.13637944
Date: 13/01/1948

An Arab, armed with a sub-machine gun, stands guard at JerusalemÂs Wailing Wall on Feb. 23, 1948. Jews are being kept from this centuries-old holy place by Arabs for the first time since the Arab-Jewish disorders in 1939. (AP Photo/JP)
Ref #: PA.7436344
Date: 23/02/1948
Ref #: PA.7436344
Date: 23/02/1948

A Jewish cab is set ablaze by an angry mob near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, Israel on December 29, 1947 after Jews shooting from a taxi assassinated 15 persons, among them 12 Arabs, 2 British constables and a Jew. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10005928
Date: 29/12/1947
Ref #: PA.10005928
Date: 29/12/1947

Volunteer Arab soldier for the private Army of the Jerusalem Grand Mufti are sworn in on December 15, 1947 at Abu Dis, a small Palestinian village, near Jerusalem, Israel. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10098338
Date: 15/12/1947
Ref #: PA.10098338
Date: 15/12/1947

While an armed Arab (right) stands guard, Christian Pilgrims kneel in what is said to have been the court of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem, scene of first station of the way of cross. The place where Pilate condemned Jesus to death had been a British Police Station but recently was abandoned because of Arab-Jewish strife. Now it is used as headquarters of Arab National Police, Friday, March 26, 1948 in Jerusalem observances of stations of cross which were repeated, March 26, Good Friday. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.7380227
Date: 26/03/1948
Ref #: PA.7380227
Date: 26/03/1948

With registration on full swing, Haganah, the Jewish defense organization, puts all recruits through stiff training courses on March 11, 1948 in Jerusalem. There are several such camps, set up in secret locations. Besides training in the sued of arms, the youths are pout through a strenuous body conditioning program. At one stage of training, the recruits climb hand-over-hand up hanging ropes. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.7445873
Date: 11/03/1948
Ref #: PA.7445873
Date: 11/03/1948

An arab and his donkey pass a road block, manned by British soldiers and Palestinian policeman, during a snowfall, near Jerusalem, Palestine, March 22, 1948. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737202
Date: 22/03/1948
Ref #: PA.5737202
Date: 22/03/1948

An old couple from Yemen sit in a C-46 plane which is taking them from their homeland to Eretz, Israel on March 21, 1949. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8685228
Date: 21/03/1949
Ref #: PA.8685228
Date: 21/03/1949

Arab fighters scan the hills of the Bab El Wad area on May 10, 1948. Arab and Jewish Forces clashed in a battle for control of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway in Palestine. (AP Photo/JP)
Ref #: PA.7436339
Date: 10/05/1948
Ref #: PA.7436339
Date: 10/05/1948

A group of Palestinian Jews aboard the American export liner Marine Carp wave goodbye prior to sailing from New York, May 4, 1948, for their native land to fight the Arabs. (AP Photo/Joe Caneva)
Ref #: PA.5737223
Date: 04/05/1948
Ref #: PA.5737223
Date: 04/05/1948

Children crowd a street vendor in Tel Aviv to purchase the new flag of Israel following proclamation of the Jewish zone of Palestine as a new state of Israel on May 15, 1948. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737238
Date: 15/05/1948
Ref #: PA.5737238
Date: 15/05/1948

Israel Koperlov, 1 years of age, on the knee of his father, Chaim Koperlov awaiting sunset check by Legion guards on June 4, 1948 in Trans Jordan. (AP Photo/Daniel De Luce )
Ref #: PA.7091313
Date: 04/06/1948
Ref #: PA.7091313
Date: 04/06/1948

Arab fighters scan the hills of the Bab El Wad area on May 10, 1948. Arab and Jewish Forces clashed in a battle for control of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway in Palestine. (AP Photo/JP)
Ref #: PA.7436339
Date: 10/05/1948
Ref #: PA.7436339
Date: 10/05/1948

A female officer in charge of the range at the Hen women’s corps camp near Tel Aviv, Palestine, gives a demonstration in the handling of a Sten gun on June 15, 1948 in the Arab-Israeli War. Although non-combatants, members the new women’s Army in Israel are taught to use guns for defense. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8662596
Date: 15/06/1948
Ref #: PA.8662596
Date: 15/06/1948

An Israeli soldier, armed with a rifle, stop some arabs in a street in Nazareth, Palestine, July 17, 1948, as they are travelling after the allotted curfew time. Israeli forces had occupied the town earlier that day. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5736836
Date: 17/07/1948
Ref #: PA.5736836
Date: 17/07/1948

Orthodox Jews of the Israeli Army read the Torah of Holy Scrolls, during commemorations of the Jewish fast day Tisha Bav, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Aug. 19, 1948. The Jewish signs of mourning, “Tvilum” around the arms and on the forehead, are worn by the men and those who are also married wear shawls. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5755037
Date: 19/08/1948
Ref #: PA.5755037
Date: 19/08/1948

A five hundred Mil note from the new currency which has been issued in Israel to replace the Palestine Pound previously in circulation, Aug. 19, 1948. The note is still backed by the Anglo-Palestine Banl Limited. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737186
Date: 19/08/1948
Ref #: PA.5737186
Date: 19/08/1948

Members of the General Zionist Council meet for the first time since the establishment of the state of Israel, Aug. 28, 1948. The painting is of Theodore Herzl, founder of the first General Zionist Movement. Mr. S. Sprinzak (first name not available), chairman of the council, addresses the audience. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737198
Date: 28/08/1948
Ref #: PA.5737198
Date: 28/08/1948

Two artillery spotters of the Israeli army work from a sandbagged observation post during the fighting along the Mejdal-Biet Jibrin road in the Negev, Palestine’s southern desert, Oct. 20, 1948. This is one of the first pictures of the actual fighting in the desert. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.7450588
Date: 20/10/1948
Ref #: PA.7450588
Date: 20/10/1948

Arab fighters scan the hills of the Bab El Wad area on May 10, 1948. Arab and Jewish Forces clashed in a battle for control of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway in Palestine. (AP Photo/JP)
Ref #: PA.7436339
Date: 10/05/1948
Ref #: PA.7436339
Date: 10/05/1948

An arab workman is one of many who are assisting the Jewish authorities in Haifa, Israel, Nov. 8, 1948, in their great slum clearance scheme.(AP Photo/Staff/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5755039
Date: 08/11/1948
Ref #: PA.5755039
Date: 08/11/1948

An arab workman is one of many who are assisting the Jewish authorities in Haifa, Israel, Nov. 8, 1948, in their great slum clearance scheme.(AP Photo/Staff/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5755039
Date: 08/11/1948
Ref #: PA.5755039
Date: 08/11/1948

This family owned their own farm near Haifa. They fled when the British mandate ended and it became certain Israel would control the town. Today they are refugees in a camp near Gaza. The only possession they still have is a padded blanket. Location and date unknown. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.18984382
Date: 01/01/1949
Ref #: PA.18984382
Date: 01/01/1949

Arab snipers move away from a flaming Jewish truck in the Sheik Jarrah quarter of Jerusalem after dragging the body of driver from armored cab and dumping it on the road on March 7, 1948. The truck was caught in sniper fire, crashed into a wall and burst into flames.
Ref #: PA.2539510
Date: 07/03/1948
Ref #: PA.2539510
Date: 07/03/1948

An arab and his donkey pass a road block, manned by British soldiers and Palestinian policeman, during a snowfall, near Jerusalem, Palestine, March 22, 1948. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737202
Date: 22/03/1948
Ref #: PA.5737202
Date: 22/03/1948

An injured Jewish couple walk past rescuers searching for wounded and dead people in the wreckage of shops on Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, Feb. 22, 1948, after a bomb exploded. The bomb killed 52 Jews and wounded 100 more and levelled buildings on both sides of the street. (AP Photo/Pringle).
Ref #: PA.5737217
Date: 22/02/1948
Ref #: PA.5737217
Date: 22/02/1948

Jim Pringle, Jerusalem staffer, looks at hole in windscreen of Associated Press jeep, Feb. 23, 1948, caused by Arab bullet during fighting with Jews in the Montefiore quarter. Pringle was just getting into jeep when bullet came through. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8591419
Date: 23/02/1948
Ref #: PA.8591419
Date: 23/02/1948

Caught in the open during Arab-Jewish skirmish in Montefiore, a Jewish quarter in Jerusalem, Palestine, a Jew dashes for cover as an Arab sniper fires on him, Feb. 10, 1948. Two British companies were called out to halt the battle which started when Arabs attempted to smash into Jewish quarter of the city. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.7450598
Date: 10/02/1948
Ref #: PA.7450598
Date: 10/02/1948

Arab soldiers approach a huge breach in the walls of Tiferet Synagogue, a stronghold of the Haganah in the Old City of Jerusalem, on May 21, 1948 during the Arab-Israeli War. Arab demolition squads blasted holes in the structure which was being used as a fortress by Haganah forces, an underground Zionist military organization. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8665222
Date: 21/05/1948
Ref #: PA.8665222
Date: 21/05/1948

Barbed wire covers the entire roadway for 105 yards on Princess Mary Ave. in Jerusalem at Zion Square on May 19, 1948. The wire is meant to keep Arabs and Jews from coming in contact. The Jewish State of Israel was proclaimed on May 15, and Britain was forced to surrender its 25-year mandate. On this day, the Old City of Jerusalem appeared in imminent danger of being wrested from its Jewish defenders by Palestine’s King Abdullah’s desert legion. In the background is the Jewish section. Right at center is the police headquarters. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8650556
Date: 19/05/1948
Ref #: PA.8650556
Date: 19/05/1948

Cabinet Ministers of the new state of Israel sing “Hatikvah,” the Jewish National Anthem, May 14, 1948, at a ceremony at the Tel Aviv Art Museum, marking the creation of the new state. Facing Camera from left are: Baroch Shitrit, Police Commissioner; David Remez, Communications Minister; Fritz Bernstein, Trade, Industry and Suppply; Felix Rosenbluth, Justice; Rabbi Judah Fishman, Commissioner of Jerusalem Area, David Ben Gurion, Premier and Defense Minister; Moshe Shapiro, Director of Immigation; Moshe Shertok, Foreign Afairs; Eliazer Kaplan, Treasurer; Moshe Ben Tov, Public Works and Labor; and Aaron Zisling, Agriculture. (AP Photos/Files)
Ref #: PA.2580791
Date: 14/05/1948
Ref #: PA.2580791
Date: 14/05/1948

Jews pause along King George Ave., to watch fighting through slits in a protective wall in Jerusalem, Israel, May 17, 1948. The wall was erected during Arab-Jewish fighting for the protection of Jews who had to walk through the street. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737252
Date: 17/05/1948
Ref #: PA.5737252
Date: 17/05/1948

Jewish Haganah troops are seen on ppatrol near the no-man’s-land line in Katamon, a suburb of Jerusalem, Palestine May 6, 1948. In the back left is the Arab owned hotel Semiramis, by bombed by Haganah forces four month ago, with the argument that it was used as an Arab headquarter for commanders of the fighting Arabs. 15 men and women were killed in the explosion. Katamon, once an Arab stronghold, was wrested from them by the Haganah forces in a three day battle ending May 4, 1948. There was a continuous battle with automatic weapons and armoured cars. Except for the Haganah gurds and patrols all the former residents have departed. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737133
Date: 06/05/1948
Ref #: PA.5737133
Date: 06/05/1948

Mrs. Golda Meir is the only female member of the provisional council of the new state of Israel, waves following her arrival at La Guardia Field, New York, May 19, 1948 from Jerusalem. She declared that “if the United state arms embargo is lifted, we can drive the Arabs out in a few weeks.” She added that the Jewish people in Palestine were optimistic of the successful outcome of the war because finances and manpower have been solidly mobilized. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737250
Date: 09/05/1948
Ref #: PA.5737250
Date: 09/05/1948

The scene at Arab hillside village on a Muslim Sabbath in Palestine, Jerusalem, Friday, March 31, 1948, when two families who had split the village into rival camps with a blood feud for the past two years set aside their differences, so that they might wage war against the Jews instead of each other. TheyÂre shown forming a rough circle with members of one family on the left, members of the other on the right, and Arab soldier volunteers in center background. Afterwards the male members of the two family factions advanced toward one another and shook hands. The feud, which began with the killing of a member of one family, was the first in Palestine thus formally set aside. The truce was solemnized by a feast. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8996275
Date: 31/03/1948
Ref #: PA.8996275
Date: 31/03/1948

An Arab legion soldier fingers a machine gun as he stands guard in Jerusalem on Jan. 6, 1948 where his army is on loan to the British army to help out because of shortage of British soldiers in the holy land. (AP Photo/JP)
Ref #: PA.7445783
Date: 06/04/1948
Ref #: PA.7445783
Date: 06/04/1948

Christian Arabs, carrying a huge cross, reach the third station of the Cross in Jerusalem on March 26, 1948 as they retrace the path of Jesus Christ from the court of Pontius Pilate of Calvary, others kneel on the spot, where it is believed Christ Fell for the first time under the burden of the cross. Photo received in New York, March 26, by radio from London. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.7380118
Date: 26/03/1948
Ref #: PA.7380118
Date: 26/03/1948

King Abdullah of Transjordan, centre with beard, leaves the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, May 27, 1948, escorted by members of the Arab Legion. The Jewish sector of the old city fell to arab forces on May 28. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737226
Date: 27/05/1948
Ref #: PA.5737226
Date: 27/05/1948

Soldiers of the Transjordan Arab Legion surround Haganah Jewish soldiers and pose with their rifles following their surrender in the old city of Jerusalem, Palestine, May 28, 1948. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10005836
Date: 09/06/1948
Ref #: PA.10005836
Date: 09/06/1948

Jewish firefighters engage in salvage operations as smoke still rises from two buses set aflame when a parking lot along Jaffa Road in Jerusalem was struck by Arab incendiary mortar shells, June 12, 1948. The parking lot was hit during one of the daily shellings of the new section of the city by the Arab legion. (AP Photo/Tom Fitzsimmons)
Ref #: PA.5736812
Date: 12/06/1948
Ref #: PA.5736812
Date: 12/06/1948

Joshua Cohen, 12, one of nearly 300 prisoners taken by Trans-Jordan Legion on surrender of Old City Jewish quarter, Jerusalem, 28/5 and now held in Trans-Jordan. He is seated on the ground with other prisoners for sunset check by Legion guards on June 4, 1948 in Trans-Jordan. (AP Photo/ Daniel De Luce )
Ref #: PA.7091311
Date: 04/06/1948
Ref #: PA.7091311
Date: 04/06/1948

An Arab soldier manning a machine gun, takes cover behind sand bags on a street near the New Gate in the old city of Jerusalem, Palestine on May 29, 1948 during the Jewish Arab conflict while a little boy on the left, unimpressed by the deadly atmosphere plays in the debris covering the pavement. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.10005843
Date: 29/05/1948
Ref #: PA.10005843
Date: 29/05/1948

The glare from fires set by mortar and artillery shells and the flares set up by opposing fighters in the fierce battle between Arabs and Jews light up the sky above the David’s Tower section of the Old City Wall of Jerusalem, held by the Arabs, July 14, 1948. It was one of the heaviest exchanges of fire in the long struggle for the Holy City. (AP Photo/Jim Pringle)
Ref #: PA.7450612
Date: 14/07/1948
Ref #: PA.7450612
Date: 14/07/1948

View of desolated Sulimans Way, in the old city of Jerusalem, Palestine, July 20, 1948, which forms a front line between the Arabs inside and Jewish forces outside the walls. Fierce fighting happened between the two forces following the expiry of a two-day truce. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5736797
Date: 20/07/1948
Ref #: PA.5736797
Date: 20/07/1948

Arab Legion riflemen resume their front line positions along the battlements of the walls of the old city of Jerusalem, as the truce ends in Palestine, July 9, 1948. Jewish shelling has been concentrated on this sector since the end of the truce. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5736882
Date: 09/07/1948
Ref #: PA.5736882
Date: 09/07/1948

A Red Cross nurse holds a young baby being repatriated from the Haganah-held sector of Jerusalem to the Arab section on June 18, 1948 during the Arab-Israeli War. The child is one of many Arab children, women and men found among the ruins of the city by Jewish forces. Refugees are met at the New Gate by representatives of the International Red Cross, supervising the transfer. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8672022
Date: 18/06/1948
Ref #: PA.8672022
Date: 18/06/1948

Legion guards with two orthodox Jews who preferred imprisonment in Trans-Jordan to going into Jewish-held area of Jerusalem, which is also still a battle zone on June 4, 1948 in Trans-Jordan. (AP Photo/Daniel De Luce )
Ref #: PA.7091318
Date: 04/06/1948
Ref #: PA.7091318
Date: 04/06/1948

British captors of Old Jerusalem await fresh military orders ourside the Damascus Gate through which they penetrated the lines of the Arab rebels. (AP Photo/James Mills)
Ref #: PA.14567790
Date: 31/10/1938
Ref #: PA.14567790
Date: 31/10/1938

Since the British occupation of Jerusalem, Palestine, after the old city had been held for four days by Arabs, a measure of calm has descended on the district. Storm centre October 24ÂWhen this picture reached London by air after being was Jaffa, where there was sniping. British police captain leading Jewish kiddies to safety away from Arab snipers during the reoccupation of the old city of Jerusalem in Palestine, Israel on Oct. 24, 1938, by the British. (AP Photo/James Mills)
Ref #: PA.8988895
Date: 24/10/1938
Ref #: PA.8988895
Date: 24/10/1938

A group of struggling Arab refugees walk along the dusty road from Jerusalem to Lebanon, carrying their meagre belongings with them, Nov. 9, 1948. The arabs have been driven from their homes by Jewish attacks in Galilee. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737111
Date: 09/11/1948
Ref #: PA.5737111
Date: 09/11/1948

Jewish nurses stranded for three months in the neutral area on Mount Scopus, which is in Arab-held territory, sort out their luggage after being brought back safely to Jerusalem in armored buses of a United Nations convoy on Oct. 8, 1948 in the Arab-Israeli War. Israeli police, also stranded in the demilitarized zone, were brought back with them and the Arabs permitted police replacements to go to Mount Scopus. (AP Photo/James Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737255
Date: 08/10/1948
Ref #: PA.5737255
Date: 08/10/1948

Leaders of the Jewish force, Irgun Zvei Leumi, announce to the press their acceptance of the demand by the Israeli provisional government for the immediate disbandment of Irgun, Jerusalem, Palestine, Sept. 21, 1948. Left to right; ‘Karni’, the spokesman of Irgun; ‘Avinoam’, the commander of the Irgun forces in Jerusalem; ‘Leilerovits, liason officer. Following this acceptance soldiers of the Israeli army immediately commandeered arms at Irgun posts in the city. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5755050
Date: 21/09/1948
Ref #: PA.5755050
Date: 21/09/1948

Commander of Israel’s Jerusalem Brigade, Colonel Moshe Dayan, right, and Arab Legion Commander Abdullah Bey El-Tel, shake hands after a conference in a monastry in Jerusalem’s no-man’s land, Aug 22, 1948. Facing camera right, is Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Abd Aziz, commander of the Egyptian forces in the southern section of Jerusalem. A few hours after this picture was taken Colonel Aziz was ambushed and killed. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737197
Date: 22/08/1948
Ref #: PA.5737197
Date: 22/08/1948

The United Nations Security Council, gathered in Paris, Sept. 18, 1948, stands in silent tribute for Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden who was assassinated in Jerusalem, Sept. 17. (AP Photo/Levy)
Ref #: PA.17633580
Date: 18/09/1948
Ref #: PA.17633580
Date: 18/09/1948

An Israeli soldier, armed with a sten gun, picks her way through the shattered walls of Sulimans Way, in the old city of Jerusalem, Palestine, July 20, 1948, which forms a front line between the Arabs inside and Jewish forces outside the walls. Fierce fighting happened between the two forces following the expiry of a two-day truce. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5736824
Date: 20/07/1948
Ref #: PA.5736824
Date: 20/07/1948

Beneath a banner proclaiming “Jerusalem, the capital of Israel” Stern Group leaders address a large meeting in the Holy City, Jerusalem, Palestine, August 1948. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5736828
Date: 01/08/1948
Ref #: PA.5736828
Date: 01/08/1948

Menachem Begin, who gave his first public appearance since he went underground, in Jerusalem, Israel, August 3, 1948, is the leader of the Herut party in the Republic of Israel. The party is the strongest opposition party to prime minister David Ben-Gurion’s Mapai party. Begin led one of the biggest terrorist gangs theat fought the British before the state of Israel was created. In 1948 the British placed a 30 000 Pound reward on his head, dead or alive. Now he is considered the number two man on Israel’s political scene and he has been a strong opponent of Ben-Gurion’s solution of the Gaza problem. (AP Photo/Pringle)
Ref #: PA.5737181
Date: 03/08/1948
Ref #: PA.5737181
Date: 03/08/1948

Some 4,000 people in Jerusalem listen to an address by Menachem Begin, from a balcony of the Tel Aviv hotel on Zion Square, August 11, 1948. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.5737179
Date: 11/08/1948
Ref #: PA.5737179
Date: 11/08/1948

Arab civilians, released by Jews under a prisoner exchange agreement, walk through a debris-flanked no-mans-land road as they return to Arab territory in Jerusalem, March 8, 1949. The Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement provided for the exchange of Arab civilian prisoners and about 800 Jewish prisoners of war. (AP Photo/Ali Hassan Abu Zarur)
Ref #: PA.8658443
Date: 08/03/1949
Ref #: PA.8658443
Date: 08/03/1949

Prof. Albert Einstein receiving honorary PhD from Hebrew University of Jerusalem at his home 112 Mercer St., Princeton, New Jersey, on March 15, 1949, through the American Friends of the Hebrew University. Group at the presentation, left to right, seated: Prof. Eleazar L. Sukenik of Hebrew Univ.; Dr. Israel S. Wechsler, Pres., Amer. Friends of Hebrew Univ.; Prof. Albert Einstein; Mrs. Tamar De Sala Pool, past president, Hadassah; Leo A. Mayer. Standing: George Wise, Mark Sugarman, Prof. Gershon Scholen, High Salpeter, Sylvan Gotschal and Joseph Mazer. (AP Photo/Alan Richards)
Ref #: PA.9903148
Date: 15/03/1949
Ref #: PA.9903148
Date: 15/03/1949

Jewish displaced people aboard SS General Gordon at San Francisco cheer Jewish welfare officials and others who wish them well on their journey to Israel, Feb. 21, 1949. They have arrived from Shanghai and will be transported in a sealed train across the U.S. to New York where they will board a vessel bound for Palestine. (AP Photo/Ernest K. Bennett)
Ref #: PA.16054881
Date: 21/02/1949
Ref #: PA.16054881
Date: 21/02/1949

The flag of the Israeli Government, proclaiming the recognition of the government by Britain, was hoisted at the offices of the Israeli Government in Manchester Square, London, by 17 year old Ruth Liebstadter, the youngest member of staff.
Ref #: PA.5481788
Date: 31/01/1949
Ref #: PA.5481788
Date: 31/01/1949

An old couple from Yemen sit in a C-46 plane which is taking them from their homeland to Eretz, Israel on March 21, 1949. (AP Photo)
Ref #: PA.8685228
Date: 21/03/1949
Ref #: PA.8685228
Date: 21/03/1949
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