Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Jewish right to live in peace throughout Israel must be enforced - YJ Draiman

Jewish right to live in peace throughout 
Israel must be enforced
Why as a Jew does the world think it has a right to torture me? Israel was created to prevent this. Yet on my home soil someone thinks that he has a right to torture me because I am a Jew. Israel of all places in the world should be my sanctuary especially because its the Jewish official state for all Jews. Is it because I am a Jew that I deserve missiles to be thrown upon me? Is it because I am a Jew that another Jew has the right to prevent me from praying to my God on the Temple Mount?
Many Jewish souls died in the Diaspora and continue to die including in Israel for the sole reason that they are Jews. Their fate was in the hand of their leaders. They deserved so much more then being murdered just because they were Jewish. We do no want to repeat the Holocaust again. Nor the expulsion of over a million Jews from Arab countries.
Israel must learn to secure the safety of every citizen under its roof. Enough of trying to be the advocate for the these extremists evil people within the Arab-Palestinians. Israel is the home of the Jewish people. It is written in all of the holy books, the bible and history books, including archeological excavations in Israel, International treaties and laws.
Enough of trying to accommodate the Arab-Palestinian people that thrive on hate and destruction towards me as a Jew. Israel must be strong and extremely strict in enforcing its laws and sovereignty. Hamas should have been destroyed, just like any other enemy of Israel who wants to destroy her. Order must be restored in the Gaza.
The Arab-Palestinians in the west bank (Judea and Samaria) thinks they can torture me because I am a Jew. They commit daily terror and violence in Israel in the name of Islam. Enough is enough. The time is not for revenge but for law and order with a clear message to Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, and his P.A. that these terror and violence acts are his responsibility. If he cannot stop it, Israel will have no alternative, but to take appropriate action to stop terror and violence. Moreover, Hamas the terrorist organization must be eradicated once and for all.
I am a Jew and I deserve to live in peace in my own country without threat and intimidation. I expect the respect and protection that is due to me especially by my Jewish leaders. All Jews must learn to respect each other no matter their religious practice or opinion. A unified Israel is a strong Israel.
Among others, I blame the government of Israel for not taking a far, far stronger stand. There is no alternative but denial of citizenship, and deportation, of everyone who is an avowed enemy of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. People will say this is extreme. I say, the situation is extreme. Living with one million plus potential and actual murderers of our men, women and children is extreme.
How do we know who is an enemy of the State? Anyone who has participated in any act of aggression against Israeli Jews (stone throwing, rioting, vandalizing Jewish cemeteries and holy places, attacks on Jews) is an enemy of the State. Furthermore, the families of these enemies of the State; the schools that teach hate and the destruction of Israel; and anyone who engages in anti-Israel hatred and violence in words or acts, must be treated as enemies of the State.
I also blame, of course, the anti-Semitism of the rest of the world, including the US government (President, staff, and the State Dept), and certainly the EU and the UN, whose extremely biased condemnation and pressures have stopped Israel from taking the necessary steps to protect itself. Steps which any other State of the world would be obligated to take and has taken without criticism and condemnation.
The never ending and continuance of violence against Israel and its’ citizens must come to an end. How many more of our beautiful people, young and old, must be sacrificed on the altar of the world’s anti-Semitism and our own fear of appearing too self-interested?
If ever there was a time for self-interest, it is now.
The Israeli government needs to learn from previous mistakes that ingratiating to the biased international media and to the Arabs only strengthens the Arab resolve and brings more bloodshed and bullying. No one has said a word about Egypt bombing Gazan houses and building a wall because Egypt doesn’t give a damn and everyone knows it. Israel needs to have the same attitude and do what is good for its’ people for a change. This will garner more respect, not less. Bullies prey on the weak.
As for Gaza it will now become solely Israel’s problem and the government will probably be dumb enough to accept the problem as their own. Israel created the Arab-Palestinian people and an idea of an Arab-Palestinian state and now they will probably take responsibility for the people of Gaza to please the world. Makes you sick, does it not!
The Arabs keep demanding the West Bank as their new State. They also fail to inform the world, that the Arab states expelled over a million Jews from their countries, confiscated all their assets and Real estate (5-6 times the size of Israel) most Jewish refugees from Arab countries were resettled in Greater Israel.
The Arab-Palestinians have a state, it is called Jordan, which about 75% of its citizens are Arab-Palestinians citizens and possess a Jordanian citizenship. While the British as trustee for the Jewish people managed the Mandate for Palestine, the British violated the trust and created The State of Jordan for the Arabs in the early 1920’s. The British took about 80% of Jewish allocated land which included most of the east Bank of the Jordan river under the San Remo Treaty of 1920 which adopted the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and gave it to the Arabs, in violation of the treaty.
The Arab-Palestinians do not want a state, they have to date and are only interested in the destruction of Israel. Their Charters, Schooling and Media (brainwash) educates and promotes hate, terror and violence towards the Jewish State. An Arab-Palestinian State would have to act responsibly and abide by world criteria of a responsible state, which they cannot adhere to.
YJ Draiman

If I forget thee Jerusalem
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not;
if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy.
One must convey Jewish feelings and passions about Jerusalem with un-minced words.
When it comes to JERUSALEM’S sovereignty there is a line drawn in the sand. For the Jews, Jerusalem is their heart, aspirations, their holy city, devotion, ideals, symbol of being a nation with history, a nation with prophets, justice, fairness, rich Jewish history and the Jewish soul. When a Jew conveys his feeling about Jerusalem, he must not worry about offending anybody, or hurt feelings. We cannot make an omelet without cracking eggs, and a Jew cannot and must not be apologetic about Jewish’ feelings concerning Jerusalem. it is clear to me even if I were not a Jew, just from a pragmatic consideration of running a city, that any division of Jerusalem will lead eventually to immense unbearable friction and sooner-or-later to another war. We must present and make the analogy, that dividing Jerusalem is like dividing the baby in King Solomon’s verdict. Jews do not divide babies, only those who do not feel and care for the baby are prepared to take half. This is what every Jew must say.
I hope that we all have the opportunity to say these tough words for Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
How many holidays do the Arabs celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel. The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem – where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.
YJ Draiman.

Israel in the family of nations
Israel in the family of nations.
I do not know another nation on earth which since its
founding, less than seventy years ago, had to sacrifice 23,000 soldiers.
I do not know another nation on earth without recognized borders.
I do not know another nation on earth whose population
lives under a perpetual emotional strain.
I do not know another nation on earth threatened to be wiped off the map.
I do not know another nation on earth so threatened by boycotts all over the world.
I do not know another nation on earth where winners tend to lose wars.
I do not know another nation on earth which provides its own enemy with
water, electricity, food, weapons, and medical treatment.
I do not know another nation on earth where guests on official visits utter
disrespectful and offensive words.
But I also don’t know another nation on earth which has recorded so many miracles.
Imagine a helpless, naked Jew at the gas ovens facing a Nazi official, who thinks he
will get rid of the “Jewish cancer”, get rid of this unique phenomenon of 2,000 years.
Could that helpless, naked Jew imagine that in 50 years
other Jews will be flying F-16’s in the skies over Israel ?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel ’s
population today would be nine times that of 1948, the year of the state’s creation?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is much happier than all the European countries?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has the highest production of scientific
publications per capita in the world?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has the highest
worldwide publication of new books?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the only nation which began the
XXI century with a net gain in the number of trees?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has with largest number of chess
grandmasters per capita of any city in the world?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation whose academics produce
more scientific papers per capita than anywhere else in the world?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation
with the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the country which, in proportion to
its population, with the largest number of startup companies in the world?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the country with the highest
percentage in the world of home computers per capita?
Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation with the
largest immigrant-absorbing model on earth?
Unfortunately, you will not find Israel ’s goodness and superiority in the media (also Israeli),
because it does not fit in with the stereotype of the colonialist Zionist occupier. In the world’s consciousness, the word “ Israel ” must be equated with fear.
Israel just came out of another war against terrorists whose
value is less than that of animals.
Do you know of any animal species sheltering behind its own children?
But the Jewish State, despite its media, its cynical politicians,
establishment, once again showed the world it is the best humanity has to offer.
This hope is impressed in the faces of Israel ’s fallen soldiers, its
wounded an injured soldiers. In those faces there is joy de vivre, not sadness or hatred.
Terrorists and their Western appeasers want to destroy Israel because it is a light unto the nations.
The only one in the world in which we live.

A short synopsis of Jewish History and the Arab Israeli conflict! r2
Jews have the absolute right for their homeland. Zionism the movement itself was created during the second half the 1800′s. Jews purchased a substantial amount of territories in Palestine-Israel (see testimony of the Mufti of Jerusalem in front of the British Peel Commission) from local sheikhs and lords and built settlements there. This dates as early as 1860, that is 79 years before WWII. 
During all of this time Jews kept migrating back to their historic homeland which comprised of two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. They were driven out of the Kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in 720, B.C.E. The Babylonians in 586, B.C.E., drove the Jews out of the Kingdom of Judah, including Jerusalem. Then followed the Persians in 536, and the Hellenistic Syrian Seleucid Rulers in 332 BCE. Jews - The Macabees re-conquered Israel in 166 BCE.
Romans conquered Israel in 63 C.E., and in 70 A.D. destroyed the Jewish second Temple.
Which was followed by these conquests:
Byzantines in 313; Persian in 614; Arabs Muslims 636 CE; Crusaders 1099; and the Mamluks in 1291. 
Then came the Ottoman Empire in 1517. In 1564 the Ottoman Empire encouraged and stimulated Jewish immigration which added over 10,000 new Jewish returnees to Palestine-Israel (The Ottoman land records for Palestine showed that the government owned over 90% of the land) and the British Rule 1918-1948. 
During the time of the Roman rule of Israel, the Jews in the kingdom called Judea revolted against the Roman rule. The Romans crushed the rebellion, exiled many Jews out of the country, seized many others and turned them into slaves deporting them to Rome and other places. Not only that, they changed the name of the land from Provincia Judea to Palestine to humiliate the Jews. 
For 600 years or so, Arab Muslims imperialism spread throughout the Middle East from Arabia. Among other conquests, the Arabs conquered Judea-Palestine, killing many of the local Jewish population, and converting many into Islam. The story of how the Arabs got to Palestine is the story of conquest, imperialism and occupation.
During the 19th and 20th century, when Arabs had little to no interest in the land of Israel, Jews bought massive amounts of land and resettled there. After WWI the Allied Powers, the international community and the League of Nations under the San Remo Treaty of 1920 and confirmed in the 1920 treaty of Sevres, assigned the British "The Mandate for Palestine" as trustee over the land so that a Jewish state would be created in that land. The British had their own agenda in mind. 
The original Mandate territory included what is today Israel; Gaza, Parts of Sinai, West Bank (Judea and Samaria), Jordan and the Golan Heights. The British had their own agenda and divided the country up. They gave to the Arabs the allocated land which had been Mandated to the Jewish people in violation of the San Remo Treaty: everything East of the Jordan river. This land which was intentionally given to the Arabs constituted 80% of the land allocated to the Jewish people. The British gave the land to the Hashemite Kingdom for the Arab population in order to create a new State: Trans-Jordan. The British also traded the Golan Heights to the French who ruled Syria for oil in Iraq. Thus, after already separating the country into one Arab state Trans-Jordan (a new state in history), which is present day Jordan, they intended to break up the remaining Jewish land West of the Jordan River, present day Israel and wrongfully give it to the Arabs.
In the meanwhile a conflict emerged over territorial boundaries between the Jewish inhabitants and the Arabs. The U.N. proposed a deal to split the remaining land of the British Mandate for Palestine (yes, split yet again) into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The Jewish leadership accepted the proposal, provided the Arabs also accept it. The Arabs declined. Thus the 1948 war began. A war in which the Arabs with armies from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and local militias of Arabs, and help on a smaller scale from the armies of Algeria and Libya attacked the new Jewish entity. The Arab coalition had the weapons and a large army and were confident on victory, to the extent, that they asked the local Arab inhabitants to vacate the land while they decimated the Jews. But fate had other plans. Through divine intervention, the Arabs lost that war. Many Arab civilians fled their homes because their Arab leadership told them to. Some were panicked by rumors. There were only a few incidents with civilians. (It is an important fact that during the war of 1948, Jewish settlements that were seized by Arab forces were razed to the ground – Kfar Etzion for example and the remaining population there killed).
The true and detailed facts and history is much more voluminous and complex. The problem Israel faces is that it is not as quick to explain the 4000+ years of Jewish history in Israel to counter the Arab lies and propaganda. Lies are easier to spread. However, upon close examination of the historical facts, the lies are exposed as baseless propaganda and should be dismissed as such.
It should be noted only a small segment of history is being presented here. I didn’t enumerate anything about how Arabs used terror and violence since the beginning of the conflict. The Arabs attacked Jews in Israel as early as 1830's. I did not mention that before Arab nationalism and Muslim radicalism took over, the small Arab community was glad that the Jews were coming back to their ancestral homeland, providing an economic boost and jobs to the region, (even king Faisal was delighted.) I did not enumerate or discuss in detail the Arab-Palestinian refugees without telling how and why they became refugees.
I might also mention that the Arab countries expelled over a million Jewish people, confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real Estate (120,000 sq. km. 46,000 sq. miles, which is five to six times the size of Israel and valued in the trillions of dollars). About 650,000 of those Jewish refugees from Arab countries were resettled in Greater Israel. It is time for the Arab countries who expelled the million Jewish people to resettle the Arab-Palestinian refugees in their own countries, and or Jordan, and put an end to this conflict thus end the misery and displacement of the Arab Palestinians. This will bring about peace and coexistence which the people so rightfully desire and deserve. It will bring economic prosperity and an increase in the standard of living for all the people.
YJ Draiman


  1. If I forget thee Jerusalem
    If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
    Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not;
    if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy.
    One must convey Jewish feelings and passions about Jerusalem with un-minced words.
    When it comes to JERUSALEM’S sovereignty there is a line drawn in the sand. For the Jews, Jerusalem is their heart, aspirations, their holy city, devotion, ideals, symbol of being a nation with history, a nation with prophets, justice, fairness, rich Jewish history and the Jewish soul. When a Jew conveys his feeling about Jerusalem, he must not worry about offending anybody, or hurt feelings. We cannot make an omelet without cracking eggs, and a Jew cannot and must not be apologetic about Jewish’ feelings concerning Jerusalem. it is clear to me even if I were not a Jew, just from a pragmatic consideration of running a city, that any division of Jerusalem will lead eventually to immense unbearable friction and sooner-or-later to another war. We must present and make the analogy, that dividing Jerusalem is like dividing the baby in King Solomon’s verdict. Jews do not divide babies, only those who do not feel and care for the baby are prepared to take half. This is what every Jew must say.
    I hope that we all have the opportunity to say these tough words for Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
    How many holidays do the Arabs celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel. The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem – where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.
    YJ Draiman.

  2. I think you do not have your facts straight - Israel belongs to the Jews.
    The Quran states it clearly.
    Israel is a Jewish State its territories are non-negotiable. It has been a Jewish country for over 4,000 years.
    The Arabs are the occupiers.
    It is amazing how you and many others choose to ignore that the Arab countries have expelled over a million Jews from their countries in the last 90 years. Jews who lived there for over 2,000 years. The Arabs confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and real estate 5-6 times the size of Israel - 120,000 sq. km. or 46,000 sq. miles which is valued in the trillions of dollars.
    Any Arab who is not happy to live under the Israeli government can move there.
    Study your history; Mouhamed in 627 about 1,500 years ago beheaded 700 Jews in Medina which was a Jewish town in Saudi Arabia, he killed all the men took the women as slaves and raped their daughters. This is just the tip of history.
    Do you want more study the complete unbiased history objectively.
    YJ Draiman

  3. There was never an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel and there will never be - face it.
    The Ottoman land records of Palestine confirm that the Arabs did not own land, the were sharecroppers. Over 90% of the land was owned by the government the balance was owned by absentee wealthy Arabs from Lebanon who sold it to the Jews at premium prices.
    It is time to implement population transfer for all the Arabs.
    who create violence, riot and attack Jews and anyone else. They could be relocated to the home and land of the million Jewish people, expelled from Arab countries.
    YJ Draiman.

  4. There was never an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel and there will never be - face it.
    The Ottoman land records of Palestine confirm that the Arabs did not own land, the were sharecroppers. Over 90% of the land was owned by the government the balance was owned by absentee wealthy Arabs from Lebanon who sold it to the Jews at premium prices.
    It is time to implement population transfer for all the Arabs.
    who create violence, riot and attack Jews and anyone else. They could be.
    relocated to the home and land of the million Jewish people, expelled from Arab.

  5. Herzog and Livni are delusional. If you want to see Israel destroyed elect them. If you want to see Israel survive, you must vote Likud. There is no other alternative.
    Israel needs a leader who is concerned about Israel's safety and security and not personal agenda.
    Concessions and appeasements to the Arabs have only increased terror and violence and is a danger to Israel's survival. Thus a constant danger and threat to Israel's citizens.
    Summer of 2014 Hamas Gaza Campaign and the launching of 15,000 rockets into Israel's population centers only confirms that Israel must not concede any territory to the Arabs. Israel needs a wide buffer zone to enable it to respond to attacks and protect its citizens. This also applies Hezbollah on the Lebanese borders.
    There must be some population adjustment to offset the million Jews expelled from Arab countries. These could be a viable solution if people can look at it with an unbiased and rational approach.
    YJ Draiman

  6. There were about 600,000 Arabs 300,000 that left their homes in 1948, mostly of their own volition, more or less at the same time as the over 990,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries, who have lived in those Arab countries for over 2,000 years, of which the Arabs confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real Estate 120,000 sq. km or 46,000 sq. miles (which is 5-6 times the size of Israel).valued in the trillions of dollars. We resettled ours with limited land and resources — resettle yours (on the land and homes and land you confiscated from the Jewish people in the Arab countries. There is also Jordan which was taken from the Jews), the 21 Arab states have more land and resources. The Arab dis-information must be ignored and countered.
    YJ Draiman.

  7. Herzog and Livni are delusional. If you want to see Israel destroyed elect them. If you want to see Israel survive, you must vote Likud. There is no other alternative.
    Israel needs a leader who is concerned about Israel's safety and security and not personal agenda.
    Concessions and appeasements to the Arabs have only increased terror and violence and is a danger to Israel's survival. And the danger to Israel's citizens.
    YJ Draiman
    Israel's left is delusional and are willing to sacrifice the Jewish State
    The left may not be able to win elections, and let us hope it does not win elections, or Israel demise would be enhanced, but the left can destroy Israel. A divided Israel has not been able to break away from the peace process. And it is unable to stop Iran. Netanyahu’s dilemma is not just that he has to convince Obama who is clueless when it comes to International politics. Netanyahu must work around Obama, and find a way to eliminate Iran's threat to Israel and the region, but he also has to figure out a way to do the same thing for the country’s domestic left whose parliamentary presence is limited, but whose actual obstructive and destructive powers are huge. And the left will insist on waiting until the very last second while claiming that Netanyahu is manufacturing a crisis for political advantage until it’s almost too late.
    Or until it actually is too late.
    The same establishment that was wrong about Turkey and wrong about the Arab Spring insists on sticking to its guns, or lack of guns, when it comes to Iran.
    Israel’s left ran out of ideas long ago and runs instead on the recycled effluvia of the European left. It has adopted the conviction of the international left that Israel is always to blame.
    The right is growing every year while the left is diminishing.
    Iran is the destabilizing factor in the Middle East and beyond..
    Iran is a rogue state and a supporter and financer of terrorism worldwide and everyone knows it..
    When someone threaten to destroy you, it is your obligation to beat him to it and destroy him first.
    YJ Draiman.

  8. If you want Israel to survive, you must vote for Netanyahu.
    Israel's left is delusional and are willing to sacrifice the Jewish State.
    The left may not be able to win elections, and let us hope it does not win elections, or Israel demise would be enhanced, but the left can destroy Israel. A divided Israel has not been able to break away from the peace process. And it is unable to stop Iran. Netanyahu’s dilemma is not just that he has to convince Obama who is clueless when it comes to International politics. Netanyahu must work around Obama, and find a way to eliminate Iran's threat to Israel and the region, but he also has to figure out a way to do the same thing for the country’s domestic left whose parliamentary presence is limited, but whose actual obstructive and destructive powers are huge. And the left will insist on waiting until the very last second while claiming that Netanyahu is manufacturing a crisis for political advantage until it’s almost too late.
    Or until it actually is too late.
    The same establishment that was wrong about Turkey and wrong about the Arab Spring insists on sticking to its guns, or lack of guns, when it comes to Iran.
    Israel’s left ran out of ideas long ago and runs instead on the recycled effluvia of the European left. It has adopted the conviction of the international left that Israel is always to blame.
    The right is growing every year while the left is diminishing.
    Iran is the destabilizing factor in the Middle East and beyond..
    Iran is a rogue state and a supporter and financer of terrorism worldwide and everyone knows it..
    When someone threaten to destroy you, it is your obligation to beat him to it and destroy him first.
    YJ Draiman.

  9. Israel needs to build 100,000 housing units per year in Judea and Samaria for the next 10 years, It also needs to build 3 superhighway connecting Judea and Samaria to Israel.
    Construct military bases in Judea and Samaria to protect the people and the country.
    Israel also needs to build 50,000 housing units per year in greater Jerusalem and build additional roads and highway in and from Jerusalem.
    Israel must also build a minimum of 10,000 housing units in the Galil and 10,000 housing units in the Negev every year for the next ten years and expand the infrastructure, roads and highways. They have to expand industry and commerce to enhance the desire of people to live in the Galil and the Negev.

  10. Israel's left is delusional and are willing to sacrifice the Jewish State
    The left may not be able to win elections, and let us hope it does not win elections, or Israel demise would be enhanced, but the left can destroy Israel. A divided Israel has not been able to break away from the peace process. And it is unable to stop Iran. Netanyahu’s dilemma is not just that he has to convince Obama who is clueless when it comes to International politics. Netanyahu must work around Obama, and find a way to eliminate Iran's threat to Israel and the region, but he also has to figure out a way to do the same thing for the country’s domestic left whose parliamentary presence is limited, but whose actual obstructive and destructive powers are huge. And the left will insist on waiting until the very last second while claiming that Netanyahu is manufacturing a crisis for political advantage until it’s almost too late.
    Or until it actually is too late.
    The same establishment that was wrong about Turkey and wrong about the Arab Spring insists on sticking to its guns, or lack of guns, when it comes to Iran.
    Israel’s left ran out of ideas long ago and runs instead on the recycled effluvia of the European left. It has adopted the conviction of the international left that Israel is always to blame.
    The right is growing every year while the left is diminishing.
    Iran is the destabilizing factor in the Middle East and beyond..
    Iran is a rogue state and a supporter and financer of terrorism worldwide and everyone knows it..
    When someone threaten to destroy you, it is your obligation to beat him to it and destroy him first.
    A nuclear-armed Iran puts the whole world in danger.
    Nuclear-armed Jihadi terrorists are the greatest threat our civilization may ever face.
    YJ Draiman.

  11. Israelis restraint has been detrimental to Israel and its citizens.
    When someone attacks your family with total disregard for human life and his only mission is to kill you and you family. It is your duty to defend yourself and your family at all costs. You must obliterate the enemy wherever he is or else he will obliterate you. It is a matter of survival.
    YJ Draiman.

  12. Israel in the family of nations
    Israel in the family of nations.
    I do not know another nation on earth which since its
    founding, less than seventy years ago, had to sacrifice 23,000 soldiers.
    I do not know another nation on earth without recognized borders.
    I do not know another nation on earth whose population
    lives under a perpetual emotional strain.
    I do not know another nation on earth threatened to be wiped off the map.
    I do not know another nation on earth so threatened by boycotts all over the world.
    I do not know another nation on earth where winners tend to lose wars.
    I do not know another nation on earth which provides its own enemy with
    water, electricity, food, weapons, and medical treatment.
    I do not know another nation on earth where guests on official visits utter
    disrespectful and offensive words.
    But I also don’t know another nation on earth which has recorded so many miracles.
    Imagine a helpless, naked Jew at the gas ovens facing a Nazi official, who thinks he
    will get rid of the “Jewish cancer”, get rid of this unique phenomenon of 2,000 years.
    Could that helpless, naked Jew imagine that in 50 years
    other Jews will be flying F-16’s in the skies over Israel ?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel ’s
    population today would be nine times that of 1948, the year of the state’s creation?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is much happier than all the European countries?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has the highest production of scientific
    publications per capita in the world?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has the highest
    worldwide publication of new books?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the only nation which began the
    XXI century with a net gain in the number of trees?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has with largest number of chess
    grandmasters per capita of any city in the world?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation whose academics produce
    more scientific papers per capita than anywhere else in the world?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation
    with the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the country which, in proportion to
    its population, with the largest number of startup companies in the world?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the country with the highest
    percentage in the world of home computers per capita?
    Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation with the
    largest immigrant-absorbing model on earth?
    Unfortunately, you will not find Israel ’s goodness and superiority in the media (also Israeli),
    because it does not fit in with the stereotype of the colonialist Zionist occupier. In the world’s consciousness, the word “ Israel ” must be equated with fear.
    Israel just came out of another war against terrorists whose
    value is less than that of animals.
    Do you know of any animal species sheltering behind its own children?
    But the Jewish State, despite its media, its cynical politicians,
    establishment, once again showed the world it is the best humanity has to offer.
    This hope is impressed in the faces of Israel ’s fallen soldiers, its
    wounded an injured soldiers. In those faces there is joy de vivre, not sadness or hatred.
    Terrorists and their Western appeasers want to destroy Israel because it is a light unto the nations.
    The only one in the world in which we live.

  13. Israel Draiman • 12 hours ago
    After World War I, all of Western Palestine was governed by Britain under a Mandate granted to it by the League of Nations. Its mandate was to develop the area as a Jewish homeland. The eastern part of Palestine was truncated and illegally turned by Britain into the independent Arab kingdom of Transjordan. The rump segment of Palestine was reserved for the Jews. None of this was earmarked for creation of yet another Arab state. The bulk of land within the Palestinian Mandate was state-owned land, governed by the British Mandatory government. It had also been state-owned land previously under the Ottoman imperial government, before Britain liberated “Palestine” from the Turks. [Before World War I, land in Palestine was owned by the Ottoman state and a feudalistic class of absentee landlords. The few “Palestinian” Arabs who lived in the country at the time seldom owned any land. They farmed it as sharecroppers.]


  14. After World War I, all of Western Palestine was governed by Britain under a Mandate granted to it by the League of Nations. Its mandate was to develop the area as a Jewish homeland. The eastern part of Palestine was truncated and illegally turned by Britain into the independent Arab kingdom of Transjordan. The rump segment of Palestine was reserved for the Jews. None of this was earmarked for creation of yet another Arab state. The bulk of land within the Palestinian Mandate was state-owned land, governed by the British Mandatory government. It had also been state-owned land previously under the Ottoman imperial government, before Britain liberated “Palestine” from the Turks. [Before World War I, land in Palestine was owned by the Ottoman state and a feudalistic class of absentee landlords. The few “Palestinian” Arabs who lived in the country at the time seldom owned any land. They farmed it as sharecroppers.]
    Israel Draiman

  15. No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel -
    David Ben Gurion
    (David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State’s main founder).
    “No Jew is entitled to give up the right of establishing [i.e. settling] the Jewish Nation in all of the Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such power. Not even all the Jews alive today [i.e. the entire Jewish People] have the power to cede any part of the country or homeland whatsoever. This is a right vouchsafed or reserved for the Jewish Nation throughout all generations. This right cannot be lost or expropriated under any condition or circumstance. Even if at some particular time, there are those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have no power nor competence to deprive coming generations of this right. The Jewish nation is neither bound nor governed by such a waiver or renunciation. Our right to the whole of this country is valid, in force and endures forever. And until the Final Redemption has come, we will not budge from this historic right.”
    at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress at Zurich (1937)
    “No country in the world exists today by virtue of its ‘right’.
    All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction.”

  16. Iran the destabilizing factor in the Middle East and beyond..
    Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and seeks one of the world’s most terrifying weapons: a nuclear bomb.
    Israel's PM speech in Congress today just reinforced our resolve to stop Iran's Nuclear development at all costs. The alternative could bring the world to a nuclear Holocaust.
    Iran also has developed the largest ballistic missile force in the Middle East, which poses a growing threat to U.S. bases, U.S. allies, and numerous other countries in the region.
    The rogue regimes in Iran pose some of the most dangerous threats to U.S. national security interests. Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and is rapidly expanding its nuclear program and ballistic missile force plus other offensive weapons and methods of terror. Regrettably, the Obama Administration has failed to formulate effective policies to address the challenges posed by the rising power of Iran and its unpredictable regime.
    Iran has been hostile to the United States since 1979, when a revolution brought to power a cadre of anti-Western Shia Islamist revolutionaries who dubbed the United States the “Great Satan.” Iran has tried to export its Islamist revolution violently to Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Bahrain, Afghanistan, Gaza and Saudi Arabia by supporting Shia radical Islamists in each of these countries. Tehran helped to create the Hezbollah terrorist group in Lebanon and has supported a wide variety of terrorist and revolutionary groups throughout the Middle East. It became the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism to advance its foreign policy goals and punish its enemies.

  17. In recent years, Iran’s hostile regime has been one of the chief beneficiaries of the political turmoil that convulsed the Middle East during the “Arab Spring,” which distracted the United States and other countries from the ongoing standoff over Iran’s nuclear program. The dramatic events diverted international attention from Tehran’s stubborn defiance of four rounds of U.N. Security Council sanctions resolutions on the nuclear issue. The political upheaval in the Arab world also has toppled a government in Egypt, and recreated a new government headed by Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Iran undermined governments in Jordan, Bahrain, and elsewhere, that firmly opposed Iran. Although Bashar al-Assad’s pro-Iranian regime in Syria also has been weakened, strong support from Iran appears for the moment to have evened the balance of power in Syria’s civil war fueled by Assad.
    Some of the consequences has been the growth of ISIS and its goal for a Caliphate Dominion. The horrific pictures of beheadings and atrocities that defy human comprehension, only awaken our resolve to stop terror and violence before it engulfs the whole world and threaten our own survival.
    In retrospect, how would the U.S. react if Iran was a neighbor of the U.S. with its nuclear development and a threat to the U.S. and its allies.
    U.S must force the halt of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Washington must do a better job of enforcing its red line against an Iranian nuclear weapon than it did in enforcing the Obama Administration’s ill-considered red line against Syrian chemical weapons. Tehran must be forced by additional sanctions to comply with its non-proliferation obligations. The U.S. must demonstrate the willingness and capacity to defend its vital interests in the region. The U.S. should not agree to lift or ease anymore sanctions until Iran has taken concrete and irreversible actions to stop uranium enrichment, ship medium-enriched uranium stocks out of the country, close the uranium enrichment facility at Fordow, and halt work on the heavy water reactor at Arak and other location in Iran or its accomplices.
    Imagine Iran with nuclear capability and some terrorists getting a hold off a backpack with a nuclear device or dirty bomb and detonating it in the middle of Times Square in New York or any other congested area with hundreds of thousands in casualties. Do you think the American people will tolerate such a potential threat.
    I think 9-11 has shown to the American people that threats and weapons of mass destruction in the possession of terrorists is a national threat to America and the rest of the free world.
    It is time for the free world to take the gloves off and treat the threat with utmost force and cleanse the terrorists and its sponsors from existence.
    YJ Draiman.

  18. British forces responded to the presence of terrorists in the Arab village of Miar, north of Haifa, by blowing up house after house in October 1938. ?When the troops left, there was little else remaining of the once busy village.
    Demolishing the homes of Arab civilians?? ?Shooting handcuffed prisoners?? ?Forcing local Arabs to test areas where mines may have been planted?? These sound like the sort of accusations made by British and other European officials concerning Israel's recent actions in Jenin. In fact, they are descriptions from official British documents concerning the methods used by the British authorities to combat Palestinian Arab terrorism in Jenin and elsewhere in 1938.
    The documents were declassified by London in 1989. They provide details of the British Mandatory government's response to the assassination of a British district commissioner by a Palestinian Arab terrorist in Jenin in the summer of 1938. Even after the suspected assassin was captured (and then shot dead while allegedly trying to escape), the British authorities decided that ?a large portion of the town should be blown up? as punishment. On August 25 of that year, a British convoy brought 4,200 kilos of explosives to Jenin for that purpose. In the Jenin operation and on other occasions, local Arabs were forced to drive ?mine-sweeping taxis? ahead of British vehicles in areas where Palestinian Arab terrorists were believed to have planted mines, in order ?to reduce [British] land mine casualties.? The British authorities frequently used these and similar methods to combat Palestinian Arab terrorism in the late 1930s. British forces responded to the presence of terrorists in the Arab village of Miar, north of Haifa, by blowing up house after house in October 1938. ?When the troops left, there was little else remaining of the once busy village except a pile of mangled masonry,? theNew York Times reported. The declassified documents refer to an incident in Jaffa in which a handcuffed prisoner was shot by the British police.
    Under Emergency Regulation 19b, the British Mandate government could demolish any house located in a village where terrorists resided, even if that particular house had no direct connection to terrorist activity. Mandate official Hugh Foot later recalled: ?When we thought that a village was harbouring rebels, we'd go there and mark one of the large houses. Then, if an incident was traced to that village, we'd blow up the house we'd marked.? The High Commissioner for Palestine, Harold MacMichael, defended the practice: ?The provision is drastic, but the situation has demanded drastic powers.? MacMichael was furious over what he called the ?grossly exaggerated accusations? that England's critics were circulating concerning British anti-terror tactics in Palestine. Arab allegations that British soldiers gouged out the eyes of Arab prisoners were quoted prominently in the Nazi German press and elsewhere.
    The declassified documents also record discussions among officials of the Colonial Office concerning the anti-terror methods used in Palestine. Lord Dufferin remarked: ?British lives are being lost and I don't think that we, from the security of Whitehall, can protest squeamishly about measures taken by the men in the frontline.? Sir John Shuckburgh defended the tactics on the grounds that the British were confronted ?not with a chivalrous opponent playing the game according to the rules, but with gangsters and murderers.?
    There were many differences between British policy in the 1930s and Israeli policy today, but two stand out. The first is that the British, faced with a level of Palestinian Arab terrorism considerably less lethal than that which Israel faces today, nevertheless utilized anti-terror methods considerably harsher than those used by Israeli forces. The second is that when the situation became unbearable, the British could go home; the Israelis, by contrast, have no other place to go.

  19. Moral and ethical bankruptcy - YJ Draiman
    Moral and ethical bankruptcy
    Americans are finding a grotesque echo in the moral – ethical bankruptcy and worse of a substantial sector of American society.
    The "moral depravity" of "the Arabs" who kill innocent civilians. It is more than moral depravity. It is a culture that teaches, educates and breeds hate toward other societies that are not like them as they say "infidels".
    There is no way this situation should be handled with kid gloves – when a poison strikes your body, you remove it and destroy it completely, leaving no trace of such poison.
    History has shown that these types of atrocities and acts of barbarism have increased in the past half a century and getting worse by the day.
    With today's advancement in technology and telecommunications, the world has shrunk, events on the other side of the world affect everybody (like the Japanese Nuclear reactor fallout, ISIS barbaric acts, etc.) it affects our health our economy, brings fear and uncertainty to our lives.
    The financial crisis we are facing today is the price we pay for years of neglect and government abuse of power.
    Is today's society heading toward annihilation, you be the judge?
    YJ Draiman
    P.S. The Qur'an 17:104 - states the land belongs to the Jewish people

  20. No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel -
    David Ben Gurion
    (David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State's main founder).
    "No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel.
    No Jew has the authority to do so.
    No Jewish body has the authority to do so.
    Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel.
    It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under
    no conditions can be cancelled.
    Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations.
    No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country - the entire country - exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized."
    (David Ben Gurion, Zionist Congress, Basel, Switzerland, 1937.)
    "No country in the world exists today by virtue of its 'right'.
    All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction."
    “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope”
    The world at large must compare how Israel uplifted and resettled the dispossessed Million JEWISH REFUGEES FROM ARAB COUNTRIES who the Arab countries confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real Estate totaling 120,000 sq. km. - 46,000 sq. miles which is more than 5-6 times the size of Israel valued in the trillions of dollars with 67 years of Arab manipulation of a much lower number of Arab refugees. Mahmoud Abbas' stance on refugees makes a mockery of a two state solution, which will never happen. It denies the rights of the million Jewish refugees from the Arab countries. It sidesteps Arab culpability for starting the wars that led to BOTH refugee issues. And it runs counter to the way every other population exchange has been resolved. They have to consider relocating to Jordan and or to the homes and lands the Arabs confiscated from the expelled Jewish people. The Arabs have 21 States where they must resettle the Arab refugees , Israel has only one small one.
    "No country in the world exists today by virtue of its 'right'.
    All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction."
    Israel needs to deal with another Arab-Palestinian leader who truly wants peace and coexistence. The Arabs must start by teaching their children that hate and violence will not be tolerated. Only than is there a chance of coexistence.
    YJ Draiman.

  21. A nuclear-armed Iran puts the whole world in danger.
    Nuclear-armed jihadi terrorists are the greatest threat our civilization may ever face.
    Bibi's address to a joint session of the US Congress this week 3.3.2015 was appropriate and necessary. There are some who have ears but they do not hear and eyes but could not see. Such people said and asserted that Bibi said "nothing new". There is an adage which says "a dog that is destined to get lost will not hear the hunter's whistle". Majority of Americans heard the whistle, loud and clear on Tuesday, when Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his speech about terrorist Iran's acquiring nuclear capabilities is a threat to the world at large.
    We must learn to face reality and not delude ourselves to wishful thinking.
    Iran the destabilizing factor in the Middle East and beyond..
    The PM stated the greatest dangers facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons.”
    A nuclear-armed Iran puts the whole world in danger.
    Nuclear-armed jihadi terrorists are the greatest threat our civilization may ever face.
    Radical Islam is not just a threat to American and Israel. It is a threat to Western Civilization everywhere. Unless the West wakes up now before it’s too late and stops this evil.
    Do you want prevent nuclear terror? Do you care about you children and your family's future? Vote for nuclear free Iran.
    A terrorist state must not be permitted to possess nuclear capability.
    When Israel takes defensive action for its survival. Israel would rather be condemned for its actions as a live Israel than eulogized as a dead Israel.
    YJ Draiman

  22. Bibi's address to a joint session of the US Congress this week 3.3.2015 was appropriate and necessary. There are some who have ears but they do not hear and eyes but could not see. Such people said and asserted that Bibi said "nothing new". There is an adage which says "a dog that is destined to get lost will not hear the hunter's whistle". Majority of Americans heard the whistle, loud and clear on Tuesday, when Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his speech about terrorist Iran's acquiring nuclear capabilities is a threat to the world at large.
    We must learn to face reality and no delude ourselves to wishful thinking.
    Iran the destabilizing factor in the Middle East and beyond..
    YJ Draiman

  23. Israel - In order to consider a new negotiations with the Arab-Palestinians.
    First thing, let us see the Arab Palestinians stop teaching their children and the masses to commit terror and violence. Stop rewarding terrorists, stop funding terrorists families, stop naming streets after terrorists. Declare and practice that terror and violence is unacceptable. We need to see a change in attitude towards terror and a true and honest pursuit of peace and coexistence.
    You can accomplish more with honey than with vinegar.
    If that is not possible than there will never be peace.
    A true peace will be a blessing and an economic prosperity to all concerned.
    YJ Draiman

  24. Terror in the nuclear age
    “Let me explain to you what we – all of us -are up against. Classic warfare is fundamentally a contest of wills fought to impose so much stress on the enemy that he loses the will to fight. A war of terror has the same intent, but with a singularly insidious twist: the enemy can be anybody, anywhere. He is without uniform or identification. His targets are random. His weapon is fear. He knows no constraints. He comes in all guises, often in the dress of his victims. He seeks to shatter nerves and break morale by flaunting the impotence of the authorities to protect their people. He uses his own women and children as his shield. He seeks to goad the defender into ever-harsher counter measures so as to stoke the general hate. He goes all-out to sow despair and to brutalize the agitated hearts of the other side. And in so doing, he strives to corrupt the defender’s military professionalism and discipline through combat stress, demoralization, fatigue, boredom and overkill, the very things we have been talking about. Well” – this in a final arpeggio – “no enemy is going to brutalize our hearts, nor corrupt our military professionalism and discipline.
    Do you want prevent nuclear terror? Vote for nuclear free Iran.
    A terrorist state must not be permitted to possess nuclear capability.

  25. Media accuracy and unbiased reporting must be enforced
    It seems the Media cannot regulate itself to present a true and honest reporting.
    Responsible and honest reporting has been replaced with ambiguous confusing and illusory news reports, with no regard to the consequences. Facts and sources are not properly verified and an inaccurate unsubstantiated news story gets released to the public, that may cause substantial harm.
    What has happened to ethics in Journalism? Has Social Media added a new dimension to honest reporting? Can we overcome distorted Social Media for accuracy? How can we verify instant Social Media images from being photo-shopped? Can we impose responsible Social Media without affecting the freedom of speech?
    Whether we like it or not, the masses are influenced by the Media, could you imagine how children and young adults absorb the Media hype, regardless weather it is truth or illusion. The damage is long term and may not be reversible. Children are very impressionable, they think what they see on TV emulate real life, which we know is distorted and make believe, they carry these illusions as reality which affects their future adversely.
    The Media reporting must be neutral, unbiased, balanced, objective and impartial. Violators should be subject to fines and criminal charges if people suffer due to intentional distortion of reports or intentionally slanted to deceive or promote favoritism that escalates into violence and or cause harm and or financial loss.
    When a Media outlet intentionally distorts and misinforms the news and events, it should forfeit the right to free speech and free press and face the music.
    In the past decades Media outlets have expanded the creation of sensationalism to promote readership and revenues. These types of reports many times intentionally distorts the facts and true dimension of the report. Thus creating more dissention and crisis that leads to violence and death.
    It seems that the Media today has no emotion, no compassion. Much of the news is choreographed for the sake of sensationalism and rating. Which comes down to dollars and financial gain. Society today is so hungry for money, power, instant gratification and glamour.
    Is there a chance of going back to honor, honesty, integrity and fighting for truth and justice the old American way. Overcoming false showmanship and artificial presentation. Broadcasting truth and reality, thereby regaining public trust in the Media?
    This very same rebuke and standards must be applied to our elected government officials.
    A change for the better must be initiated and it must start at the top.
    YJ Draiman
    P.S. “The biases the media has are much bigger than conservative or liberal. They’re about getting ratings, about making money, about doing stories that are easy to cover and keeping us in a uproar.”

  26. For thousands of years the land of Israel lay in ruin. Undeveloped, no industry, sheep farmers, no oil, etc.
    In 1948 when Jews were reinstated, not transplanted as some ignorant person referred to them, the land began to blossom. Only with coming wealth did the land of Israel become more and more of interest to the Arabs who suffer from chronic infighting, economic mismanagement and growth in personal wealth at the top by ensuring the world has ample greenhouse gases. For those illiterates who dot know, it is a historical fact that the Jews were expelled from the land of Israel by, among others, the Romans, your Christian predecessors. Anyone who disputes this is blind or chooses to be blind. So for all of you that dislike and bias against the Jews and Israelis for whatever reason, whether you call it anti-Semitic, ignorant or whatever, the land belongs to Jews and it is the so called Arab-Palestinians who have a claim to it that is based not in fact but in false history and journalism. With all their resources, with all their history, with all their financial power and wealth, the Arab nations have individually (except in the case of a few Gulf states) shown themselves time and again as being incapable of governing themselves without wars, massacres, infighting, suicide bombing themselves and blaming everyone else for their problems. Thus, now these Religious Zealots in Iran will control the nuclear switch and who will they point it at? Has one leader pointed a wagging finger at Iran, Hizbullah, Fatah and Hamas’ constant barrage of existential threats not just towards Israel but Jews anywhere and infidels. They have stated publicly that Jews anywhere are military targets of these devil re-incarnates wherever they are. Regardless of their so called reasons and justifications they threaten to annihilate Jews anywhere (Europe, India, Argentina, South America, Russia). Tourists, kids, babies. You godless false writers have the nerve to gloss over those events and not even wave your fingers at the perpetrators. You ignore the beheading by ISIS. So if that’s not Jew hating bold faced anti-Semitism then I am not sure what is. So I hope you can some how find it in your warped brains polluted with hatred and delusion, that for all of you mourn for the Arab-Palestinians that perhaps you take a moment to consider the hypocrisy and absurdity of your positions. You cannot mask the hatred. You cannot hid your evil. You cannot ignore the terror and violence. You cannot ignore the subjugation of the masses and the brainwashing of their children with hate and violence as a means to an end.

  27. Mahmoud Abbas is proud of his role in the Munich Massacre.
    Mahmoud Abbas is proud of his role in the Munich Massacre.
    Palestinian President Abbas: Paymaster of 1972 Munich Massacre Terrorists
    Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas financed the Abu Daoud/Black September terror call to murder 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972. Read the reports, then decide.
    What a delusion and irony - Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen the murdering terrorist of innocent civilians and creator of fiction and delusion.
    Arab-Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas financed the Abu Daoud/Black September terror cell to murder 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972. He has a warrant for his arrest in Germany and a murder conviction in Italy with life in prison for the hijacking a cruise ship and killing an wheel-bound elderly man. . Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen the head of the Arab-Palestinian Authority is also the master mind of the Achille Lauro hijacking, on 11 October 1985 they thru a wheelchair bound Jew in to the ocean to die. There is a reward on his head by the United States and Germany. This is the person you want to make peace with - how delusional can people be.
    Former PLO official Muhammad Daoud Oddeh published in France in 1999, Abu Mazen was involved in the hostage takeover at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, which led to the death of 11 Israeli athletes.
    Oddeh, known as Abu Daoud, wrote that he was the mastermind of Munich, which was carried out by the so-called Black September organization. He recalled that the plan was concocted in Rome at a meeting he held with senior PLO official Salah Khalaf, better known as Abu Iyad, and another colleague. Soon after, Abu Daoud began planning the operation. The only people he dealt with on the matter were Abu Iyad and Abu Mazen, who, Abu Iyad said, was to secure the funding.
    It was the "real" Black September, set up by Abu Iyad, Abu Daoud, and Abu Mazen as a tributary to Fatah, that was responsible for Munich.
    YJ Draiman.

  28. The more you bad mouth the opposition, the more you show that you have nothing to offer as a candidate. A negative campaign is counterproductive.
    A good candidate will promote his agenda to create a safe and secure Israel with overall economic growth that affects most Israelis, good medical and social programs. Provide a program to heal the divisiveness and promote unity. Show and practice honesty and integrity, promote Ethics, Accountability and Transparency.
    Better education and mandatory education on a thorough Jewish History.
    YJ Draiman.

  29. As a Christian with no Jewish or Arab heritage l can look at this problem of a two state solution from a different perspective. First Abbas wants the Jews to leave his area of Dominion - state and then have a right of return to Israel. With these demands the State of Israel as a Jewish State would cease to exist. Also is it not Apartheid when you kick out one people out of your area, with these demands l can see that Abbas wants no peace with Israel. l am aware of the Koran where it states once a land is Islamic it always must be Islamic etc. With over a million Jews who lived in the Arab countries, being evicted from Middle East Arab countries and now Christians are forced to leave the Middle East countries due to attacks by Islamic terrorists, there is no chance for peace till the Muslims become more compromising and fully accept real human rights for all with no acceptions, and without forcing Sharia Laws, including women and non-Muslims.
    Israel is less than two percent of the middle east, why is there no room for this tiny Jewish state. I do think that because Israel has become modern sort of flower in the desert against all odds, the failed and autocratic Islamic States need to blame the Jews, the U.S, and the West for their miseries. Good luck.
    Written by an acquaintance.

  30. Obama caused the evaporation of America's credibility and stature in the world.
    Barack Obama is willing to sacrifice the America's integrity and reliability in order to come to an absurd agreement with Iran, which would jeopardize the whole free world.
    The Iranians know Obama has no backbone and they are taking advantage of it. During the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis, Iran took advantage of Jimmy Carter's weakness and kept the hostages for 444 days, but within hours of President Ronald Reagan swearing-in, Iran released the hostages. The Iranians knew President Reagan would use extreme force to release the American hostages. The Iranians did not want to start with the Reagan administration. Dealing from strength is the way to win arguments and conflicts and not cowering to the Iranians or any other leaders or country that want to take America to the task and test America's resolve.
    It is as if Obama wanted the Iraq war to fail intentionally so that he would not face a citizenry with the staying power to pursue its international responsibilities. Thus, he would be free to transform America without distraction.
    How can a nation be credible when it is led by a man who fears his base more than he fears the rising domination of a nuclear Iran being armed by a Russian thug on the ascent? After six years in office, Barack Obama has no idea what he is doing or how to fulfill his responsibilities as leader of the free world. He does know how to run from confrontation as quickly as he can find the door, irrespective of what becomes of our national security or our relationship with our allies. And he has succeeded in destroying our credibility on the world stage.
    As the 9/11 tragedy with its horrific pictures, it is not just the memories of that fateful day and the loss of 3,000 Americans that come rushing back. It is the feeling of dread that the Democrats who are running the foreign policy show are taking us back to those pre-9/11 days, when the terrorists were left unchecked and emboldened. And that will be Obama's legacy -- not the legacy of what Iraq could have been, but of what it turned into once Obama entered office. This legacy has nothing whatsoever to do with diplomacy versus military strength and a war-weary country. It has everything in the world to do with the evaporation of our nation's credibility and stature in the world.

  31. The menacing phenomenon of the Israeli left-winger, whose daily betrayals embitter the lives of us all. If left unchallenged, he will literally bring us all down together. As it was then, it is more so today.
    The Israeli Left remains the single greatest threat to the Jewish people in their homeland. It can be argued that their actions, inactions, their spin and media manipulation, have caused more damage to Israel than those of the PLO and Hamas. It must be remembered that it was the Left that imported these terrorists to our shores through the treacherous Oslo Accords. Their goals, couched in the falsely deluding language of peace and liberalism, are inimical to those very ideals. In fact, their true path lies in the destruction of a sovereign Jewish state in the Land of Israel. It is imperative that we understand the left-wing phenomenon we face in order to decelerate the forces pushing Israel to self-destruct.
    The Left, which today calls itself post-Zionist, is in fact pre-Zionist, their psychosis having its roots in centuries of ghettoised ideas and an exile-like mentality. For the Left, the irrational hatred of the Arabs or their anti-Semitic friends in Europe is justified. Leftists tell themselves that it is not that Israel is the victim of Islamic fascism, rather, the Arabs are the aggrieved party; if only we bribe them or scapegoat our brothers in Judea, Samaria and the Borders with Hamas Gaza, then all will be alright. This world-view is similar to the pre-Zionist thinking that murderous Cossacks or Polish mobs could be bought off, and that if only we appease them a little, then we can avert another pogrom. The leftist subconscious believes that the centuries of anti-Semitism are not based on jealousy, on religious fervour, on scape-goating of a stateless minority, but rather have some justification. They see the Jewish people as to blame for being the victims of such racist assaults.

  32. What is the policy Israel's government is ready to implement in the event war breaks out?
    Will Israel now forewarn the world, in no uncertain terms, that finding itself surrounded as it is with deadly enemies on all sides — despite all its concessions and proven willingness to secure peaceful coexistence — that if these enemies nevertheless, in their folly and hatred, should again attack Israel and cause thousands of civilian casualties, Israel will annex all territories she already has and those she will acquire as a result of this aggression against her state and people?
    If the international community is opposed to such a dire outcome, Israel should serve the following notice: Tell the Arab nations now to desist from attacking us again or face the consequences of the war you initiate.
    As Israel's outgoing chief of Military Intelligence just warned, the next war will unquestionably be more serious and bloody than all that have gone before. None of the thousands of Israeli civilian and military casualties will be able to be retrieved.
    Israel's government should therefore, in preparation for this conflict, and in a serious bid to avert it, confront the whole world — including its hate-driven foes — with the dire consequences and outcome of this war. There will not be no more negotiations for false and unworthy peace agreements. Israel will make clear and announce now that, like the Allied forces in the last world war, Israel will this time fight until victory, and not until another ceasefire and endless negotiations. And the Jewish state will then, much as the Allied command did after its victory over the Nazis, dictate Israel's own conditions of peace.

  33. To the victor, Israel goes the spoils, Jewish liberated land - The concessions must come from the defeated Arabs who initiated the war
    Oh! if only the Israeli leaders would listen to your voice, the voice of reason and common sense! But NO! They still consider making concessions to their enemies. They still seem to think that they must make efforts to get them to the so-called "negotiations" table, when there is nothing to negotiate. For the Arabs have only one main idea in their heads, namely, "How quickly can we destroy the "Zionist entity" Israel, and thus be able to slaughter the Jews!"
    There can be no negotiations with such people, especially when they make it quite clear that a so-called "2 State Solution" is only the first step towards a "One State Solution", a state that will be run under Islamic Sharia Law, with not a living Jew inside its borders. For they will be either slaughtered or "driven into the sea".
    But NO! Israel's leaders are still deluding themselves, stuck with "negotiations"; and the Israeli Army commanders are still mind-fixed that we must not harm their civilians — those civilians (are educated and promoted to commit terror and violence against the Israeli people) who are only too bloodthirsty to spill the blood of as many Jews as they can. "We must not harm their civilians even if it endangers our own soldiers' lives" is their clarion call!
    The world would not come to Israel's aid, had Israel been defeated by the Arabs. (Just like the Holocaust 6 million Jews that were exterminated) and no one to help.
    They should learn from Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt that Total War means Total War for both sides!. Those two great men had no qualms about bombing German cities, even Dresden (which was turned into rubble), and Winston Churchill (who reneged on the promise to the Jewish people), probably the greatest man of the 20th century (by American standards) is reported as having said during the War "The only good German is a dead one". And only after the War was won and the Nazi menace was destroyed did he talk of "Magnanimity in Victory." And that was after the two Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan, leveling the cities and killing innumerable civilians.
    YJ Draiman

  34. The left in Israel is responsible for the current state of hostilities between the Arabs and Israel and the lack of safety and security for the people of Israel..
    If you want to destroy Israel, vote for the delusional leftist candidates.
    If you want to sustain Israel and have a future for Israel you must vote for a government that lives in reality and not delusional fantasies that the Arab want peace.
    Netanyahu is the only viable candidate, weather people like to admit it or not. Anyone else is detrimental to the existence of Israel.
    Weather Jews worldwide like to admit it or not; Israel is a defender of Israelis and Jews worldwide. When Jews on Air-France flight were high-jacked to Entebbe, who rescued them, the Israelis military. During this rescue Bibi Netanyahu brother was killed. Bibi's father was instrumental in working with the U.S. government in 1947-48 to help re-establish the Jewish State of Israel.
    YJ Draiman

  35. Wake-up world to the real Muslim mission.
    Israel has no choice but to continue to fight for its survival with a unified people and a unified nation.
    I have long said, this is not about land, but extermination of a nation, religion and culture which is not accepted by another. I have actually asked the question, what if there was no 'holy land'. Say a natural disaster, dissolving the place into nothing, but not the people. Would the Arabs still fight? Well, the answer was chilling and emphatic, it saddened me greatly. The answer was over and over, "we have the right to kill all non believers". I have read and re-read everything, from both sides, also, many non-biased writings.
    I have come to the conclusion that Israel must protect herself in every way possible or face genocide. The Arab countries have expelled over a million Jewish people, confiscated all their assets, businesses, homes and land totaling over 120,000 sq. km. - 46,000 sq. miles (which is 5-6 times the size of Israel) and valued in the trillions of dollars.
    Those in power in the Arab-Palestinian leadership have rejected again and again any and all attempts to recognize Israel's right to exist. They continue to teach their children and the masses hate and violence.
    Don't start with who was there first, even-though in actuality there has never been in history an Arab-Palestinian Nation, but there has been a Jewish Nation homeland in Palestine-Israel for the past 4,000 plus years, although sometimes occupied by various empires. Israel has won and liberated their ancestral land in a defensive war, it is known that possession is nine tenths of the law. Israel is the rightful liberator and successor, having won and liberated its ancestral homeland in war, numerous times. Sadly, it will continue, because when one Arab culture wants another's elimination, there is no talking.
    I hope Israel does not concede to any of the Arab demands, or give up any more land, because they will only make themselves more vulnerable and endanger the safety and security of its citizens. Israel must not capitulate to world pressure. Israel's foremost duty and obligation is the safety and security of its citizens at all costs. Any responsible democratic country will do no less. Israel as a responsible democratic country must do the same. The end result will be that the world at large will respect a country that defends its people from harm and terrorism at all cost.
    The Muslim mission in the world is not only Israel but the rest of the infidel non-believers. Might I remind you, on 911, there was Arab terrorists who wished our extermination, right here in America. This will continue until education and humanity replaces a hatred, for no other reason, than to not accept that you exist.
    The Muslims have killed over 200 million people since its inception 1500 years ago, and they will continue to kill anyone who they consider is an infidel. They have colonized the Middle East over the years. Slowly but surely they are taking over Europe, and if we are not careful they will take over the United States and other countries.
    YJ Draiman

  36. Weather Jews worldwide like to admit it or not; Israel is a defender of Israelis and Jews worldwide. When Jews on Air-France flight were high-jacked to Entebbe, who rescued them, the Israelis military. During this rescue Bibi Netanyahu brother was killed. Bibi's father was instrumental in working with the U.S. government in 1947-48 to help re-establish the Jewish State of Israel.
    I am not in the Israeli government. But I think, Israel should have taken action against Iran years ago.
    The longer they wait the harder it gets,
    Menachem Begin as PM made the decision to bomb the nuclear dev. in Iraq. It was the right decision under tough circumstances.
    The world most times will not agree with Israel's defensive actions. It seems as time passes they realize that Israel saved their butts.
    As history shows. The Jews and Israel have always been criticized, no matter what.
    You might as well do the right thing and defend Israel and its people. Dam the world opinion.
    The world did nothing when 6 million Jews were exterminated during WW2 and they did nothing when the Arab countries expelled a million Jewish people and confiscated all their assets.
    There is a famous Jewish saying "If I am not for myself who is for me".
    YJ Draiman

  37. China fights terrorism and destroys them with impunity, but when it comes to their economic interests they overlook countries that support terrorism. But let’s be honest, so do other so-called anti-terror countries. Russia fights against Islamic terror in Chechnya but justifies it in Iran and Syria when its economic interests are at stake. The United States has consistently treated Saudi Arabia with a policy that can only be described as grossly hypocritical. As long as the kingdom that spawns Wahabi terror and breeds oppression and intolerance keeps oil and investment flowing, our criticisms are muted and decorous.

  38. Jewish terror will decrease or stop when Israel fights Arab terror with full force no holds barred and ignoring world pressure. We have to defend Israel against all enemies, internally and externally.
    If I am not for me (Israel) who is. The world has proven in past history that they stood idle while over 6 million Jews were exterminated in Nazi concentration camps (The british in Palestine-Israel sent back Holocaust escapees-refugees to German concentration camps and went as far as blowing up Jewish Holocaust refugee ships bound for Israel under "Operation Embarrass") and while Arab countries persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets valued in the trillions of dollars, Majority of the Jewish families expelled from Arab countries are living in Israel and their population consists over half the population in Israel today and growing. To date concessions and appeasement has decreased the safety and security of Israel's population. It is time to change direction.

  39. As long as Israel capitulates to Arab demands and world pressure, instead of defending its citizens at all costs, no matter what, extrimism will increase.
    It is time to stop all the infughting and backstabing.
    Jewish survival is at stake.
    You must learn to respect each other even if you do not agree with their opinion.
    "A unified Israel is a strong Israel"
    The 1920 San Remo Conference
    On the question of boundaries, (French diplomat) Philippe Berthelot outlined the French position for the northern, eastern and southern frontiers of Syria. As regards Palestine, he said her frontiers would conform to the definition advocated by (British Prime Minister) Lloyd George, who favoured the ancient boundaries of Dan and Beersheba, as previously discussed at the first London Conference of February 1920. This Biblical formula was based on the historical connection of the Jewish People with the entire Land of Israel and was not to be construed literally from Dan to Beersheba, but rather referred in effect to those areas of the Promise Land that had been conquered, settled and ruled by the Twelve Tribes of Israel and their descendants, in both the First and Second Temple periods.1.
    …In his remarks, Lloyd George recalled that former French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, when he was in London on December 1, 1918, had agreed to his suggestion that the limits of Palestine should be fixed by the ancient towns of Dan and Beersheba…Lloyd George relied on a book written by the Scottish Biblical scholar Rev. George Adam Smith, which he regarded as the ablest book on Palestine ever written..2.

  40. Today over half the population in Israel are: The majority of the million Jewish families expelled from Arab countries, while many of these Jewish families go back to 70 AD and beyond, those are the Jews who were forced to leave Israel after the Destruction of the Jewish Temples in Jerusalem. During the years of Diaspora in the Arab countries, they were persecuted, molested, raped and beheaded. In the past 70 years the Arab states expelled them and confiscated all their assets, businesses, homes and 120,440 sq. km. of real estate property which is valued in the trillions of dollars and is 6 times the size of Israel.
    Stop obfuscating history and face factual reality of what transpired.
    Text of Law drafted by Political Committee of Arab League
    1. Beginning with November 28, 1947, all Jewish citizens of (Name of Arab Country) will be considered as members of the Jewish minority State of Palestine and will have to register with the authorities of the region wherein they reside, giving their names, the exact number of members in their families, their addresses, the names of their banks and the amounts of their deposits in these banks. This formality is to be accomplished within seven days.
    2. Beginning with (November 28, 1947), bank accounts of Jews will be frozen. These funds will be utilized in part or in full to finance the movement of resistance to Zionist ambitions in Palestine.
    3. Beginning with (November 28, 1947), only Jews who are subjects of foreign countries will be considered as “neutrals”. These will be compelled either to return to their countries, with a minimum of delay, or be considered as Arabs and obliged to accept active service with the Arab army.
    4. Jews who accept active service in Arab armies or place themselves at the disposal of those armies, will be considered as “Arabs”.
    5. Every Jew whose activities reveal that he is an active Zionist will be considered as a political prisoner and will be interned in places specifically designated for that purpose by police authorities or by the Government. His financial resources, instead of being frozen, will be confiscated.
    6. Any Jew who will be able to prove that his activities are anti-Zionist will be free to act as he likes, provided that he declares his readiness to join the Arab armies.
    7. The foregoing (para.6) does not mean that those Jews will not be submitted to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this law.

  41. During WWII the British as trustee for the Jewish people in the Mandate for Palestine, violated the International treaty by restricting Jewish immigration and turned back Jewish refugee ships who were escaping from German extermination camps, thereby sending many Jews back to be exterminated. The British went as far as blowing-up Jewish refugee ships destined for Palestine-Israel under "Operation Embarrass".
    In essence, when Israel entered and liberated the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Jerusalem in 1967 it did not occupy territory to which any other party had title. While Jerusalem and the West Bank, (Judea and Samaria), were illegally occupied by Jordan in 1948 they remained in effect part of the Jewish National Home that had been created at 1920 San Remo and confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, thus, in the 1967 6-Day War Israel, in effect, recovered and liberated territory that legally belonged to Israel. To quote Judge Schwebel, a former President of the ICJ (International Court of Justice), “As between Israel, acting defensively in 1948 and 1967, on the one hand, and her Arab neighbors, acting aggressively, in 1948 and 1967, on the other, Israel has the better absolute title in the territory of what was Palestine, including the whole of Jerusalem. Any resolutions past by the U.N. are only a recommendation and cannot supersede international treaties.
    The Arabs have Jordan, which was Jewish territory. The Arabs persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families from their countries and confiscated all their assets, businesses, homes and Real estate property 5-6 times the size of Israel - 120,440 sq. km. and valued in the trillions of dollars. Most of the expelled Jewish families from Arab countries were resettled in Israel, today over half the population in Israel are the families of the million Jewish families expelled from Arab countries. Let the Arab-Palestinians relocate to those lands and solve the Arab Israel conflict and the Arab-Palestinian refugee problem.
    YJ Draiman

  42. Click here for the 1925 Temple Mount Guide. Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute
    One of the most disturbing end times propaganda being promoted today is the absurd notion that the Jews never had a presence on the famous Temple Mount area in Jerusalem. Anyone who is knowledgeable about history and aware of the recent archaeological discoveries on the Temple Mount area over the years knows that the propaganda being perpetuated by the Islamics, United Nations, and other ungodly organizations is simply a political ploy to deny the Jews their historical capital of Jerusalem and the sacred Temple Mount area. The Temple Mount area is the holiest place in Judaism and the remnants of the Second Temple area visible in the form of the "Wailing Wall" where religious Jews flock from around the world in order to pray near the site of the First and Second Temples. Some of the outstanding quotes from the official Temple Mount Guide are as follows:
    “The site is one of the oldest in the world. Its sanctity dates from the earliest times. Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings” (2 Samuel 24:25).
    Rather than the rules allowing non-Muslims to ascend the Mount being from 2006, as was cited in Wikipedia, the rules have remain unchanged since 1924, as can be seen in an online copy of “A Brief Guide to Al-Haram Al-Sharif,” published by the Supreme Moslem Council in Jerusalem, in 1924, with this copy from 1925.
    A link to the document can be found here:http://www.templeinstitute.org/1925-wakf-temple-mount....
    In recent years, Jordan quietly has been purchasing real estate surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in hopes of gaining more control over the area accessing the holy site, according to Palestinian and Israeli officials speaking to The Media.
    The officials disclosed the Jordanian kingdom in 2006 and 2007 used shell companies to purchase several apartments and shops located at key peripheral sections of the Temple Mount. The shell companies at times presented themselves as acting on behalf of the Waqf custodians of the Temple Mount, according to in formation obtained.
    The officials said Jordan also set up a commission to use the shell companies to petition mostly Arab landowners adjacent to eastern sections of the Temple Mount to sell their properties. They said profits from sales at any purchased shops would be reinvested to buy more real estate near the Mount and in eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods.
    The report the PA is looking to purchase real estate near the Mount follows a Media exclusive article in January quoting informed sources stating the PA recently established an intelligence apparatus in Jerusalem to clamp down on Israeli Arabs selling property to Jews in strategic areas of the city.
    A contingent of Jewish groups, including an organization called Ateret Kohanim, work to strengthen the Jewish presence in Jerusalem by purchasing properties from Arabs, primarily in eastern neighborhoods, including in Jerusalem’s Old City.
    Some of the purchased properties were formerly Jewish until Jews fled during Arab riots in the early 1900s.

  43. The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism. The First Jewish Temple was built there by King Solomon in the 10th century B.C. It was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. The Second Temple was rebuilt in 515 B.C. after Jerusalem was freed from Babylonian captivity. That temple was destroyed by the Roman Empire in A.D. 70. Each temple stood for a period of about four centuries.
    The Jewish Temple was the center of religious Jewish worship. It housed the Holy of Holies, which contained the Ark of the Covenant and was said to be the area upon which God’s shechina or “presence” dwelt. All Jewish holidays centered on worship at the Temple. The Jewish Temple served as the primary location for the offering of sacrifices and was the main gathering place for the Jewish people.

  44. I tell the Arab-Palestinians. Go ahead try and take my/our Jewish land if you want to try!

    There are laws that will stop you and than there is me/us the IDF that will stop you! We are done being pushed around by anyone. We will fight back and defend ourselves; we will not let the Holocaust repeat itself - NEVER AGAIN.

    As it is now, Israel has the Jewish land by right!

    That is just the fact!

    I am also telling the rest of the world to mind its own business and stay out of Israel's internal affairs.
    They have their own problems to contend with.

    They were complicit during WWII when over 6 million Jews, men, women and children were exterminated. This will not happen again!

    There is a real status quo that requires energy to make the change!

    Are you going to put in the energy to try to change it???

    Maybe it is better to cut your losses and accept whatever generous package we the Israelis offer you the Arab-Palestinians, because quite frankly under the current conditions we do not owe the Arab-Palestinians anything and we can just unilaterally set our own legal borders insisting that viable land for real Arab-Palestinians self determination already exists in Jordan which is 80% of Jewish allocated land under the San Remo Treaty of 1920!
    The Arab-Palestinian can also relocate to the Jewish land previously owned by the million Jewish people who were expelled and their land confiscated by the Arab countries, the confiscated assets and land which are at least five times the size of Israel and is valued in the trillions of dollars.

    Israel has resettled the Jewish refugees from Arab lands. It is time that the Arab countries resettle the Arab-Palestinians refugees, in Jordan which was suppose to be part of the Jewish state, or the 120,000 sq. km. of land that
    the Arab countries confiscated from the Jews.

    The options we are proposing to the Arab-Palestinians is more than fair, considering you are constantly terrorizing and killing our people every chance you get. That is what you tech your Arab children and masses to do.

    It all depends on whether we can see the Arab-Palestinians
    as peaceful neighbors and there is nothing that they have ever done to date
    that can lead us to believe that they will be good peaceful neighbors!

    YJ Draiman

  45. I tell the Arab-Palestinians. Go ahead try and take my/our Jewish land if you want to try!

    There are laws that will stop you and than there is me/us the IDF that will stop you! We are done being pushed around by anyone. We will fight back and defend ourselves; we will not let the Holocaust repeat itself - NEVER AGAIN.

    As it is now, Israel has the Jewish land by right!

    That is just the fact!

    I am also telling the rest of the world to mind its own business and stay out of Israel's internal affairs.
    They have their own problems to contend with.

    They were complicit during WWII when over 6 million Jews, men, women and children were exterminated. This will not happen again!

    There is a real status quo that requires energy to make the change!

    Are you going to put in the energy to try to change it???

    Maybe it is better to cut your losses and accept whatever generous package we the Israelis offer you the Arab-Palestinians, because quite frankly under the current conditions we do not owe the Arab-Palestinians anything and we can just unilaterally set our own legal borders insisting that viable land for real Arab-Palestinians self determination already exists in Jordan which is 80% of Jewish allocated land under the San Remo Treaty of 1920!
    The Arab-Palestinian can also relocate to the Jewish land previously owned by the million Jewish people who were expelled and their land confiscated by the Arab countries, the confiscated assets and land which are at least five times the size of Israel and is valued in the trillions of dollars.

    Israel has resettled the Jewish refugees from Arab lands. It is time that the Arab countries resettle the Arab-Palestinians refugees, in Jordan which was suppose to be part of the Jewish state, or the 120,000 sq. km. of land that
    the Arab countries confiscated from the Jews.

    The options we are proposing to the Arab-Palestinians is more than fair, considering you are constantly terrorizing and killing our people every chance you get. That is what you tech your Arab children and masses to do.

    It all depends on whether we can see the Arab-Palestinians
    as peaceful neighbors and there is nothing that they have ever done to date
    that can lead us to believe that they will be good peaceful neighbors!

    YJ Draiman

  46. Mahmoud Abbas the convicted terrorist
    Abu Mazen. Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen). The leader of the Arab PA, was born in 1935. He was one of the founding members of the ‘Fattah’ and one of the senior-most members of the Arab/Palestinian front. Abbas is also the leader of the Arab Palestinian Authority. He is also the mastermind financier of the Munich Olympic massacre and the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro his men had killed the wheel chair bound Klinghoffer, they pushed him overboard. There is a criminal conviction against Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen) with life in prison; he is an escaped convict with multiple murders. (There was also a reward for his capture by the German and U.S. authorities).
    Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen has been a part of the Fattah leadership and has helped formulate and finance all of the terror tactics devised by this group and now exported to Islamic terror organizations around the world. These tactics include assassination, plane hijacking, car bombs, and homicide bombers, child soldiers used both in Lebanon and Israel, and hate education. Now, Israeli and Western movers and shakers have been inclined to sacrifice and overlook his 50-year terrorist track record on the altar of delusion and wishful thinking, which has sanctified Oslo and its offshoots (the Hebron and Wye Accords, the Road Map and the Disengagement Plan). A U.S. colloquialism states: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Abu Mazen aka Mahmoud Abbas and his colleagues have fooled Israel and the U.S. and others since 1993. Are Israel and the world going to be fooled once again? Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen declared at his U.N speech in the summer of 2015 that he will not abide by the Terms of the Oslo Accord; therefore, The Oslo Accord is null and void. Israel can now retake full control and sovereignty over Judea and Samaria aka The West Bank.
    Abbas incites and promotes terror and violence; he supports suicide bombers and educates the children to hate and violence. Abbas and his people are also stealing hundreds of millions of dollars designated to help the impoverished Arab/Palestinian masses.
    YJ Draiman

  47. Mahmoud Abbas the convicted terrorist
    Abu Mazen. Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen). The leader of the Arab PA, was born in 1935. He was one of the founding members of the ‘Fattah’ and one of the senior-most members of the Arab/Palestinian front. Abbas is also the leader of the Arab Palestinian Authority. He is also the mastermind financier of the Munich Olympic massacre and the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro his men had killed the wheel chair bound Klinghoffer, they pushed him overboard. There is a criminal conviction against Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen) with life in prison; he is an escaped convict with multiple murders. (There was also a reward for his capture by the German and U.S. authorities).
    Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen has been a part of the Fattah leadership and has helped formulate and finance all of the terror tactics devised by this group and now exported to Islamic terror organizations around the world. These tactics include assassination, plane hijacking, car bombs, and homicide bombers, child soldiers used both in Lebanon and Israel, and hate education. Now, Israeli and Western movers and shakers have been inclined to sacrifice and overlook his 50-year terrorist track record on the altar of delusion and wishful thinking, which has sanctified Oslo and its offshoots (the Hebron and Wye Accords, the Road Map and the Disengagement Plan). A U.S. colloquialism states: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Abu Mazen aka Mahmoud Abbas and his colleagues have fooled Israel and the U.S. and others since 1993. Are Israel and the world going to be fooled once again? Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen declared at his U.N speech in the summer of 2015 that he will not abide by the Terms of the Oslo Accord; therefore, The Oslo Accord is null and void. Israel can now retake full control and sovereignty over Judea and Samaria aka The West Bank.
    Abbas incites and promotes terror and violence; he supports suicide bombers and educates the children to hate and violence. Abbas and his people are also stealing hundreds of millions of dollars designated to help the impoverished Arab/Palestinian masses.
    YJ Draiman
